วันเสาร์ที่ 16 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

To Succeed Greatly, You Must...

Author : Jason Katzenback
(1) Climb up from under the limitations of circum­stances and conditions(2) Do some­thing in such a way that you become a leader in rendering service and securing just com­pensation for your service.Read that again!It suggests the personal factors which will make your effort successful. It also sug­gests the process of succeeding, and the means of carrying out the process.The determining factors are:(1) Freeing yourself of hindering circumstances and conditions;
(2) Doing something;
(3) Being a leader in what you do;
(4) Rendering service to others; and
(5) Securing just com­pensation for the service.My discovery of these determining fac­tors was very important to the young man I talked with years ago. It revolutionized his efforts and changed him from failure to success. It was also a great revelation to me. Previously, I had believed that success depended on determin­ation, enthusiasm, hard work, et cetera. These are essential in succeeding, but they are not determinants of success.Assume that I wish to be successful in producing a light green colored oil paint. White lead as the basis and linseed oil as the medium are valuable assets. A basis and a medium are essentials. But, I can mix a new batch of white lead and linseed oil every day for a year and fail to produce a light green paint. White lead and linseed oil are essential in making a light green paint, but they do not determine greenness. Green pigment is the only factor which is a deter­minant in producing a green paint. To be successful in producing a green paint, I must use a green pigment.So it is in determining success. Hard work, honesty, enthusiasm, et cetera, are valuable assets-you cannot succeed with­out them. But, they do not determine your success. Hence, my discovery of the five de­termining factors was a great revelation to me, and it is most important in the attain­ment of success.So, also, I was astounded, when I worked out the process of succeeding, and the means to be used. I found that the process usually employed may succeed now and then, but that it does not make success certain. And, I found that the means, which is the least used, is the most efficient. These I present to you in succeeding chapters.To begin the change which will lead you to success, consecrate yourself to the use of the five determinants of success.If you dare to free yourself from hinder­ing circumstances, if you do something in such a way that you make yourself a leader in your work, if your work is of service to others, if you dare to secure just compensa­tion for your work-then you ARE a suc­cess!Let us commit:FREEDOM-the daring to overcome the limitations of circumstances and conditions, and express yourself-is the first determin­ing factor.ACTION-doing something, not merely thinking about it, or dreaming of it, or wish­ing for it-is the second.LEADERSHIP-doing your work bet­ter, or more rapidly, or more efficiently, or, more effectively than others would do it- is the third.SERVICE-doing your work in such a way that it renders service to others, and then, in addition, giving service-is the fourth.JUSTICE-the art of securing just com­pensation for the services you render, by the way you deal with people, and by the means you use in doing so-is the final determin­ing factor which guarantees success!Find the rest of the story at http://TheExecutiveTrainer.comAt Last! You Can Discover Real World Step-by-Step 'Secrets' That Will Get You Noticed and Show You How To Succeed Perfectly... Without Having To Brown Nose or Suck Up to Anyone! http://www.TheExecutiveTrainer.com
Keyword : success, self help, career, business,
