วันเสาร์ที่ 16 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Temperaments and Educational Success

Author : Reg Adkins
In order to achieve success in the academic or social realm a person must have a clear understanding of their own true nature. Some lucky few achieve this awareness on their own through the trail and error path of their own life. Others are not so fortunate. Many, including students, never independently find this sense of self and so must be led to it.There are (according to Dr. Richard G. Arno, Ph.D.) three areas in which we demonstrate interpersonal needs. Those needs are Inclusion, Control and Affection. How strongly we express or show our needs and how we respond to these needs in others identifies our particular Temperaments. This temperament can be interpreted to be our own true nature.Temperament should not be confused with personality. As you know, our personalities may change to fit the current social circumstances. Our temperament is the permanent underlying nature.How a person demonstrates (expressive needs) these needs and responds (responsive needs) to how these needs are expressed upon them by others identifies their basic temperament types.There are five basic temperament types and they are:The MelancholyInclusion - Low need for socialization, low response to need for socialization in others.Control – Desire very little control over others, desire very little control over them by others.Affection – Demonstrate very little love or affection, desire very little love and affection from others.The CholericInclusion – Desire to self initiate a great deal of social interaction, desire very little interaction initiated by others.Control – Express the need for a great deal of control over others, desire very little or no control over their lives by others.Affection – Express a high need for love and affection and approval, but accept it only on their own terms.The SanguineInclusion – Demonstrates a tremendous need for association and social interaction initiated both by self and many others.Control – Desires very little control over others and desires others to have very little control over them.Affection – Expresses or demonstrates a great deal of affection and desires the same.The SupineInclusion – Expresses very little need to initiate association or socialization, but has a high need to be approached by many people for association and socialization.Control – Shows very little need for control over the lives of others, desire a great deal of control over their lives by others.Affection – Expresses very little love or affection for others, but desires others to express a great deal of love and affection toward them.The PhlegmaticInclusion – Initiates only a moderate amount of associations and socializations, desires others to initiate only a moderate amount of association and socialization.Control – Demonstrates a moderate amount of control over the lives of others, desires others to have only a moderate amount of control in their lives.Affection – Express a moderate amount of affection toward others, desires only a moderate amount of affection is demonstrated toward them.
Keyword : temperament educational instructional success
