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Testing and Tempting

Author : Lynn Bradley
This article about testing and tempting is offered to give understanding to this confusing subject. You have permission to publish it if the resource box is left intact. The author can be contacted at lynn_b2@yahoo.com. Total words 840.Understanding the trials we are struggling with is very difficult. We will never comprehend fully in this life, but there are principles in Scripture that illuminate the subject.The Bible speaks of testing by God and tempting by Satan. It is only in modern English that temptation has come to mean testing for evil purposes; testing and temptations were once synonymous (NIV Bible Dictionary, page 997). The only difference between testing and tempting is the purpose they are given for. It is God's purpose to strengthen and refine, Satan's is to undermine the authority of God and cause to destroy oneself by sin. In Revelation 12:10, Satan is called "the accuser of our brothers."The Book of Job gives us insight into the triangle, God, Satan, Man. Satan was permitted to cause Job's suffering to see if he would still obey God. This was apparently one of the mysterious "heavenly council" meetings mentioned several times in the Bible. Others occur in Psalms 89:7, Jeremiah 23:18-22, and First
Kings 22:19.David's Psalms had familiarized the Israelites with Yahweh sitting upon a throne in the heavens; with references at 9:7, 11:4, 45:6 and 103:19. To be allowed to see in vision the glory of the Almighty thus seated, was a rare favor. It was granted to Isaiah, to Daniel (7:9, 13, and 22), to Ezekiel, in Chapter 1 and in Christian times to Stephen in Acts 7:6 and John in Revelation 4:2.God used Satan to test his son. Jesus was led into the desert to be tempted by the devil. (MT 4:1; LK 4:1) He was led by the Spirit. He had to be tempted in all points like we are (HEB 4:15), so that he would understand what we are going through. Here tempting and testing is simultaneous. God had positive
intentions, Satan, had negative ones. God meant to prove Jesus' faith by the ordeal, Satan meant to condemn him. The thorn in the flesh given to Paul is another example of God using Satan. It was given by God, but administered by Satan (2CO 12:7).God tests his people to see if they will follow his instructions (EX 16:14). Satan tempts them to disobey God's instructions, and take the easy way out. Each time you overcome a temptation, you are stronger because of it.Although the testing of your faith is difficult to cope with, it does serve a purpose. James says that it develops perseverance. (1:2) Trials come so that faith can be proved genuine (1PE 1:6-7). God is constantly testing, shaping, refining. Wouldn't you rather face a stiff test now, than at the end of time, when you have no chance to correct your mistakes?In Matthew 6:13, we are taught to pray "Lead us not into temptation." That leads us to believe that being led into temptation is a possibility. It seems to clash with James 1:13 that says God does not tempt anyone. The Layman's Bible Encyclopedia offers this explanation: In modern times, tempt simply means to "entice" as used in the King James' version,
however, its primary meaning is to test or prove. It is in this latter sense that God may be spoken of as tempting men (page 834). It is only since the seventeenth century that it has come to mean testing with evil intent (The New Bible Dictionary, page 1250). The passage probably means not to permit temptation or not to be tested severely.Only God knows why we have severe trials and suffering. Perhaps it takes extreme difficulties to force us to solve problems for his purpose. How do we deal with the mass exodus from the gulf states because of hurricane Katrina? How do we face diminishing supplies of oil? What will we do when they announce there is no more oil on the planet? We will move on. We will develop new fuels for new vehicles. We progress slowly as long as we are
willing to put up with what we have. God is forcing us to grow.We wonder why we have poor health with the resulting high cost, and other difficult problems. God is preparing us for life in heaven. As we struggle to understand why we have to go through it all, we gradually learn to trust him more. This gives us more patience, knowing that he has everything under control. We are becoming more like God so that we can spend eternity with him.This article was derived from the book, "The Way to God's House." Lynn Bradley is also the author of, "Climbing the Heavenly Stairs." Get acquainted with the individual members of the Godhead. Get the feel of your faith and live life to the full. Read more by clicking the following link. http://www.thelynnbradleybook.com
Keyword : Testing, Tempting, purpose, strengthen, refine, develop perseverance, disobey,condemn.
