วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 6 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Over Regulation and Over Lawyering Killing American Commerce

Author : Lance Winslow
Well I have retired at 40-years old and it is not because I am lazy, stupid or want to kick back. It is because I just got tired of beating my head against the wall filling our forms, dealing with all the over regulation in industry and then having to watch lawyers over charge and take all the cream off the top. Personally I think Caesar was right and Vice President Dick Cheney who popped one full of Bird Shot is now my personal Hero.While in the Franchising Sector as a Founder, I cannot tell you the amount of over regulation we had to deal with. But that is only one industry. How about doctors and malpractice and those suits affect our health insurance rates, sure some doctors are really incompetent just like some lawyers are incompetent and I have even met franchisors that are incompetent as entrepreneurs.But in all if their were fewer lawsuits and everyone could do handshake deals like our grandparents then in fact business, educational systems, police protection could move smoother with less red tape and better results. Government's number one job is to protect her citizenry, yet we constantly interject attorneys and lobbyists into the loop for special interest group's rights, without actually serving the people our leaders are sworn to protect.Why should a mobile car wash business franchise need a 210-page pre-sale legal disclosure document? It doesn't, but over the years the average franchise documents have increased and ours is actually on the low side. The bigger they get the less they help the customer (franchisee), and give more power to the Corporation. That is truly a travesty. What an insane amount of paperwork for the privilege of creating opportunity, jobs, tax base and providing consumers with their desires. What a way to repay the greatest asset in our nation. It is the ultimate disrespect for those who give 110%.Lance Winslow
Keyword : Over Regulation, Over Lawyering, Killing American Commerce
