วันเสาร์ที่ 16 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Let's Hear It For Mistakes!

Author : Linda Salazar
While having dinner at the Soup Plantation recently, I witnessed something that nearly broke my heart. For those of you not familiar with the Soup Plantation it's a restaurant where you get your own food as opposed to ordering it and having someone bring it to you.We were sitting near another family and I noticed a young girl, around 14 years old,
bring her dad a bowl of soup. In that moment I was thinking how nice she was to do
that for him until he started giving her a hard time about the soup not being the one
he asked for. He said things like; "You never listen." "You're always making stupid
mistakes." "If I want it done right I should just do it myself."The young lady simply apologized to her dad and went back to get him "the right"
bowl of soup. Now I have no idea about the history of this family, and maybe she
doesn't listen well enough to do things right the first time a lot, but what I do know,
is the more we are beaten up for our mistakes, the more we are going to have a
hard time learning from them and the more we will continue creating the same
mistakes.If you've been given a hard time for past mistakes whether it's from your own
Gremlin or someone else, it's only natural to be gun shy the next time around. And
the problem with that is when you're gun shy, you're not relaxed. When you're not
relaxed, you can't think clearly, and when you can't think clearly, you tend to make
more mistakes. When you make more mistakes you're more afraid to play full out in
life. It can be a vicious cycle.But there's another way to deal with mistakes that gives you enough confidence so
you learn from them quickly and grow at the same time. When I was 13 years old I
did something really stupid, but the way my parents handled it shaped me to feel
the way I do about my mistakes and how I treat others when they make mistakes.One day, after my parents went out for the afternoon, I decided I wanted to know
what it felt like to drive a car. So I grabbed the keys, pulled the car out of the garage
and drove backwards down the driveway. Perfect execution. Now all I had to do was
put the car back into the garage, driving forward. Piece of cake. Not! As I pulled in I
slammed into the left side of the garage smashing the headlight and severely
denting the corner of the car, not to mention cracking some of the wood on the side
of the garage.I'm sure you can imagine the fear that ran through me as I waited for the return of
my parents. When they walked into the house I burst into tears and apologized on
hands and knees. Without saying a word, they went and looked at the damage.
When they came back into the house, they simply asked, "What did you learn from
this mistake?"I honestly don't remember what I said but what I do remember what they said."The hell you put yourself through waiting for us to come home is probably
punishment enough." "Everyone makes the wrong choices in life from time to time
and as long as we learn from those mistakes we're ahead of the game."And they added, "If you ever do anything like this again the consequences will be
very different." I got the message loud and clear.I realize not everyone is a lucky as I am to have had an experience like that with
their parents. However, as an adult, you get to now decide how you're going to feel
about your mistakes and how you're going to react to the mistakes others make.
One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself and others in your life is the
opportunity to really be okay with the mistakes, learn from them, let them go, and
move on.Without mistakes you wouldn't learn, grow, have certain experiences, gain wisdom
and knowledge. Mistakes give you the opportunity to lose the need to be perfect.
Losing this need frees you up to take more risks in life, (hopefully smarter ones than
trying to drive at 13), forge a path for self-discovery and go after your dreams.Here's a few of my favorite quotes on mistakes:"By ignorance we mistake, and by mistakes we learn"
Proverb"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make
Elbert Hubbard"If I had my life to live over again, I'd dare to make more mistakes the next time"
Nadine StairIf you have a really hard time forgiving yourself with mistakes and they stop you in
your tracks more than propel you forward, I invite you to do this exercise:Fold a piece of paper in half length-wise. On the left side, list the top 5 mistakes
you've made in your life. On the right side, write down the lessons you learned from
each of those mistakes and any benefits those mistakes ended up creating in your
life. If you've got more than 5 you'd like to address, then go for it!Linda Salazar is a Certified Life Coach and the founder of Awaken The Genie Within,
specializing in Spirituality and the Law of Attraction.
She assists people in experiencing the expansion that comes from living in a place
of authenticity and truth. Listening from a place that all is possible and seeing more
for her clients than they see for themselves, Linda playfully invites them to stretch
beyond their limiting beliefs.
Awaken The Genie Within.
Practical strategies for magical results!http://www.awakenthegeniewithin.com

Keyword : Mistakes,success,self-improvent,life lessons,growth,wisdom,coach,
