วันเสาร์ที่ 9 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Dawning of a New World

Author : Doran Roggio
Whenever I speak to people, I find the greater majority are concerned about the state of the world today. There does seem to be a great deal of crime and confusion. What do you think? I contend that in spite of all the badness that the word is getting better.First of all, we hear about the evil goings on because the world is so much smaller. Bad things have always happened. It is that now technology brings this news to our ears. There isn't a small town or large city, which doesn't have its gruesome tale of some atrocity. In former times they did not necessarily reach the ears of the entire world, in fact, sometimes never reaching past the invisible walls of its own inhabitants.This article is not to elaborate on the evils in this universe. Instead, I contend that in spite of the wickedness, which has existed since the beginning of man, the world is improving. We are in the dawning of a new world, one where truth is sought like never before.It is true that men have always sought after truth. In part they have found truth. Once having found truths man wrapped it up in neat little packages with elaborates labels. We are no longer satisfied with bits and pieces of Truth.Time has come when we want real Truth, not pretty wrappings. We today want the essential reality our human soul craves. We want a truth we can use in the building of our lives.Today the world is moving forward towards an accurate adjustment of the human soul to truth. We are seeking the supreme truth that the body demands for health, the mind for development, and the inner self for peace and power.It is this drive for Purity of Truth that is bringing a new dawning. A new enlightened condition is developing as we seek and find the reality of Truth. A new day of splendid, happy and growing spiritual life is bursting over the earth. Souls are coming free. Hearts are growing in courage. We are learning to think in purer form.We see this new Dawn evidenced in the hunger for spiritual enlightenment. Self-help, motivational and inspirational information is sought after like never before. We are seeking Truth with mightiness, and producing courage and power in our lives as a result.As man continues to seek the essence of Truth it will serve to produce higher thoughts. These loftier thoughts will then contribute to greater worldwide happiness as we consciously harmonize with the true and good and beautiful.As we become more solidly founded in Truth I would look forward to evil being eradicated from our lives. Evil is a derangement in an individual's life induced by his wrong thinking. As Truth grows more in each of us evil will in time be banished forever, along with the other fruits of erroneous thinking, such as physical diseases.May we practice higher thoughts in our pursuit of Truth and make application of it in our lives. In this way we can make our contribution to the happy, peaceful, enlightened New World in which there will be, "…no more death, or mourning, or crying, or pain, for the old order has passed away". Revelation 20:4Doran Roggio is a writer, and entrepreneur who believes in the power of thought, and the god-given right to happiness. For further infromation on personal growth in life and business check out

http://self-improvement.healing-truths.com and http://personalsuccess.healing-truths.com
Keyword : Truth, New World, inspiration, spirituality, self-help, peace, Dawn
