วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 6 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Most Commonly Occuring Idioms in Standardized Exams Like GRE, TOEFL, and GMAT

Author : Jagdish Khubchandani
What is an Idiom?An idiom is an expression (i.e. term or phrase) the meaning of which cannot be inferred from the dictionary definitions and the arrangement of its elements, but refers instead to a figurative meaning that is known only through conventional use. This explanation is an adaptation from wikipedia. What I am concerned about is the usage of idioms and a thorough understanding of their occurrence in study abroad qualifying examinations like GRE GMAT TOEFL and SAT. Most students who don't have English as their native language face difficulties in the aforementioned exams due to the surprise elements like idioms .One obvious reason is that idioms are manners of communication which are natural to the native speakers of a particular language. You may have idioms for your native language and admittedly, in modern times it is in fact difficult to converse without idioms. The knowledge of these elements of speech doesn't bother you most of the times because you use it in your native language.When a study abroad aspirant faces idioms in exam preparation it becomes cumbersome because most of the study abroad exams are in English and English has a vast range of idioms currently in use. However, most of the educational and testing services have a basic collection of idioms which they want to test or expect you to know. If you plan to take any exam like the GRE, GMAT, TOEFL you won't face a lot of complex idiomatic expressions in the text or questions asked. I am providing a short list of idioms which helped me earn decent scores in my exams and still help me understand the content of speech of the people around me. I have realized that without knowing these most common expressions it is undoubtedly difficult to comprehend what others say in a study abroad program. Here is a list of idioms which will enhance your verbal and written communication skills in English, if you learn to accommodate them.Abide byClose byVersed inWanting inAbound inConfide inDeficient inInterfere inJoin inLost inPride inIdentical withInterfere withTrifle withReconciled withOverwhelmed withPart withCompete withComply withConversant withBear withAbounds withAcquainted withAgree withRefrain fromRelief fromPart fromProhibited fromEstranged fromDiffer fromAbstain fromWedded toTestify toStop toSubmit toSubscribe toReconciled toPartial toLimit toJump toKeep toIndebted toFancy toDue toClose toCommend toAcceptable toAddicted toAgree toAnxious toSure ofRemind ofRepent ofRun ofImpatient ofInform ofInquire ofHopeful ofFond ofDeaf ofDespair ofDispose ofComplain ofConfident ofAcquitted ofAdapt ofHit uponDecide uponAgree uponTouch atPuzzled atIndignant atGet atGrumble atCall atAmazed atArrive atAnxious aboutZealous forZest forThankful forReputation forQualified forPartiality forMatch forLong forGift forGrateful forFascination forFit forEligible forCall forCraving forCure of forBound forKeep upBring upMurmur againstPrejudice againstWarned againstCome acrossRun out ofGet overBrood overSmile onRun onKeen onHard onCall onCommend onEnticed intoFell underInquire afterHanker after Look up toDr. Jagdish Khubchandani is A Research Assistant in the Department of Public Health at Western Kentucky University. He is a physician from India who now represents the College of Health and Human Services at the Graduate Council of Western Kentucky University. He is the author of the famous Indian book "All In One- A comprehensive review of Internatioanl education and foreign exams". The book has an online supplement.
Keyword : GRE,GMAT, USA, UK, VISA,Admission, Jagdish Khubchandani, IELTS, SAT, TOEFL, GMAT, International,TSE
