วันอาทิตย์ที่ 17 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

The Secret of Self-Healing?

Author : H. Bernard Wechsler
In a Gallup Poll released in 2005, more than 55% of U.S. citizens
agreed that there is a connection between the mind and the body in
the healing process.The real question is how can we accelerate personal healing, and enhance
our health and lives.The answer begins with Intent to take action, followed by creating
a system to produce a consistent behavior. Old-timers called it a Ritual,
a ceremonial procedure to follow exactly until it becomes a habit.We call it Behavior Intelligence Strategies (BIS), and it requires just two-minutes,
and takes 21 days to turn into your own habit.PurposeTo reach our desired outcome, we must have clearly defined reasons to begin working. Our mind gets bored and distracted and quits, if we cannot offer it logical or emotional reasons to continue toward our goal.Would you like a system to extinguish headaches, chronic-stress, lower your blood pressure, and activate your immune systems for health and longevity?How about improving your memory up to 33%, and adding to your learning capacity up to 40%, by a baby-easy two-minute exercise?Yes, it exists, and the reason more folks do not use it - is pure, unadulterated laziness and stubbornness. Are you willing to invest two-minutes of your time?ObjectiveThe secret of accelerated healing and Einstein-like learning skills is extra-oxygen in
your bloodstream. Did you know that learning and memory require 10% more
oxygen than being at-rest?If you are a normal intelligent student or executive – you are a chest-breather, which is shallow and self-defeating. No one taught you to be a negative-oxygen breather, you developed it on your own, and now is the time to change.Here is Why You Should ChangeA diaphragmatic breather – one who habitually sucks oxygen from their solar plexus (navel), accomplishes two-things:You stimulate your excretory systems to carry-off your body toxins, fragmented dead cells, harmful viruses and bacteria; and the removal of carbon dioxide from
your bloodstream.An additional 10% of oxygen and a higher-rate of glucose (blood-sugar), produce
up to 20% more energy and vitality. Remember, Speed Readers are learners and use up more oxygen and glucose than other folks.HowFirst, you have developed a bad habit and it is so natural, you are unaware of it.
You hold in your stomach – most of the time. It may make you look better, but it
reduces the amount of oxygen you provide to your mind-and-body.Become aware of your stomach and intentionally release the muscles of your belly.
Notice how good it feels to relax the muscles of your stomach. Now you can breathe deeper and oxygenate your brain better.Second, for two-minutes daily, do this breathing exercise. In 21 days you will have a
habit that goes on auto-pilot.Do This1. Sit down in a quiet place, place your hands on top of your knees, and close your eyes.2. Inhale a slow diaphragmatic breath, and see and feel your stomach expand.
Mentally count to five by saying – one-one-thousand, two-one-thousand, etc.3. Hold this breath for a count of five – one-one-thousand – etc.4. Mentally visualize yourself relaxing at the beach in the warm sun for ten seconds.5. Slowly exhale through your mouth to a count of five.6. Intend to Duchenne-smile (mouth and eyes), and repeat the exercise –a total
of five times for optimal benefit. The whole thing takes two-minutes for all
the benefits of self-healing and accelerated learning.7. Mentally repeat five-times –Every day in every way with
help, I am getting better and better.Now gently open your eyes feeling much better than before.Endwords:In Japan and other countries, they highly value the benefits accruing from the
solar-plexus equal to the brain. They call the stomach – hara, and the navel
(belly-button), heso.Many consider the stomach to be the power-center of the mind-and-body.The second step to self-healing, accelerated learning and improved memory
requires just two-minutes of deep-breathing through chanting. How to do
it for optimal results (the system), is still a closely guarded secret in Japanese
circles.See ya,copyright © 2006
H. Bernard Wechsler

hbw@speedlearning.orgAuthor of Speed Reading For Professionals, published by Barron's,
former business partner of Evelyn Wood, creator of speed reading, graduating
2 million, including the White House staffs of four U.S. Presidents.
Keyword : self-help, training, personal growth, speed reading
