วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 3 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2551

Peace and What we can do about it

Author : Praveen

If i guessed it right, you must be wondering if you come to the
correct site or whether you typed the address wrongly and landed
yourself into another junk website. Well, it saddens me to say
that none of those has happened and you are here because like
others, inlcluding me, you are searching for the one missing
element in our life which has eluded mankind for the better part
of last 100 years - Peace.

Before you make a run for the next site, i am not trying to sell
you anything. All i am asking is spend 5 minutes, Read what i
have to say and you can either proceed to the next site or open
your email client and tell others about this site.

We are living in a world where each morning if we dont read
about War, Bomb Blasts, Suicide Bombers etc... we think the
world has gone crazy. That unforutantely is the true nature of
all people living on this planet. Some might disagree, some
might even blatantly lie, but deep down thats the truth. why?
how? because thats what you were told to expect when you grew up.

The Actions of one Individual for his/her vested interests
invariably affects a million people every single day.

Iraq, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Eastern Europe, Srilanka, Somalia
and many others are caught up or have been caught up in this.

That is the Bigger picture. As a common man, we can protest, we
can go on hunger strikes, we can demonstrate to show our power ,
we can refuse to pay taxes and we can do what many others are
doing right now somewhere in this world.

But that is not the purpose or the aim of this site. If you want
to start a Forest Fire, you cannot go one fine morning and set
it all ablaze at once. You need to start somewhere, in a corner,
on a leaf and hope it spreads.

Hope, it is the quintessential human delusion, simultaneously
the source of your greatest strength, and your greatest
weakness. 1 Similarly i want to start with you and hope it

Just think for a minute, how many times you would have had an
Argument with your Parents, Girlfriend, Boyfriend, Wife,
Husband, Boss, colleague or with anyone else.

Why? because you believe in something which they dont or because
you want something which they dont approve of?

Mankind came into this earth millions of years ago and for most
part of that time, no one exactly knows what we were doing on
this planet. It has been generally assumed that we were living
in caves, living with the animals that roamed at that time and
we lived what we call now an Uncivilized life.

But, what has been generally agreed is we lived in peace. We
Lived in peace with animals, with the nature and most of all, We
Lived in peace amongst us.

No one can and has really said why we started fighting. We can
formulate theories, write books on the possible assumptions. but
the reality is no one really knows.

Now Imagine, that something for which you were arguing for is
given to you.

What will you do with it? Can you do something greater than what
the other person has done with it?

Now Imagine, having got that object of your desire, you go out,
throw a party, get drunk and on your way back home, you meet
with an accident and die. I sincerely hope that something like
that doesnt happen. But like how we have been taught to think
all possibilities, lets imagine that scenario.

No one really knows whether there is an Afterlife or not. lets
assume there is none. Now that you are dead, what will you do
with that object? you can immediately say, what if the other
person had died as well? You are quite right in your thinking.

For something which is of no use to you after you are dead, you
fought with the other person, thus breaking the friendship you
both had and the next time you both see each other, you must be
cursing them inside you and waiting for a chance to get your

Now for some part of your life, you are going to spend time to
get the other person down. But Imagine, what you both could have
done with it if you hadnt fought for the same object.

Maybe the object in question is something which many others can
benefit from? maybe it could help save the lives of many people?
maybe it can help change the way we live? the possibilities are
endless. This is just one of the examples i can give you. There
are many, many other scenarios which happen every single day in
our daily life. Stop, Think for a minute and then act.

So what if the other person has said something bad to you or
done something bad. You dont have to retaliate. You dont have to
prove a point. History has given us many examples of Victory
without bloodshed, acts of violence. Dont wait for others to
start, Dont wait for others to follow you, March Ahead with
pride and others will soon take notice and will be with you.

There is still time. There is still a way. Together We can make
this world a Better Place to live for now and forever.

All We Want is Peace For more Articles, AlliWantispeace
Article Written by Praveen.

Category : Entrepreneurs
