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Have You Lost Focus?

Author : Tara Deck
Matthew 5:14-16You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. (NIV)I constantly tell my 9 year old to FOCUS. He's a smart boy, but sometimes his head is so far into his dreams that he can't see reality. I have a tendency to try and recognize traits in my children that I possess and 'head in the clouds' is definitely one of them. Sometimes I focus so intently on the ultimate goal that I lose sight of all the little things that are necessary to accomplish it. On the flip side of this fault, some people focus so much on the little things that they can't even begin to comprehend the ultimate goal. Neither of these traits are really wrong, they are simply unbalanced and ineffective.I would almost guarantee that no matter who you are, you have more iron's in the fire than you can count. I can't really say there's anything wrong with that, but if you go to bed each night frustrated with what you were unable to accomplish, focus might be just what you need.Just an example of what focus can accomplish, let's examine the concept of light. Light by itself illuminates, which is a wonderful thing BUT light focused can cut steel. In each person there are lights within that we label as gifts. Most people have many different gifts, little lights that illuminate the air around them in various ways. When all the lights are on at the same time, the true power is diminished and eventually, some if not all of these lights burn out.Jesus was the most focused person that ever walked the earth. He had the wisdom of all the things that needed to be accomplished and yet he rushed nothing. How in the world did he not wake up every morning and say how am I going to do all that needs to be done today? He did it by focusing on the only thing that could accomplish what He alone could not, His Father, Our Father, God Almighty. Almost 2000 years later the impact that Jesus made still resounds across the nations. He was rejected, ridiculed, beaten and crucified and yet with His dying breath, his focus was still on God. That focused Light of the World will continue to cut steel long after we are gone.I pray that each of you evaluate all that you are doing and come to the core of what it is you want to accomplish. Analyze your gifts, refine them and dedicate them to the Glory of God. The Lord has a specific purpose for your life and you are perfect for the position He has created for you. Unless you truly focus on His Will, the world may lose the light you were intended to give.May God bless you as you discover the Light within.John 1:3-5Through Him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In Him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not overcome it. (NIV)© 2005 SecretAngels.OrgAll works submitted under this copyright may be
freely distributed to honor and glorify God.Secret Angels is a non-denominational, private foundation who's mission is to uplift all women. Through counseling, mentoring and resources this organization hopes to help women become the wives and mothers that this society is so greatly in need of. Their goal is to provide positive mentoring environments and support networks as well as offering many different types of resources and assistance to aid each individual overcome the burdens and strife of modern day life. Secret Angels believes that through their efforts, women will be better able to raise strong, responsible, self-supporting families and positively effect society with greater self-esteem, confidence and faith in God.
Keyword : spirituality, christianity, religion, religious, faith, self-esteem, spiritual gifts, women, woman

Are YOU Ready for Bonza Bottler Day?

Author : Maureen Killoran
BONZA BOTTLER DAY is any day when the date and the month have the same number. Bonza, I'm told, means "excellent" or "really great" in Australian, and there's some suggestion that "bottler" means the same.Bonza Bottler is a "just because" kind of holiday, started a decade or so ago by the late Elaine Fremont who believed the world needed more holidays. On BBD, we are called to let loose, just for the joy of it, and Ms Fremont's original wish was that we celebrate without alcohol or other artifical stimulants. Celebrate using just our natural ability to be joyous -- even in hard times, letting this part of ourselves play out . . . come out to play. Think of Snoopy, dancing madly to music maybe only he can hear. Think of Shrek and Princess Fiona, giggling and roughhousing as they walk through a field.Wicki, our Boston Terrier, is a great believer in "just because." She loves to wrestle with Dudney, our 12-year-od cat, and we, in turn, never tire of watching the two of them pouncing and leaping and rolling around. Dogs and cats are not supposed to play together -- their styles are too different, says Conventional Wisdom. But for nearly 4 years now, cat-dog play has been a regular and delightful aspect of our family life.If they can do it, why can't we? Play, that is. Just because. Take time out from the Tasks of Life, step aside from our accustomed ways of being, and Celebrate. Why? Just because. May you enjoy your own Bonza Bottler Day. This month. This week. Why not today?Maureen Killoran, MA, DMin, is a Life Coach with a passion for helping people connect their strengths with their vision. Maureen offers dynamic individual and group coaching, work team empowerment training, teleclasses, and a free monthly e-zine, "Seeds of Change." Her articles are published on over 89 websites, and have been translated into several languages. don't miss her latest e-book, "Spirit Tickling: A Workbook for Curious Souls"

Keyword : Personal growth, positive change, pets, creativity, fun, enjoyment, relaxation, coaching, play

I Don't Like This

Author : Sajjad Butt
You always do this wrong, how many times would I have to tell as to how to do the thing right, don't you understand to what I say, I am talking to you, are you listening to what I am saying. It would have been much better if I would have done that myself. Now go.Please don't take me wrong when you read that, cause this is the behavior I see prevailing from a human to other human.How did you feel if any of you started reading that as it was being said to you? I know you felt bad inside and this is natural. Why are we all going bitter? Why? Any specific reason for that? Well there could be million reasons to that with million situations, but still why?Do we hear to how we talk to other people? Do we? Do we hear ourselves loud enough when we are talking with someone in a harsh way, do we hear that, and do we switch shoes to feel that as well? Do we? I guess not? Else the face of Earth bearing humans would have been different than what it has become now, I think. I think.I am not merging words to words they are doing that on their own, its just feelings that are pouring out.Can't I talk politely to you? Do I have to holler everytime when I have to say something? Don't I feel how you would feel when I holler at you? I do feel bad when somebody does that to me and I say that he doesn't know how one should talk to others, but I won't see myself when I holler at others, Why? I think I am talking to myself again, loud.We are all just human beings, made of dirt, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, that is our fate, but why we don't live and let live, why? These question do really bug me as I explore and am unable to find answers, but I know they are scattered all around, its just we need to see, to bring in a change in ourselves, I believe that its all out there and we just have to see, I believe that.Its not too late to see all that, but it has to be late at one point in time, I don't know when, though I see things are at their max in hatred and distrust, I think I know why, because I think that is a simple equation, I hurt you and you hurt me and we go enemies forever, but why I think of hurting you, thats a question that I have to ask to myself again.Have you seen Dominos falling one upon the other, till the last one falls too, and there it goes, they are all down, they are, there has to be one domino that stands and doesn't lose its place to support who have fallen on it and prevent the ones ahead from falling down, I know its hard and might seem impossible, but it is achievable, we all can do that, we can, we can by standing still at our places, strongly, I believe we can do that. I do.Hope I care and feel for you and you care and feel for me and the humanity can survive. Just a feeling, don't feel any bad to what is said, its all feelings.http://www.keeptheheartsalive.com
Keyword : feelings,humans,bitter,keeptheheartsalive,bad,good,inside,outside,shoes,

Why Buddhism Succeeds - The Right Thing is the Thing to do

Author : Stuart Malkin
The ongoing teachings are exemplified in an understanding and execution of two ideas, which I will briefly describe:Karma: the Buddhist interpretation is in the words and actions of the individual. It means that good work brings about a good rebirth, and that each rebirth is a reflection of the good living and good deeds in the prior life. That is the deeper meaning of Karma, the Buddhist,and some New Age, thinking. It also applies to actions within one lifetime, what goes around comes around. And while Right Action should be a way of life and fundamentally without expected reward, it is true, I assure you, that Right Action does have its rewards beyond the spiritual satisfaction. So long as it is not an intended consequence, Right Action returns to the giver a hundred fold, a thousand fold!! And Buddhists understand this and practice it as a genuine way of life.Dharma is the Natural Law governing all. It encompasses all of the individual parts that make up the universe,everything, including the emotions. A partial list: earth, fire, water, air, color, sound, organic life, the senses, impulses, will, reasoning, consciousness, fame, beauty, riches, true and false teachings, sexuality, sleep, hunger, illness, growing, aging and dying. the physical world Dharma is the way to Nirvana,the ultimate achievement and realization of self, the refuge, the eternal. And it is through Right Action, The Eightfold Path, the Four Noble Truths and avoiding extremes that the Buddhist Faith is so tacitly successful. It is an overwhelmingly great faith.About the Bodhisattva, one who denies himself, the Nirvana, to work for the good of others. He is the helper of all. He postpones becoming a Buddha so that he can help others. Even as a concept, this speaks to the aspirations of the Buddhist.Thailand is the central economic hub of Southeast Asia and the most developed of the neighbors surrounding it (Myanmar "Burma," Malaysia, Laos and Cambodia). It hosts a 75% pure Thai population, followed by Chinese (11%) and others. The principal religion is Buddhist (93%) with a Muslim minority (5%).The most outstanding asset in Thailand is its people, who are very friendly with a genuine helpful attitude towards each other and, especially, towards visitors. I am sure that the warmth of the Thai personality is rooted in the Buddhist faith, which encourages right thinking, moral actions and beneficial social attitudes. The enlightenment goal taught by Lord Buddha is practiced, at least in part, by most Thais. That deep rooted and honorable way of life is the reason that this third world country is more of a developing country than its regional cousins. And, in spite of a now eight year recession, the spirit of the Thais blended with their resourcefulness will insure a recovery and a place of leadership in Southeast Asia. Buddhism contributes much to our quest for World Peace.Excerpts from a new book, "Looking for a Better World." Read more at:
http://www.buybooksontheweb.com/description.asp?ISBN=0-7414-2134-8Dr. Malkin holds a B.Sc. in Business and a Masters and Ph.D. in Religion. He has made hundreds of visits to schools with a moving and effective motivational presentation, urging teens to do their personal best. His mentoring programs have empowered many, many children. His quest for years has been to teach the power of Right Action, working towards the goal of a better world.
Keyword : Buddhism, Right Action, Religion, Belief

'And How Do We Feel This Morning?'

Author : James Snyder
Without question, going to the hospital is teamwork from the time you arrive until you are wheeled out the front door. Everyone is working together for the common good of the patient, or at least a crack at his bank account. That is as it should be in such mercenary endeavors.Spending a few days in the hospital recently reinforced this in my own mind. Although my time in the hospital was brief, I was given the full treatment.The hospital staff left no bed unturned in the holy quest of my recuperation. No matter what time of night it was, each nurse cooperated in awakening me and asking, "And how do we feel tonight?"Teamwork is good for a number of things in life. Peanut butter and jelly, ham and eggs, and bologna and cheese are a few things benefiting from cooperation. In each example, one element compliments the other and the combination is greater than each individual part. This is coordination at it finest.There is a limitation to the so-called cooperation, especially in the environment of the hospital. I don't want to complain, but now that I am out, I feel a little freer expressing my opinion, without fear of any needling from the hospital staff.I will grant you, nurses are some of the most wonderful people in the world. The job they do is simply marvelous. It is absolutely true that patients could not get along without these nurses.On the other hand, what would these nurses do without patients?I don't want to brag here, but if it were not for patients like me (if there are patients like me), nurses would not have a single thing to do in the hospital. Essentially, they owe their job to me. The level of their significance is in direct proportion to the patients they serve.Not one to belabor a point, (it's hard to do any labor in my condition right now) I think it's about time someone stood up for patient rights. Since I have nothing to do for the next week except recuperate here at home, I am the perfect person to say something about this crucial issue.The major complaint I have is with the "we-disease" rampant in hospitals across the nation. This "we-disease" syndrome has gotten out of hand and despite all the research, no cure seems looming in the hospital corridors.Every morning, around 5 o'clock, my nurse came bouncing into my room with the cheeriest of dispositions, completely disregarding my condition at hand and boldly asked, "And how do we feel this morning?"Even on my best day, 5 o'clock in the morning is not a good time to ask me any question, especially how I'm feeling. If there were any chance that I was feeling good, I certainly would not be in the hospital.The thing most disturbing to me is the sense on the part of the nurse to personally identify with my pain. Hence, "And how do we feel this morning?"I object to this vehemently. It is my pain, not "our" pain. I believe each nurse should go and get their own pain. I'm paying a lot for this pain and I deserve all the credit. I do not choose to share my pain with anyone, especially someone with a bubbly orientation so early in the morning.It's my ailment and I have the right to not only enjoy it but also tell everyone about it. One reason it's so hard to tell people about my ailment is everybody wants to tell me about their own ailments instead.My hospital room that I'm paying for should be the one place I can indulge my ailment. I should not have to compete with nurses concerning my prevailing ailment. From a casual perusal of medical journals while waiting in the doctor's office, there are more than enough ailments to go around.This is my ailment and I share it with no person, especially healthy nurses wielding needles and pain pills.If I hear that phrase, "And how do we feel this morning?" one more time I'm going to throw some business to my favorite funeral home.A related phrase brought just as much frustration. My good nurse came in one morning and quipped, "And are we having our breakfast this morning?"Looking at the breakfast tray before me, with barely enough for me, I simply glared at her. If she had any designs of slicing in on my breakfast, blood would flow. I gripped my plastic knife menacingly.This whole thing came to a head my last morning in the hospital. My evanescent nurse burst into my room and asked, "And are we ready for our bath this morning?" This was the straw that sipped the last drop of patience from my languishing body.Nothing is more personal to me then "my" bath. I will share my tub with nobody except my rubber ducky.Getting rest in the hospital is a challenge for the weariest soul. Just when you think you have snuggled down for a snooze, someone asks how you are.The best rest comes from Jesus Christ who invites everyone to "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." (Matthew 11:28-30 KJV.)His inquiry is always welcome and comes at the right time, like now.Reverend Snyder is currently ministering at the "Family of God
Fellowship" in Ocala, Florida. More of his articles are available
for reprint at his website:


Rev. Snyder is available as a guest speaker. He writes a weekly
column and is the author of "Romance Around a Parsonage
Fireplace" available at:

Keyword : humor,nurse,hospital,sick,recover

Your James Bond Fantasies Become Real

Author : Paul Kyriazi
The problem with this is that fantasies usually don't come by chance. You have to plan them yourself. This seems to kill the very idea of a natural fantasy because you have to deal with the mundane realities of the arrangements.Arrangements like the expenditure of 'hard earned' money and finding a willing Bond girl to go wading at the Dr. No waterfall with you. Much easier to pull out your 'Dr. No' video and let 007 have that fun AGAIN, instead of you.However, if you're a special kind of man who will 'pick up the tab for that kind of living,' you will turn off the video and hit the internet to find where that waterfall is. You'll start making a budget. You'll call up the appropriate girl, or set out to find one, and set a date.'Oh, this is so mundane,' you might think, 'I don't want to manipulate this fantasy into being. I want it to happen naturally. Like I'm naturally there in Jamaica and I naturally meet a charming woman, and she naturally is free. But that's a lot of 'naturallys' to hope for, isn't it?But, maybe you're the type that might get excited about planning a Bond fantasy like this. Get excited about the challenge of it all. And once you get there, the fantasy will descend on you. You will look around with unbelievable fascination and think, 'Wow, this is really happening. I'm in the middle of the 'Dr. No' movie.'When you create a wonderful fantasy like that, you should just enjoy it without destructive thoughts of, 'But does this woman really like me, or is she only here for the free trip? And hell, this will be over in a couple of days and I'll be back at work with a big credit card debt. And my friends will laugh at me when they hear how much I paid to pull this off.'Hey man, Mr. Field Agent man. I won't laugh at you. And your friends that are following their dreams won't laugh at you. And the ones that aren't taking action? Well, don't even bother to tell those guys, 'cause they wouldn't understand anyway. Besides, you'll be too busy planning your next fantasy.About The AuthorPaul Kyriazi, author of 'The Complete James Bond Lifestyle Seminar.' LIVE THE JAMES BOND LIFESTYLE http://www.BondLife.com.
Keyword : fantasies,illusions,goals,success,self improvement,dream

The Bright Side of Loneliness

Author : Thelma Mariano
Recently a romantic relationship came to an end and I found myself alone again. The minutes, the hours now felt empty. For three weeks I sat beside a silent phone, rehashing the past and coming to terms with my loss. After the warmth and intimacy of love, my loneliness felt like a great abyss that I could not escape.I do not allow myself to indulge in self-pity – so my next reaction was to ask "what now?" Looking back, I saw that I had invested so much time and energy in the relationship that I had grown lax about undertaking new projects or meeting new people.My first step was to join a Friday evening discussion group, which I found very stimulating. I also prepared and delivered two new workshops to help people find their life purpose and make money doing what they loved. In giving these I again recognized what I had to offer the community (encouragement, experience and insight) and was buoyed by the positive response from participants.Everyone feels lonely sometimes. It's part of being human! However we cannot afford to become paralyzed by a sense of isolation. We all need to connect – both to ourselves and to the world around us.What does your loneliness tell you? What is it that you miss? You may believe that a love partner will fulfill all your needs. However the intensity that marks the beginning of a relationship doesn't last; with luck, it will change into something deeper. The two of you will again be drawn into your individual lives. If you don't feel connected to what you are doing or to the people around you, you are likely to feel lonely again.Here are my suggestions for dealing with loneliness:· Get involved with othersHave time on your hands? Offer your services at a soup kitchen, read stories to children, or play cheerful tunes on the piano at the seniors' residence. What do you know or are good at? Perhaps you can do like me and give a workshop in your area of expertise. There's no room for loneliness when you give freely of yourself – and you will receive love and appreciation in return.If you're a computer buff, there are communities of people on the Net who want to share their interests, from dating to rug hooking. Especially for the housebound, regular e-mail friends can be a great solace.· Do something you loveLimit your television viewing, push yourself off the couch and engage in something that you really enjoy! Maybe you haven't roller-skated in years and going to the local rink makes you come alive. Bake your favourite pie and share it with a friend, or learn how to do the lambada.The problem is that many of us don't ALLOW ourselves to do what we love. We tell ourselves, I'll do it when… (I meet the love of my life, become more successful, finish all these chores). Do it NOW and you will feel better for it.· Connect with natureI never feel lonely when I go for a long walk by the river. I have a thing for water: ocean, lake or streams. Feel your connection to nature – whether you plant a row of petunias or take a leisurely walk in the park.· Journal for self-expressionWhen there's no one around to talk to, and I feel the need, I journal in a small notebook in longhand, letting deeper thoughts and feelings emerge from my subconscious. I write about my preoccupations as well as my hopes and fears.You cannot enjoy being alone without peace of mind. Journaling helps you to voice and resolve any inner conflicts that you have. Doing it on a regular basis will give you clarity and focus. It's a good way to connect with your inner self.· Realize that you are NOT aloneDo you know that most of the world is feeling lonely at this very moment? Think of the new neighbour on your street, a foreign student in your class, or the man who just joined your company. Each of them wonders how he or she will make friends. Be the first to give a warm welcome.Whatever your faith or beliefs, connecting with a Higher Force through prayer or meditation will also dispel feelings of isolation.A little too much solitude spurs me to reach out to those around me. On my nature walk yesterday, I met a woman. As we both watched kayakers ride the rapids, we struck up a conversation – ranging from our experience with water sports to where we grew up and what we enjoyed about the waterfront. At the end we both went our separate ways, parting with a smile and a wave. I've learned to appreciate the little exchanges that make life so much fuller.Loneliness makes me feel painfully alive and aware that I cannot afford to get complacent. It compels me to do more, to be more. And that isn't such a bad thing, is it?About The AuthorThelma Mariano, life coach and author, is dedicated to bringing clarity and direction to people's lives. See her on-line coaching prorams, articles and column at http://www.u-unlimited.ca.thelma@u-unlimited.ca
Keyword : lonliness,people,self improvment,

Lessons Learned Hard

Author : Russ Miles
Many of us seek consolation in the words of Frank Sinatra, "I did it my way." I say many of us because I feel this trap has snared more than just me. Oh, it is a trap, alright, a way to defend our defiance, combat accountability, and excuse our own stupidity.Maybe, we don't even say it aloud if our inflated egos and economic attainments have enabled us to dupe ourselves and fool a few others? Well, wouldn't it be wonderful if we could learn from the mistakes of others rather than only our own?Scripture says, "There is a way that seems right to a man but the path thereof leads to death and destruction." The Bible is chucked full of examples of foolish men who learned that their ways didn't work, while God's way invariably did, at least, for those who were still alive and willing to make life-course corrections.The good news is that this readily available wisdom applies to me. I am still alive. Multiple Sclerosis has forced me to make some life-course corrections too. Best of all, I have been given a chance to pause, reflect on my previous mistakes, and admit my fallibility both in sound judgment and in my treatment of others.So, now I write some of the understandings that I have been led to in Free Reprint articles and have published a mystery novel, For Sale By Owners:FSBO, which discloses other mistakes too many unthinking and "did it my way" people make. I selected the novel format because it allows me the freedom to create hypothetical scenarios and fictional characters to expose real dangers.Here is an unsolicited e-mail I received from one reader:-----Original Message-----
From: f.bush
Sent: Wed, 22 Dec 2004 13:05:45 -0500
Subject: Your NovelHi Russ,I've just finished, in your words, "a very good read".The name of the book is "FSBO" which I enjoyed thoroughly.You covered it all, bureaucracy, politics, sex, drugs, crime and day-to-day Real
Estate activity.You have a talent that MS can't touch.Even though I have Master's in journalism and communications, and have read a lot, I think you could teach many published writers a thing or two about story telling.I hope to hear more from you. Keep up the good work.Very Best Regards!Frank BushComing from a person that I have never met, I felt my work was appreciated. At least, the reader did not find the novel boring. If you too read FSBO, I hope you will also send me your comments.As one who has had to revise my own thinking about many things, I can say I am truly thankful that I have time to reflect, implement more life-course corrections, make some amends, and draw refreshment from the wells of others who have taken their time to write and publish understandings gleaned from life-lessons. By so doing, less of life's lessons need be "Lessons Learned Hard."Russ Miles is author of the novel, For Sale By Owners:FSBO. A "Seasoned Real Estate NAR® Broker," disabled by Multiple Sclerosis, writes books & articles on varied subjects. Google russ miles FOR SALE BY OWNERS:FSBO ISBN 0-595-28703-4,in trade paperback, is available by phone or Internet:1-800-Authors to order direct! Adobe e-book & hard cover editions also available FSBO at Amazon.com at Barnes and Noble and other fine booksellers. Comments: MilesRuss@Gmail.com.[Visit http://soulful-writer.com]
Keyword : Frank Sinatra,FSBO,Russ Miles,lessons,learned,my way,Multiple Sclerosis,mistakes of others,novel,God

Why You Are Special and Why Does It Matter

Author : Vinayak Bhat
Why 'you are special'?Why and how does it matter?Things you can say to yourself to feel great and special always.Why 'you are special'?:You are special. Just like your fingerprint is unique, you are a unique person with a special purpose. No one is born to do the things you were born to do.You are special because God made you special."You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous--and how well I know it." (Psalm 139:13-14 NLT)A great philosopher James Allen wrote in his book 'As a Man Thinketh' –"As a being of power, intelligence, and love, and the lord of his own thoughts, man holds key to every situation, and contains within himself that transforming and regenerative agency by which he may make himself what he wills."Do not compare yourself with others. There is no need to compare yourself with another person. If you look around, there may be many people who excel in your field. You can learn from them, but do not let them intimidate you. Never, ever compare yourself with others whether you feel they are superior to you or inferior to you. Do not let that hinder your genius. Be your best and that is all what matters. When you are at your best, everything you do is a masterpiece. You do not have to prove anything to anybody.You have the same three-pound brain like everybody else, which is capable of doing wonderful things. There is a story about C.V.Raman, a genius who won the Nobel Prize for Physics: One of his students was once experimenting with an X-ray tube of 1-kilowatt power. The student felt depressed when he came to know that a scientist in England is experimenting on the same problem with a 5-kilowatt X-ray tube. With a smile, Raman suggested his student, "The solution is very simple; use your 10-kilowatt brain on the problem." You too have the 10-kilowatt power brain and you too can use it for your own special purposes. The whole world of opportunity is open to you. Think of all the wonderful things you can do and enjoy.Why and how does it matter?:By realizing that you are special, you can make a difference in the world, you can have an impact on your surroundings. The successful accomplishments of your goals and dreams lead to greater contribution to yourself, your family, and the world.By being your best, you can make a great impact on the society, like Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, or C.V.Raman. You have the unique qualities and exceptional genius. Imagine the impact the world can experience by having hundred Edisons.Take action. There was a young man who was an artist. He used to get discouraged thinking that, may be there are other good artists who are better than he is. Few of his friends encouraged; few others discouraged him. He went ahead and participated in the competition anyway. When he won the award, a guy commented, "This does not mean that you are the best. There may be other good artists, who did not participate in the contest". May be true, but participation was important. By not participating, you lose your chance to be successful.By taking action, you bring your unique credentials to the table. You make the world a better place to live. Step out and do something."The difference between what we are capable of doing and what we do, can solve most of the problems in this world." – Mahatma Gandhi.There is enough for all of us. There is an abundance of good things and abundance is available to you. By keeping in mind that you are special, you will have abundant supply of opportunities and ideas to excel in your chosen endeavor.Things you can say to yourself to feel great and special always:Take a piece of paper and write down the following self-affirmations. Keep the paper with you always and read it whenever you can, minimum two times a day. You will experience a difference, because spoken words are so powerful.God made me special.I am a lot stronger and more powerful than I think.I have unlimited potential.All the power is within me; I can achieve anything I set my mind to.I am abundant. My life is abundant with good things.Every day, in every way I am becoming better and betterI strive for excellence in everything I do.I deserve the best.You deserve to be successful. You deserve to be great.About The AuthorVinayak Bhat is a software consultant and a business owner. He is one of the editors at Success4Sure.com, which provides the excellent tools and resources to help you in realizing your goals and dreams. You can find many free articles, e-books and successful home business tools at http://www.success4sure.com This article may be freely reprinted and distributed in its entirety only, providing this entire byline.
Keyword : self esteem,self help,confidence,coaching,success,motivation,inspiration

How I Get Joy as a Value

Author : Miami Phillips
*In the last couple of months, I have been fortunate to be able to share the troubles of others. Why fortunate? I believe that the ability to be very close to the pain and fears of others has allowed me to realize how utterly fantastic my life is.*As with many of us, I am always able to find something that might not be going just as I would like, something I wish to be better, or different, or a whole other something. But as I watch others, and listen to the challenges they face and the problems they are experiencing, my world seems almost perfect. In fact, my life is perfect.*My belief is that the more life throws at you, the more crucial it is to work on living in the present moment. I believe our lives are pieces of a puzzle. But we're not given ALL the pieces nor are we given a picture of the puzzle to help us put it together or to show us what it should look like once complete. Our job is to fit the pieces we are given together the best we can and work with what we have until more pieces arrive.*Isn't that fascinating!?*I have found that I am more and more able to work patiently with the pieces I am given knowing that the rest are on their way. Furthermore, I have faith that when those pieces do arrive, they will be for the best, even though it might not look that way at the time.*Thinking this way has had several wonderful benefits for me. I am much calmer in the face of what might appear as an awful situation. I can literally stop and strike up a conversation with my Self…"Isn't this fascinating?" "I wonder what is really going on here that I am not seeing yet?"*Almost every time I do that, I find gold! Usually, the reason I get into challenges is because there is a lesson for me. The trick is finding it! This challenge brings me joy. I always thought that joy was what you got when you found happiness.*However, as I have struggled in the past to find "happiness", and continue to hear of so many others search for this same happiness, I now believe that joy is something else altogether . If joy is happiness, and you have no joy in your life, then it would stand to reason that you are not happy. That makes your joy vulnerable to your definition of happiness.*For me, joy is having a willingness to accept the whole of life, knowing that it is not perfect. Joy is being willing to show up and meet what is there with no attachment to the result. To me, if I have no attachment to the outcome and can accept what comes no matter what, then I am free from worry, anxiety, or concern over what the future holds. For me, this freedom - is joy.*It cannot be taken away, and it is with me always. *It depends on nothing and is almost invincible.*The less we are attached to life, the more alive we can become.*Joy is what I want for you! In-joy your self!*As always,Your online Coach and Friend,
*Miami www.creativemasterminds.com.

Helping everyone find their path and stay on it. coach@creativemasterminds.com*Quotation of the Week
*I finally figured out the only reason to be alive is to enjoy it. Rita Mae BrownAbout The AuthorMiami Phillips is an ANSIR Certified Personal Coach and the founder of Creative MasterMinds who believes personal growth is an essential ingredient to being happy and contributing to this world. While his main focus is affordable personal and business coaching, he also offers motivational teleclasses, ebooks, reading recommendations and much more. To find out more visit his site at http://www.creativemasterminds.com or send him an email at coach@creativemasterminds.com
Keyword : inspiration,coaching,self improvement,counseling,goals,motivation

Care And Maintenance Of The Human Hard Drive

Author : Sibyl McLendon
The human brain is very much like a hard drive. If you stop to think of it, they are both filled with billions of tiny bits of information, stored in the memory cells just waiting to be accessed. They both use electrical energy to find those bits and put them together to recreate something that we have placed there. They work on demand, and we expect them to instantly give us what we want.And frankly, many people abuse both their hard drives and their brains! They fill them up with information and expect them to perform at top efficiency without the benefit of good maintenance. There are some basic support tasks that are essential to the well being of both. If you don't take proper care of both of them, eventually they will fail you.Both brains and hard drives need to be de-fragged on a regular basis! De-fragmentation means that you allow the machine (brain or hard drive) to rearrange the information that has been stored in it, so that it can find what you need more quickly and efficiently. When bits of information get stored all over the place, with no logical order to it, then it takes a lot longer for the machine to find and reassemble what you need quickly.Probably, you have your hard drive set up to de-frag itself on a regular basis. It is done automatically, maybe while you sleep. Well, your brain does not have a task-scheduler to take care of this for you! It is busy 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. It can't reset itself while you sleep. That is because it is still working on the things that your subconscious is trying to sort out. It is dreaming and remembering and stressing all the while.So how do you de-frag your brain? Well, it takes three things: rest, relaxation and meditation. If you are a type A personality, then these three things may be totally foreign territory for you! You may be in a high-stress job, or always be taking care of others but never yourself, or you may somehow think that taking care of yourself first is something that you do not deserve. Wrong! If you do not take care of this, it will force the issue. You may get sick, depressed or worse.Meditation is an excellent way of maintaining your brain. It forces you to sit, relax and do "nothing" for a bit. You clear your poor brain of the clutter and the chatter and just let it run free. You do not have to do anything special, really, to meditate; you just find something that transports you! Music works for a lot of people. You can dance if it helps you, or do some drumming. You could get a good meditation tape or CD and listen to that. You could even sign up for a Tai Chi course, or try some yoga. Whatever you decide to do, do it regularly. At least once a week is necessary for the proper de-fragging of the average hard drive and the average brain.At the very least you should be setting aside some time every week to just do something relaxing. Take a long bubble bath with some candles lit and some soothing music playing. Go sit outside in nature. The trick here is to just DO it, to take the time for yourself no matter what. See that you deserve it and that it is just as important as going to a doctor when you are sick. In fact, it can help keep those doctor visits to a minimum!And while you are at it, consider getting a good anti-virus too. Your hard drive needs it to protect your information, and your body needs it to keep healthy. Anti-virus for the body means taking better care of you. Eat something healthy, go out and take a walk, and get more sleep! You can find the time to do this if you make it a priority.If you take care of your hard drive, both the computer type and the body type, your life will improve significantly. Both will run smoothly and have a lot less crashes!About The AuthorSibyl McLendon is 1/2 Navajo, and is a personal spiritual coach for Circle Of Grace http://www.circle-of-grace.com.Circle Of Grace is a unique blending of Native American spirituality and holistic wellness coaching. Sign up for a free coaching session!Sibyl can be contacted at sibyl@www.circle-of-grace.com
Keyword : self improvement,fate,destiny,life choice,success,goals,motivation

Following Through

Author : Wayne Mitchell
Direct Answers - Column for the week of March 24, 2003My final divorce papers sit in front of me waiting for my signature. In fact, they've been sitting on my desk for five days now. It took me two days to even open the envelope and another full day to look at the actual documents. I still haven't entirely read through them. I cannot bring myself to sign.Eight months ago, after months of emotional turmoil, we both agreed a divorce would be in our best interest. I was relieved at the time. I was tired of him drinking every night until he passed out on the sofa. I was tired of feeling belittled. I never quite healed from the affair I found out about, and I know there were others.We were married eight years. I never felt I was his partner in life. I felt I was just another piece of furniture. We have two beautiful little boys who adore their daddy. They were a big reason for wanting this divorce. I didn't want them growing up thinking drinking on a daily basis is normal.For years I wanted counseling. I would plead, "Let's go before our problems get out of control!" He insisted we didn't have anything we couldn't handle. By the time we made it to counseling it was too late. Besides, he refused to say he had an addiction.I tell myself if he truly reaches out for help and remains changed for a year after our divorce, maybe we could try with a fresh start.I heard a preacher say, "Fidelity is more than sexual fidelity. It is when every decision you make during the day is the best one for yourself, your spouse, and your children." Wayne and Tamara, that's the only relationship I want.The papers still sit in front of me. How do I know I'm doing the right thing?FelicityFelicity, what you are facing is the death of a dream, the dream of what your marriage was supposed to be like.Faced with the choice of drinking or losing his family, your husband continues to drink. You may have every reason to hope he will change, but you have absolutely no reason to believe he will change.Boys look to their father to show them how to be a man, and a drunk is someone who has clearly lost the way. Courts and the law have a simple view of the matter. They don't knowingly allow a child to be adopted in a family where one parent is an alcoholic. There are laws against drinking and driving. Perhaps there should be laws against drinking and parenting.You cannot focus on your husband sobering up. That has always been only under his power, and never under yours. He may be 20 years from admitting his problem. He may never admit it. You can't put your life on hold waiting for someone to do what they may never do.Tamara says she cannot even shop without having me in her mind. "Everything I lay my eyes upon," she says, "I lay my heart upon where lives my husband." Your mate has to be an enhancement to your life. It cannot be any other way.WayneGeronimo!I'm a 19-year-old male from Liverpool, England. I'm a decent looking lad, but since I broke up from my first serious relationship, I haven't met anyone else. Can you give me advice on meeting girls and actually asking them out?GuntherGunther, are you putting out vibes you are pining for your ex? Out with the old and in with the new.Look around and start asking…to movies, to lunch, to a bookstore, to whatever you fancy. Follow your own interests and what you have a passion for, and remember this is not like school, where one grade follows another. Love doesn't follow anyone's schedule, and that is why it is so wonderful.TamaraAbout The AuthorAuthors and columnists Wayne and Tamara Mitchell can be reached at www.WayneAndTamara.com.Send letters to: Direct Answers, PO Box 964, Springfield, MO 65801 or email: DirectAnswers@WayneAndTamara.com.
Keyword : inspiration,coaching,self improvement,counseling,goals,motivation

Each Moment Is To Be Treasured

Author : Robert Taylor
Let us grasp and treasure each precious moment of our lives. The previous moment is gone and the next is on its way. In truth, all we ever really have is this exact, precise moment in time.It is what we choose to do with each moment that determines what our future will be. This moment, now, is in our power. We use this moment to decide what we will do in the next moment, and it flows into the next moment.We have no power over what has already happened and cannot foresee the future.Take the lessons learned from past moments and apply them to the current moment.Forget all the rest because it is in the past and nothing can be done to change it.What we do now will have some effect on our future, however we cannot predict the outcome with any degree of certainty.In view of the preceding, take each moment as it comes and squeeze it for all you can get out of it.Even the most dreadful of times are bearable when taken one moment at a time.About The AuthorCopyright by Robert TaylorSubscribe to the Key To Success And Wealth ezine and get motivational, inspirational, self-development and selected Internet marketing articles to help you achieve whatever you seek in life. Please include first name in body of email so your copies can be personalized. Subscribe by subscribe@KeyToSuccessAndWealth.com.
Keyword : inspiration,coaching,self improvement,counseling,goals,motivation

Healing The Abandonment Wounds

Author : Margaret Paul, Ph.D.
I have counseled individuals, couples, families and business partners for the past 35 years and authored eight published books. Every individual I've worked with has had some abandonment wound to heal, and most relationship problems stem from abandonment wounds.It is not possible to grow up in our society without some abandonment wounds. The following are some of the ways it can occur:Being torn away from mother at birth and put into a nursery.Being left to cry in a crib or playpen.Being given up for adoption or being left in foster care.Being physically and/or sexually abused.Being emotionally abused - ignored, yelled at, shamed.Being pushed aside at the birth of a new sibling.Having a parent or caregiver who is emotionally unavailable.Being unseen or misunderstood by parents or other caregivers.Being lied to.Being unprotected by a parent or caregiver.Being left alone in a hospital during an illness.Losing a beloved parent or grandparent at a very young age.Divorce.Being teased or left out with siblings or peers.Being ridiculed by a teacher.Being forgotten - not being picked up from school or other places.Being left at a young age to care for oneself, a parent, or other siblings.When we are deeply wounded at a young age, we cannot handle the pain, so we find ways to dissociate from the intense feelings. Then, later in life, especially when we fall in love, these old wounds can get activated. Our beloved gets angry, withdraws, gives attention to someone else, says mean things, doesn't tell the truth, doesn't stand up for us, comes home late, wanders away in a crowded public place, misunderstands us, and so on - and suddenly the pain that has been pushed aside all these years comes roaring to the surface. We think that we are reacting to the present situation, but what is really happening is that the old, unhealed abandonment wound has been touched off. We might find ourselves suddenly enraged or falling apart with intense tears. Our reaction seems too big for the situation, yet we cannot seem to stop the inner pain. We might start to shake violently as the old terror finally erupts.We want our beloved to take the pain away by stopping his or her behavior. If only he or she would not do the thing that activates these feelings, we would be fine. Yet until we actually heal these old, deep wounds, we will not be fine. We will always be vulnerable to having these wounds activated.Healing the abandonment wounds does not happen overnight, yet it does not have to take years either. Step one is to tune into your feelings with a willingness to take responsibility for your pain. Once you are aware that deep pain has been activated, seek the help of someone who can hold you and nurture you while you go into the abandonment pain. If no one is available, hold a doll, bear or pillow, and bring in love to the hurting part of you. Open to your concept of God or Spirit and allow this source of love and strength to nurture you.It is often not advisable to seek the help of the person who activated the wound because:1) he or she may still be stuck in their own wounded place, the place that touched off your wound;2) you might become dependent upon your beloved taking care of you and taking the pain away instead of actually healing the pain.Once you are with a safe, nurturing person, or even on the phone with a safe person, hold a doll or bear or even a pillow very tightly and breath into the pain. Open to learning and allow the Inner Child who is in pain to give you information about the original pain that is still stuck in the body. The body holds the memories that you repressed at the time, and now the body is releasing these memories. Many images may come up as you open to learning with your Inner Child. Be sure you have your spiritual guidance with you, holding you, surrounding you with love and comfort as you open to learning about this deep pain. In order to truly understand your present reaction, you need to understand what happened to you when you were little. Keep breathing deeply and allowing your Inner Child to inform you, even if you are crying. Tell the person helping you what your Child is telling you about what happened to you when you were little. It may take awhile, but gradually you will calm down. At that point, tune into what false beliefs you may have embraced as a child that are affecting you now, and what else your Child needs right now to feel loved and safe.Being there for your wounded child this way will gradually heal the abandonment wounds. Ignoring your feelings, trying to make them go away, or trying to get someone else to take them away will only serve to re-wound you. It is only when you no longer abandon yourself that the old wounds begin to heal. Eventually, another's behavior that previously triggered your intense reaction will no longer do so. You may feel sad or lonely when a loved one gets angry or withdraws in some way, but as long as you continue to show up for yourself, the intense pain will not be there.If the pain seems stuck in the body no matter what you do, then you need to seek out a practitioner who knows how to release old pain out of the body through acupressure or other bodywork.Once these old wounds are healing, you will feel a new sense of personal power. Others' behavior can no longer trigger you into these intensely painful feelings. However, a word of caution: we may think it is healed, only to discover another level when we move into a more intimate relationship, or more intimacy with a present partner. The closer the relationship, the deeper the wounds get activated. That is why the primary relationship is the most powerful arena for healing there is, and Inner Bonding - the process outlined here - is a most powerful tool! (See resource box for a FREE Inner Bonding course).About The AuthorMargaret Paul, Ph.D. is the best-selling author and co-author of eight books, including "Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By You?" She is the co-creator of the powerful Inner Bonding healing process. Learn Inner Bonding now! Visit her web site for a FREE Inner Bonding course: http://www.innerbonding.com or mailto:margaret@innerbonding.com. Phone sessions available.
Keyword : inspiration,coaching,self improvement,counseling,goals,motivation,innovation,positive thinking,aband

Universal Thought System Language Keywords

Author : Roger Paradis
Before we are able to use the Universal Thought System in a positive expansive manner, we must learn to use certain words in our language more effectively. The prime characteristic of the Universal Thought System is its consistency. It may not be used to manipulate. It may not be used to gain an advantage. It treats everyone equally. It eliminates the negative side of opposites. Why is this Universal Language so critical to our progress? In our thoughts and actions, we either seek idols or we seek truth. When we find the truth all our answers are provided. Truth contains all answers to every problem. Truth has always existed and will always exist. Our beliefs and feelings color our truth. They act as filters between our
truth and our illusions.If absolute truth is discovered, the filters disappear. In truth there is only love. In love there is only truth. There is no need for filters. The use of keywords help to reveal the path to truth. They clear the filters. They clarify our perceptions. They reduce the effects of our illusions. We discover peace and joy. What are some of the keywords that make up our Universal Thought System Language? In a series of ezines we will list and define some of the keywords in the Universal Thought System
Language. The first words are listed and defined below:Truth:
Truth is the foundation of an Advanced Thought System. Truth allows the use of energy consistently and without doubt or debris. When actions are filled with truth there are no negative consequences. Everyone gains. Healing is a primary result when acting with truth. We often operate from partial truths. We do not see all pieces of information. We do not know all the facts. Therefore, we must make decisions with partial data. That is why our decisions provide mixed results. We may have better data in one part of our life but our data in some other sphere of our life is incomplete. We are successful in one part of our life but not so successful in another part of our life. By filling more and more of our life with truth our filters are weakened and their power to obstruct reduced.Forgiveness:
Forgiveness is the primary tool to clear the debris in our life. Forgiveness corrects all errors. Errors are mistakes between ego and spirit. Illusions by the ego are replaced with truth through Forgiveness. Forgiveness is the most powerful means that we have to make progress in our awareness. It can move mountains. Forgiveness is the most powerful tool because it opens our communication path to the universal energy. Every time we have a conflict, a disagreement, a negative thought we introduce confusion in our thinking. Our clarity diminishes. Our perception is distorted. And, therefore, our actions are misguided. Forgiveness is the means provided to us to clear all
static, conflict, confusion, and misperception. We become closer to the truth and our decisions are better and more accurate.Love:
Love IS universal energy! The Law of Love says that what we give is what we receive. Love is giving and sharing. It is unconditional giving. When we give love in truth, we open up to universal energy. We may receive from any person. Unconditional Love is best exemplified by the love of a parent to a child.
Another good example of unconditional love is love from a pet to its owner.Energy:
Why do we sometimes feel full of energy and at other times we are more tired than we can believe? Does energy come from nutrition? Does energy come from exercise? Does energy come from rest? Or is life's energy derived from sources outside those daily activities? Does connection to universal energy provide us
with energy? Energy is definitely exchanged by people. Did you ever go to a social function, but, felt almost to tired to go? Yet, something happens when we get there. We begin to mingle. We talk. We exchange stories. We use energy. But at those times there is an abundance of energy. We leave either very
refreshed or mildly tired and relaxed. Sometime somewhere during the gathering we gained energy. We gave energy. We received energy.About Us:
Our newsletters are our means to reach out to others who are in search of basic truth. This search began almost 30 years ago with one question: How can we balance our lives? The summary of the answer to this question was compiled in a book titled 'Creating Your Personal Journey'. The book was published in 1996. The search has continued as we adapt to a new
question: What is the truth? We are guided by the thought that,
'The best way to learn anything is to teach it.This newsletter is distributed by subscription only. If you wish to unsubscribe, please follow the instructions below.Please feel free to pass this e-zine on to your friends. However, we ask that you keep it intact and forward it in its entirety.To subscribe: Send us an email with your name and email address. Insert the word 'subscribe' in the subject line.To unsubscribe: Send us an email with your name and email address. Insert the word 'remove' in the subject line.© Copyright 2005 Roger ParadisWe*R*1
Universal Thought System
Vol.1, No. 3 May 2005
Roger Paradis, Editor, paradisrjs@were-one.comRoger L. Paradis-"We R One"

mail to paradisrjs@were-one.com
623 East New Lenox Rd. Pittsfield, MA, 01201Creating a New Vision for the 21st Century
Keyword : Truth, Forgiveness, Love, Energy, Universal Thought System, Keywords

Taking Life Head On

Author : Dayo Olomu
"We are built to conquer environment, solve problems, achieve goals and we find no real satisfaction or happiness in life without obstacles to conquer and goals to achieve." - Maxwell Maltz in Psycho-Cybernetics (1960)I have always taken life head on because I had no choice. I got an early jolt in
life when, barely eight, I lost my father. Since then, life has been a struggle.
I was raised by my mother, a widow who had neither education nor financial
means, but a big heart. My mother is a wonderful woman. She trained and
protected me. I greatly benefited from the bottomless wealth of her wisdom. My
mother instilled in me sound moral and spiritual values and the virtue of hard
work. She made me believe that the keys to success are hard work and faith in God.My mother is the single most enduring and profound influence on my life. She
sold her properties to send my late brother and I to school. Her goals were simple; she wanted me to make something of myself, go places she did not dare dream of, so that her toil on me would not be in vain. Hence when I left secondary school I vowed to succeed in life. That promise has been my driving force.Barely 10 years old, I had acquired the thirst to achieve greatness from selling iced water and biscuits on the streets of Lagos, Nigeria to support my mother. The best thing that happened to me was growing up 'on the other side of the
track,' without the privilege of wealthy parents. Anything I wanted, I had to
hustle and scrape for. Far from a drawback, this was a definite advantage for
me.Today I thank God because those times have been confined to history. However,
there were times when I believed the words of a Nigerian songwriter which says, 'I've
been down so long it looked like up to me'. At no point in my life did I think
it was going to be easy.When I followed my lovely wife to the labour room during the birth of our
daughter few months ago, I realised that even bringing a child to life is not easy. I experienced a whole range of emotions; from relief, fear, anxiety, nostalgia, to excitement, but certainly not ease.I suggest that instead of waiting for life to give you an easy path, you enter
the flow of life and take it as it comes to you, understanding that there will
be challenging times and also good times. During prosperous times you should
expect adversity, because that is the nature of life.You need to have faith to be able to face the challenges of life. Rather than
raise the white flag of surrender, lash out in anger or take the path of least
resistance, we can rise up to the challenge and meet it head on with faith in God.Marcus Garvey once said, "Some of us seem to accept the fatalist position, the
fatalist attitude, that the creator accorded to us a certain position and
condition and therefore there is no need trying to be otherwise."Writers Dennis Kimbro and Napoleon Hill, who wrote about black men responding to challenges said in their: 'Brotherman', that: 'In everyone's life there comes a time of ultimate challenge - a time when all our resources are tested. A time life
seems unfair. A time when our faith, our values, our patience, our compassion
and our ability to persist are pushed to the limit and beyond. Some have used
such tests as opportunities for growth; others have turned away and allowed these
experiences to destroy their hopes.' If you are ever confronted by a situation that seems daunting, the only thing to do is to hold on to your faith and determination.As a member of Jaycees International, a worldwide leadership development organisation between 1990 and 1995, I cherished the first creed of the club which says: "Faith in God gives meaning and purpose to human life." This is indeed true. Kris Akabusi, the former Commonwealth gold medallist, said in his biography: "Work hard to achieve all you can, but ultimately without God you won't find meaning and satisfaction in life." Our faith in God sees us through many obstacles in life.Life would throw so many things in our paths. They are the milestones that make
the journey meaningful and the events that not only shape our lives but also help us in achieving our goals. Today that boy who hawked on the streets of Lagos, Nigeria when he was barely 10 years old, who gate-crashed into the launching of Tera Kota's first album in Nigeria - 'Lamentation For Sodom' in 1982, has become a man, feet firmly on the way to his dream, propelled by a mother's gruelling determination and his faith in God.When the going gets tough and the situation looks uncertain, be not
afraid; trudge along. Hold on to your faith with the buoyant and divine assurance that all will be well.See you at the top soon!Dayo Olomu is a UK-based Motivational Speaker, Writer, Business/Life Coach, Trainer, Media Entrepreneur and Competent Toastmaster. His core belief is that we are all endowed with seeds of greatness, and his mission is to help individuals and organisations achieve their full potentials. He is the author of best selling "4 Indispensable Strategies for Success" and the President of Croydon Communicators Toastmasters. Get his FREE monthly Rise to the Top ezine by sending a blank email to subscribe@dayoolomu.com or visit his website at:

Keyword : inspiration,family,ethics,morals,life,life lessons,faith,spirituality,righteous,altruism

Experiences in My Life Prompted Me to Never Give Up

Author : Lance Winslow
Many people think that their life is a disaster that for some reason they cannot go on, they allow depression to creep in and continually give themselves negative bio-feedback. But you can over come and adapt and achieve anything you want in life. I did, let me tell you a real story from top of the world to the bottom and back on top again. It is a true story, one I will never forget. I hope to give you some inspiration today if you will allow me too.When I was in High School, I ran a business, one, which I started at age twelve. In high school I was a four-year varsity track star, Class President, and voted most likely to succeed. I had a track scholarship to a 4-year and at the last minute changed my mind, because I wanted to run my business, so I went to a 2-year college instead. I wanted
to take 17 units but the dean wouldn't let me. I am not the 12-unit type of guy. I made a deal with the track coach that I would run for him, if he convinced the dean to allow me to take 18 units. He did pull some strings plus 3 units for track; 23 units. I then went to another community college and signed up for 12 units more at night school. I wanted to get school over with and please my parents, get that piece of paper and run my businesses.Well taking that many units means classes for 7:30 AM to 2:30 PM no breaks. Then a 30 minute break and then track practice; then a 2-hour break and then night school, five days a week. With track meets on the weekends some weeks I couldn't work enough to pay the bills, especially when it rained on Sunday, my only day to work. Well it became apparent that I could not pay my bills, during that El Nino year working only one day or no days per week.So I moved out of my apartment into my truck with a camper shell. I closed the library every night and then parked my truck where I wouldn't be bothered and studied until I fell asleep. Well one night I was in my truck and parked in a Lemon Orchard studying and fell asleep with the dome light on.When I woke up it had been storming all night, the orchard was flooded and the battery was dead because the dome light had been on all night. I could not push start my vehicle in the mud and rain. I tried but was totally muddy and had to get to school so I jogged to school ten miles in the rain. Talk about Rocky, no wonder I cry watching that movie. I figured my truck would be there when I got back. It was not. The farmer towed it because even though I left a note he; had to pick up the fruit off the ground before it spoiled and had to get his tractor in between the trees to pick up the crates filled with lemons and get them to market. The farmer called the local police and asked them to tow it. They did and since they could not contact me it was impounded.Well off road tows were $400.00 and I did not have time to get it out for another day and
then the fees for storage started. The four-hundred dollars was about all I had to get thru the last two-months cramming for up coming finals and I had put so much into that semester, I could not go there. I convinced the tow company to allow me to get my remaining books out of the vehicle. Since I was on the track team I figured I could live in the high jump mats storage shed. So after practice I volunteered to put away the High Jump Pits in the shed and put my own lock on it, so I could sleep there after the library closed. I did this for two months and convinced the tow company to allow me to detail their trucks to work off the storage fees and tow fee so every weekend I went and detailed the trucks. Meanwhile I kept collecting medals in track and studying and going back to my storage shed. Each morning I would run a couple of miles and hit the showers and go to class. I finished my classes got a 4.0 at the night school classes at the second college and 3.6 at the daytime college and aced my finals.I promised myself that no matter what I did in life from that day on, I would never give up! I would strive to be the best in the world at whatever I did. I promised to always help others as long as they were worthy and were committed to help themselves and to never take my victories for granted. I learned about commitment and doing what you say you are going to do from that. Everyone has a story of a time in their life, use this to your advantage as you find the inner strength to reach your dreams. Nothing is impossible.Lance Winslow
Keyword : homeless stories, inspiration

5 Tips To Add More Spice To Your Life

Author : Chris Green
1. Once a week, visit somewhere you've never been before. A city, town or village, a museum, a theater, a restaurant, café, or bar, a park, a zoo, a wood or forest – get the idea? Visiting new places broadens your horizons and helps to keep life fresh and interesting.2. The biggest thief that will ever enter your home does so by your invitation. Your television can steal something more valuable from you than any other thief on the planet: Your precious, non-renewable life time. Time to stop this little thief from pilfering any more! At least once a month, spend an entire week without watching any television and use the time to do something much more life-enhancing. You could workout, read books, learn a new subject – languages, cookery, swimming, diving, computers, wine-tasting, crafts, astronomy, astrology, music, advanced driving, drama, take up a new sport – the list is endless. You'll meet people, you'll develop more skills, you'll add to your knowledge and you'll develop more confidence. And you'll feel more alive! Beats sitting indoors watching soaps, the news, repeats and a barrage of commercials doesn't it? I'm sure you've heard people say "I'd love to try something new but I just haven't the time". It's common isn't it? Yet many people are totally unaware of how much television they watch. Let's be conservative and say it's an average 4 hours a day. 4 x 7 = 28 hours. Imagine what you could achieve if you devoted 28 hours a week to doing something far more constructive?3. Fancy a challenge – something that will test you to the limit? How about a survival weekend? There are many courses available for this, from basic outdoor survival to more specialized ones for arctic, desert and jungle survival. You'll learn more about the environment, you'll develop survival skills and again, you'll meet new people and share a highly rewarding experience. To find courses, use the Internet search engines – "survival weekend", "survival courses" and "learn basic survival" as search terms.4. Spontaneity can bring excitement and adventure into life. Doing things on the spur of the moment is fun too! So why not just do something totally unplanned? Get in the car and drive somewhere, go to the train station and take a train journey somewhere, or, for a holiday, just visit your travel broker or go direct to the airport and see what deals they've got for you to go there and then. Have your bags packed and ready and don't forget your passport! This brings the unknown into our lives, and although this can be a little bit frightening, it's also very exciting too. Enjoy the adventure!5. I've saved the best till last! When it comes to living a happy, fulfilled life, a life where you do all things you really want to do, fear is the biggest threat you will have to face. It ruins the hopes and dreams of millions and millions of people. Every time you give in to a fear, you lose. You miss out on opportunity, experience and happiness. So do something you are afraid of. Yes, I know it is very hard to do this but the alternative – giving in – is much more painful. If you're afraid of heights, learn to abseil or climb. If you're afraid of water, learn to swim. Flying – attend a fear of flying course. Frightened of driving? Start to learn. If you want to start a business, devote the time to become fully informed and start your research. Whatever it is, TAKE ACTION to beat it. Fear only exists in one place – YOUR MIND. It is an illusion that will set boundaries on your happiness. The only way to break through these boundaries is to confront fear and overcome it. When you do, your confidence will increase, you will experience more happiness and my word will you feel alive!And there you are, five great ideas for you to try. Make them work for you by putting them into action and don't forget: Knowledge isn't power, it is putting our knowledge in to action so it works for us is what empowers us!Until next time.Chris Green is the author of the new acclaimed
book "Conquering Fear", the complete guide to overcoming
fear and attracting more success, prosperity and happiness
into your life. Welcome to your personal power revolution!
For more info, Click Here==>http://www.conqueringfear.net
Keyword : Self Improvement, Personal Development, Inspiration, Motivation, Success, Prosperity, Self Help

Play It Forward --Living A Life You've Always Wanted!

Author : Greg Ryan
What would your life be like if you lived each
event backwards? If you knew what was coming in
your life next how would you react?John Eldredge writes in his book Waking the Dead,
"God what do you have for my heart today?" He
continues by saying, "you may be stunned by what
he guides you into. I began the day at six in the
morning asking God, "What do you have for my heart
today Lord." I had a few minutes to spare this
morning (very unusual) so I had a cup of coffee at
Starbucks. During that time a brain storm came to
me and I wrote feverously for thirty minutes,
jumped in the car and decided to take a tour of
the new Wal-Mart food store in St. Matthews as I
headed back to work. When I arrived at the store
it was not raining, as I began to leave it was
pouring. I didn't buy anything so I went out the
entrance way. At the same time I realized it was
raining an elderly woman coming into the store
asked me to help with fix her umbrella, it was
stuck open. I'm thinking, not now lady my top's
down in my car and there are fish swimming in it,
but calmly with a smile I help her. Then she wants
me to fold it for her, you've got to be kidding
me. She proceeds to thank me (as I swiftly move
away) and she says, "by the way there is a
convertible in the parking lot with the top down.As I ran out I yell that's mine thank you: Now,
how many seventy year old woman notice or even
care about a comfortable sports car in the midst
of fifty cars in a lot? I get in, sit in a puddle
of water, close the top and start to drive off. As
I do so, I look over and see a plastic hair
protector (I don't know what the real name of them
are. Elderly people wear them to cover there hair
up from rain) covering my books and what I wrote
at the coffee shop. It was then I realized what
God had just allowed to happen. The same women I
just helped had taken off her head wear and put it
over my books protecting them from the rain. "What
do you want from my heart today Lord, was just
answered." I didn't know this lady, nor did she
know me or my car, that wasn't the massage. The
massage was, we reap what we sow. What ever you
want for your heart you must sow. Isn't that just
like God to answer our prayers by teaching us
something. He didn't directly answer it he put it
back on me with a life experience.What ever your heart needs or desires give it
away. Give it away until your heart becomes a
reservoir of life. Is your heart a canal or is it
a reservoir? Is it over flowing or just passing
by? Today giving something precious of yours away
this week. Maybe it's time, maybe its, money,
maybe it's processions. "What do you want for my
heart Lord?" It may be then we realize there are
Angels among us all the time.
What would your life be like if you lived each
event backwards? If you knew what was coming in
your life next how would you react?John Eldredge writes in his book Waking the Dead,
"God what do you have for my heart today?" He
continues by saying, "you may be stunned by what
he guides you into. I began the day at six in the
morning asking God, "What do you have for my heart
today Lord." I had a few minutes to spare this
morning (very unusual) so I had a cup of coffee at
Starbucks. During that time a brain storm came to
me and I wrote feverously for thirty minutes,
jumped in the car and decided to take a tour of
the new Wal-Mart food store in St. Matthews as I
headed back to work. When I arrived at the store
it was not raining, as I began to leave it was
pouring. I didn't buy anything so I went out the
entrance way. At the same time I realized it was
raining an elderly woman coming into the store
asked me to help with fix her umbrella, it was
stuck open. I'm thinking, not now lady my top's
down in my car and there are fish swimming in it,
but calmly with a smile I help her. Then she wants
me to fold it for her, you've got to be kidding
me. She proceeds to thank me (as I swiftly move
away) and she says, "by the way there is a
convertible in the parking lot with the top down.As I ran out I yell that's mine thank you: Now,
how many seventy year old woman notice or even
care about a comfortable sports car in the midst
of fifty cars in a lot? I get in, sit in a puddle
of water, close the top and start to drive off. As
I do so, I look over and see a plastic hair
protector (I don't know what the real name of them
are. Elderly people wear them to cover there hair
up from rain) covering my books and what I wrote
at the coffee shop. It was then I realized what
God had just allowed to happen. The same women I
just helped had taken off her head wear and put it
over my books protecting them from the rain. "What
do you want from my heart today Lord, was just
answered." I didn't know this lady, nor did she
know me or my car, that wasn't the massage. The
massage was, we reap what we sow. What ever you
want for your heart you must sow. Isn't that just
like God to answer our prayers by teaching us
something. He didn't directly answer it he put it
back on me with a life experience.What ever your heart needs or desires give it
away. Give it away until your heart becomes a
reservoir of life. Is your heart a canal or is it
a reservoir? Is it over flowing or just passing
by? Today giving something precious of yours away
this week. Maybe it's time, maybe its, money,
maybe it's processions. "What do you want for my
heart Lord?" It may be then we realize there are
Angels among us all the time.Greg Ryan is a best selling author of the Changing from the INSIDE OUT series. A powerful five step plan to better your life, get healthier, and have more energy!
For FREE mini Course click here! http://www.resolutions.bz
Keyword : giving, God, inspirational

Inspired For Women

Author : Lee Down
One man can make a difference. I've been saying this and writing around this subject matter for over a decade now. It is not to the exclusion of women as I originally used the phrase in reference to mankind or society if you prefer. A decade ago, my pursuit of the quest to make a difference, to be involved, to inspire ended up taking a back seat. Survival in the moment and dealing with family and health issues took the front seat. Now, most of that is behind me and to a large degree it has been women who have made the difference in my growth and healing; unique powerful, loving, nurturing women.This post serves as a reminder, an acknowledgement, a song of praise, if you will, for women. It's important you realize just how powerful and wonderful you are as a woman, as a female, as someone who has a unique blueprint different from the male of our species. Your gift is priceless when used well with integrity and you conduct yourself from this seat of female power. It's not the media's and popular culture's representation of female wiles, cunning, and manipulation. No, it's the power of the nurturer and spiritual values.I speak partly from my own experience that has a depth and richness that is so hard to explain. It also includes influence from historical perspectives and the recognition that almost every great man in history has attributed a large part of their success to the great woman in their life. I attribute it to the call in my heart and the need in my soul for that connection and healing balm that only the company of a woman can provide. How can words possibly express such complexity and yet such simplicity so that it is understood and owned by all women.It is my desire to empower each of you to be the greatest woman you can be. If I had any advice for your day-to-day living, I'd say look to women who are mature in experience and who have a healthy perspective on love, life, and relationships. Women who are successful in their relationships and careers without compromising the highest values that ring so true in all of our hearts.I can also say that I have much to offer in one-on-one coaching as a result of my own life experience with women and my perspective on the unique power of women. I do this with female clients in my coaching business now and it is a huge honor for me. It pains my heart to see women limiting themselves due to poor self image and beliefs developed from family, peers, society, media and boys or men who have caused pain.Don't hold back, be all that you are made to be.Yes, one man can make a difference, but the truth is, Women make all the difference!Peace, love, harmony - it is power.Be divinely beautiful; it radiates from within.Best wishes, LeeMake a DifferenceLee Down is a Professional Coach, Trainer/Facilitator, Speaker, & Writer of One Man Can Human Capital Development that focuses on relationships, the key foundation to success in business and life. With more than 15 years professional experience and a thirst for truth and understanding, he focuses on the human spirit and human capacity.Working with clients, he facilitates the breaking down of beliefs, barriers or obstacles that bring clients forward on their journey of discovery with spirit, energy, abundance, passion and purpose, integrating the mind and body experience. Working with business, he brings visionary leadership and relationship skills to the forefront that witnesses an empowered culture evolve and develop directly impacting the improvement to the bottom-line.
Keyword : inspiration,powerful women,woman,love,relationships,empowerment

Healing Rain - 6 Little Prayers That Bring Divine Healing

Author : Elisha Goodman
Ok, let's start with the amazing story of
Robbie and how a little-known scripture in the book
of Galatians got him healed of cancer -
after the doctors had given him only
6 months to live!!Ready? Here we go...Robbie at 45 was diagnosed with terminal
cancer several years ago and was given just
6 months to live. He and his wife Nancy,
resigned to this fate, and retired to a
small community to wait for the end.They were Christians. They believed the Bible.
So, instead of blaming God like so many in this
kind of situation do, they made up their minds
that they were going to study the Scripture
and pray till the very end.An old story rememberedBut Nancy also remembered a story she'd
read years ago. It was about a certain
missionary in the jungles of Africa who
came down with a deadly disease and was
left to die. After a week of intense
suffering and pain, he had a dream.In the dream, he saw his Bible opened at a certain
chapter and two verses of scripture highlighted
in red. He woke up, managed to open his Bible
to that chapter and painfully copied out the
two verses.Scripture Verses in ActionEvery few hours he would pray using those two verses.
The pains were tormenting him. On the third day,
he drifted off to a painful sleep after the prayers,
as usual. Many hours later, he was awakened by
a fearful sound - the roaring of a lion. He leapt
to his feet, and started running blindly for a while.Then he stopped.It suddenly hit him that he was completely healed...
he was feeling no trace of pain at all!Nancy remembered this story vividly and
hope began to rise in her that God could
also intervene and save the life of her husband.PersistenceSo they continued to praise God,
even in this circumstance. They kept right
on thanking Him. And they kept praying.Then it happened.During prayer one night,
a verse of scripture in Philippians kept coming
into Robbie's mind. To his surprise, Nancy
stopped abruptly after a few minutes and announced
she was going to search for a verse that'd been
flashing in her mind since they started praying.Guess what? It was the exact same verse
that Robbie was thinking about. They opened
the Bible, found it and began to use it
everyday in prayer.The miracle beginsThe 6 months came and went. Robbie was still alive.
In fact, he seemed to be getting better and
better everyday.One year. Two years...Robbie was back on his feet.
He even went back to his old job for a while.
Five years later, he retired to become a full
time missionary. He's still in the mission field
a decade after he was supposed to be dead from
terminal cancer!P.S. The scripture in Galatians and the prayer
points that Robbie prayed are all detailed
in the latest edition of my popular ebook
"Prayer Cookbook for Busy People."Click here to get a taste of it FREE:http://www.firesprings.comBe blessed!Prayer coach Elisha Goodman helps busy people get quick results
through prayer. Learn more about his two golden key secrets that guarantee answers to your prayers at http://www.firesprings.com.Check out his ebook packed with tips and strategies on how to attract a car, house, spouse or anything else you desire through prayer - almost everytime you pray at http://www.firesprings.com/prayer.htm
Keyword : joyce meyer,t d jakes,charles stanley,joel osteen,teacher prayer,prayer request,christian prayer

"Psychic Sponge Syndrome": The Easy Inner-Centrifuge Remedy

Author : Julia Rogers Hamrick
Here's a nifty trick to use to clear yourself of any psychic "stuff" you may pick up as you move through the world. I learned the basic format for it from a woman who had the booth space adjacent to mine at a tradeshow. Being someone who had not yet mastered the art of being open-hearted without sponging up the energy of others, I was walking around like a zombie on day two of the show, after having been immersed in the circus of conflicting energies the day before . My booth neighbor asked me what was going on with me, as I was obviously not as radiant as I had been on day one. When I explained that I had soaked up too much chaotic energy and didn't know how to rid myself of it, she said, "Oh. You just need to spin it off." And I said, "Cool! HOW?!"Here is the basic method she gave me, with my own refinements added.1. Go somewhere where you can be out of the hustle bustle and get centered (once you are practiced at this, you can do it anywhere, in any situation).2. Imagine that there's an axis that starts 12 inches above the top of your head and extends down through your body to 12 inches below your feet.3. Pretend that you're a salad spinner and, in your mind, spin your energy counter-clockwise on your axis, imagining any inharmonious, "yucky" energy flying out from you by centrifugal force, just as the water spins out of lettuce in a salad spinner. With each exhale, imagine it spinning faster.To assure that you're not adding pollution to the atmosphere around you, you can either imagine that this undesirable "gunk" hits the outside wall of the container, then runs down and drains into Mother Earth where it can transmuted and used as fertilizer, OR, you can see it transforming into golden drops of pure Love as it spins away from your axis, blessing the world as it flies further and further out from center.I always feel VERY refreshed, enlivened, clear and centered after doing this, and have taught it to many others, who report the same effect! Once you practice it a few times and can do it without needing to focus on it, you can run your inner centrifuge without having to stop--simply "turn it on" sporadically as you go about your business to keep yourself clear.©2005 Julia Rogers HamrickJulia Rogers Hamrick has been a spiritual-growth facilitator for over two decades, and is the author of Recreating Eden: The Exquisitely Simple, Divinely Ordained Plan for Transforming Your Life and Your Planet. Julia writes about and leads seminars on proactive joy, and the relationship between frequency and experience. For more information on Julia and on recreating Eden, visit http://www.recreating-eden.com To read about Julia's own dance with Spirit, ego, and frequency, read Julia's blog, accessible from her website.
Keyword : psychic sponge, energy, clearing,

Keep Hope Alive

Author : Nancy Bishop
"Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all.." ~ Emily DickinsonThere is a bittersweet quality that permeates the air in September. In the northern hemisphere, we say our reluctant goodbyes to summer. When September rolls around there is something in our early programming that kicks in. We gear up for all of the activities associated with fall. Kids return to school and we all begin to pick up the pace.We never really do finish school while we are alive on this planet. We continue to learn life lessons and hopefully grow through all of our experiences. Much of our earlier training at home and school prepares us to face life as warriors or worriers. The good news is that we can learn to become more resilient if we are willing to do our "hope" work. That's right. That wasn't a typo. I meant "hope" work. Too many of us have been basing our lives for far too long on what is reasonable and evident rather than on faith and belief."Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the
whole staircase." Martin Luther King, Jr.When I refer to faith, I mean that which is unseen, unproven and is in the realm of the mysterious. Faith requires our active belief. There may be things you are experiencing in your life right now that seem impossible to overcome. Hope is that expectation that the drought in your business, your finances, your relationships, your health could all change in an instant. Don't be deceived by the evidence to the contrary. Hope is what will expand your thinking and challenge your beliefs about what is possible.According to Greek Mythology, the gods gave Pandora a beautiful box with instructions to never open it. Pandora's curiosity was stronger than her will and she couldn't resist opening it. Once opened, all of the ills of the world came flying out of the box. No one has ever been able to contain them again. However, at the bottom of the box, almost overlooked, was Hope.Who would have believed that 309 people could survive a
burning plane crash last month in Toronto, Canada? Everyone
called it a miracle. I also believe it was evidence that Hope is alive.You can look at the devastation that took place along
the Gulf Coast and only see suffering or, you can look again, and see that Hope is alive there, too.Nancy D. Bishop is a Life Coach, writer and speaker. She coaches women in midlife transitions who want to live more authentically. She publishes a monthly newsletter. For more information on her coaching programs visit http://www.yourlifeyourway.com
Keyword : hope, faith, belief, life, lessons, school, suffering, living, survive, challenge, overcome, warrior

Life Lessons From Hurricane Katrina

Author : Royane Real
During the past couple of weeks, like many millions of other people around the world I spent a lot of time watching the horrific events taking place in New Orleans, Louisiana, unable and unwilling to believe that what I was seeing was actually taking place in the United States of America.And though we often forget most big disasters after just a few weeks, I think that people will be talking about the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina for a long time to come.Like many other people, as the disaster unfolded, I assumed that because this was happening in the United States, the rescuing response would be very swift and very well organized. And it wasn't.Whenever a big tragedy of this magnitude occurs, whether in the United States or elsewhere in the world, many people will find themselves re-examining how they live, and perhaps examining some of their most basic beliefs about what is truly importantDuring the week that stranded evacuees waited in heat and filth, desperate for water and food, while others drowned in their own homes as the water levels rose, it really hit me as I thought to myself, Tonight I am in my own home in a safe city. No one I care about is missing. Anytime today that I wanted a drink of water, it was there. The air smelled good. I wan't afraid. I had food to eat.This tragedy reminds us that our real needs as human beings are so simple. And when our basic needs are met, our minds get restless and our minds start inventing other needs for us. A new car. More money. A bigger house. A different couch. But these aren't really needs, these are simply desires, wishes, preferences. Most of the time we forget the difference between our needs and our desires.On television I saw one family who had nothing left to call home but a mattress on the floor in the basement of a church, but they were some of the happiest people I had ever seen. Happy because they were alive, and they were together and they had hope.The crisis in New Orleans reminded us again, of what our basic needs are. Food to eat when we are hungry and water to drink when we are thirsty. Being able to live down at night in a safe place. A sweet breath of fresh air.Being with the people we care about, and people who care about us. Being part of a community where we have value and dignity. Having someone to look after us when weAs the aftermath of the hurricane in New Orleans shows us, even our most basic needs are not guaranteed to always be there. If you have food to eat today, and clean water, and a safe place to live with your loved ones, you're lucky, and not just lucky in a superficial way. Every day that you get up and your basic needs are met, it is a gift to you, a miracle.This article is by Royane Real, author of several self help books available at her website. Sign up for her free newsletter with life improving ideas at http://www.royanereal.com
Keyword : hurricane Katrina, life lessons, gratitude, inspiration

Papa, You Are the Best!

Author : Sanjeev Himachali
Papa, you are the best!!!"Papa, you are the best" is the second best one-liner and one of the sweetest one-liner; all males say all fathers like to listen to at one stage or another of their life. As a father one can give following to his kids:1) Love and Care...to let them know that they are the best and most loveable person.2) Confidence...to take their own decisions.3) Courage...to face the world.4) Excellent Education...to face the best of the best in the world and encourage them to do their best.5) Options...to select their own way.6) Guidance...to differentiate between good and bad7) Strength...to take a stand and face failure and frustration boldly.One is not a best papa, if he is1) A dictator
2) Ignorant and
3) ImposesIgnorant. Yes you are an ignorant father, if you are not aware of your kids's
Strengths and weakness;
Likes and dislikes;
Positives and negatives,
Dreams and ambitions,
Values.One should not take things for guaranteed. OK, they are your kids but still they are different individuals, have different views, perceptions and ideology.As a father, one must be good listener, so listen to your kids, without threat and without any pre-conceived notions. Sometimes, it may happen that your kids don't like your suggestion and advice. They have different dreams and goals and like to follow them. At that time don't pass any judgment or comment but assure your kids that you are with them and will take care of them, just in case they fall short. You must be like a strong pillar from which your kids can take support if they are low in confidence, frustrated and low in spirits.Celebrate all the achievements, big or small. You wanted your daughter to score 97% in Chemistry but she scored 67% in Chemistry but 88% in mathematics (her favorite subject) still celebrate.Among all the celebrities and well-known people, my all time favorite is actor, producer, social worker, politician and former Cabinet Minister (Sports), yes; I am talking about the late Shri Sunil Dutt. Success or failure, Good times or Bad times, Happy times or Struggling times, Achievement or Non-performance, he always stood by his son, actor Shri Sanjay Dutt.Conclusion
I am sure then one day, your kids will come to you...will hold your hand and will say, "Papa, you are the BEST". I understand that bringing-up kid and inculcating good values is not an easy task and varies as they grow older but you are expected to put in lots of hard work and undergo lots of hardship to give your best to your kids. But friends, don't sell your love, care and affection; never ever tell your kids all that you have done for them to give them your best or else it may appear as if you are asking for "payment" for all that you have done. Let's here give our unconditional love…without expecting anything in return. What do you say?Awaiting your comments and feedback.Have a great day and take very good care of yourself.Rest your thoughts and scatter your troubles across the same vastness that originally brought on the confusion and doubt.Breathe a dream into the horizon from a rain-soaked beach and let the tide wash it back across the sand, enveloping the place in time where you stood and first dared to whisper out loud.Laugh out loud, hysterically, at the most difficult of times and I'll be there should tears get in the way.Walk beside me for a moment on a spring day down a path we create with each footstep.No destination, but a clearing to part if the journey should become pointless.Rediscover the child residing within you and smile at the simplicity of it all and rest for a while in the tall grasses of a forgotten field of daffodils.About Author: Sanjeev Himachali
E-mail: ss_himachali@yahoo.com; sanjeev.himachali@gmail.com
Blog: http://sanjeevhimachali.blogspot.com/You can read my ITES-BPO related articles at http://www.bpoindia.org/research/ or http://www.contactcenterworld.com/articles.aspSanjeev (Himachali) Sharma, is a 29 yrs of age from India, having six years of experience in "Human Resource Development". By qualification, he is Bachelor of Science and Masters in Business Administration. He is also a Motivational and Inspirational writer and speaker.)About Organization: "07/09 Management Consultants"...(Exploring new areas). We are into following:1) Business and Industry Research2) Providing total HR solutions to new start-up companies and as we say JD (Job Description) to OD (Organizational Development)3) Your salary and taxation (Analyzing the effect of Financial Bill on the salaries and there by advising the management...if they need to change the compensation Plan)4) Sourcing Senior Profiles...GM's, VP's, CEO's and MD's.5) We are into "BPO Consultancy" and help companies in
Keyword : Relations, Parents, Father, Papa, Human Relations, Childern, Kids, Son, Daughter