วันศุกร์ที่ 22 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

How Does it Feel to Enhance One's Life, With Extra Aliveness, Love, Joy and Gratitude?

Author : Melody Bass
Once upon a time, our primitive ancestors were much more adapt at releasing stress than we are in these modern times. There was the instinctual and spontaneous reaction of 'fight & flight' and the instant sense of reward after escaping from eminent danger.Yet, as we have evolved, life has become much more complex, and so too has the way that we handle stress. People try to cope in many different ways, often with indulging in a variety of comforts such as entertainment, food, alcohol, sex and drugs.Both, our pent-up stresses and the ways that we try to cope are the causes of many of our problems. Often we may not know that there is a problem, until it comes to the crunch time. Then all of a sudden it can hit us like a tone of bricks, and it all just seems too hard, overwhelming and depressing.Where did we go wrong, or what didn't we do right? Maybe we just slipped into overwhelm, sort of lost our footing, drifted away, became submerged, and we didn't allow our-self the choice to become aware, at the time.As an integral part of our evolutionary journey, also comes greater choices for awareness. And what is awareness? Let's just say to be an observer, a witness without getting too involved. Because once we've jumped into the soup, it's very difficult to crawl back out. However have you ever met anyone who is totally immersed in the soup, drowning in it and also enjoying it? Yes, some people manage to become so down, intoxicated that it simply starts to become very familiar, comfortable and addictive, leaving almost no way out.Pulling people out of the soup is something that can be very rewarding. It's sort of like being a life-saver, you know one of those life guards at the beach.Of course, we can't really help anyone, unless we are helping them to help themselves. It's just like offering an invitation to join a different party, and they must be willing to come along. To break free, one must accept the invitation to reclaim awareness. Reclaiming ones awareness, gives back ones life. It's a type of resuscitation. The awareness simply opens us to better choices. The rescuer has merely offered the invitation, and by joining the awareness party, as it seems they have really just saved themselves, they are the true hero. Sure, it is sort of silent work.An enhanced awareness gives us back the power to save our-self, time and time again.This opened awareness is our true instinctual state. Yes, we can all instinctually be spontaneous when confronted by stress. The key is to become the observer.
And how does it feel? Author, Melody says it's the greatest gift to help people to enhance their own life, with extra aliveness, love joy and gratitude. Melodys' book; 'Unlock the Secrets - how to let-go of anxiety, panic and stress' is a truly inspirational book that offers precise step by step tools and process for rescuing us from this soup.So next time that we sit down before a bowl of soup, maybe we could just be aware of the gratitude, that we would rather be enjoying this, than drowning in the stuff.Melody is an international psychic healer, teacher & transformational life coach. Melody is the author of an e-book; 'Unlock the Secrets - how to let-go of anxiety, panic and stress', outlining step-by-step precisely how to use these powerful secrets. The book may be purchased on http://www.aboveallhealing.com
Keyword : anxiety,panic,stress,awareness,aliveness,love,joy,gratitude,
