วันศุกร์ที่ 25 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2551
Steps Toward Divorce
When youâ™re faced with the possibility of divorce itâ™s important that you make sure you and your children (if you have any) are taken care of. Before you even visit the attorney youâ™ll want to assess your financial situation. Income, expenses, child support, credit, they all play a part in your decision.The very first thing to consider is your income. How much is your income? What are your expected monthly expenses? In this figure you must include your basic necessities. If you have children youâ™ll need to include the figure for childcare. Now you have the two most important numbers in this equation. Hold onto these for a few minutes. Youâ™ll need this in a moment.The issue of child support has to be included before we make the rest of our calculations. Many want to include a figure for expected child support into their income. This decision could produce an unwanted result. First, you do not know exactly how much a court is going to award you. Second, you may think you know your spouse but you really donâ™t. You think theyâ™re going to pay child support faithfully but the chances still exists that they will not. So, to protect yourself and your children, Iâ™m asking that you leave this figure out of the income total.Now I want you to take your income and subtract your expenses. Does your income cover your expenses? If so, great, you know that you can afford to leave your spouse. If your income does not cover your expenses then you are not in a position to leave right now, unless you are in an abusive relationship. If you are in an abusive relationship, itâ™s important to get out now!When you have more month than money you have other issues to consider. If you leave now, where will the extra money come from? Do you have a friend or relative that can help you out until you can generate extra income. Can you get a second job? Are you currently in a position to earn more than youâ™re making. Many times we stay at the same job for years and years not making what weâ™re worth. Now is the time to assess your earnings potential. Do some research into what is the going rate for your job. You might be pleasantly surprised. If you donâ™t have a higher earning potential, what can you do to increase your desirability to prospective employers? Get a degree or get an advanced degree. Change career fields to something that pays better.Nearly every aspect of our lives is affected by our credit. Now is the time to order that credit report. It is absolutely vital to see where you stand with your creditors. Order your credit report. Go over it with a fine tooth comb. Dispute any items that are in error. The first time I pulled my credit report there were numerous errors. I disputed the items and they were removed or corrected. Do not underestimate the importance of this step. If you plan on moving, you will most likely be faced with an apartment complex or other rental company that wants to check your credit.Now that youâ™ve completed all of the above steps itâ™s time to move into the next step, planning the move. If you have the funds to leave now then you are in a great position. However, many of us are not in that position. If you donâ™t have the money right now then itâ™s time to open a post office box and open a separate bank account with the statement going to the post office box. Start putting little sums of money into your new bank account until you are confidant that you have enough money to leave your spouse.While there are many additional things to consider, this guide will give you a good place to start. It is meant to cover the basics for someone who has just started to consider divorce as an option.Brandi Simon is the owner of InjuredHearts.com where she offers articles and information for those suffering the effects of an extramarital affair. Brandi is a successful relationship coach, offering guidance to those who wish to move forward in their relationships. She specializes in Infidelity Coaching. Brandi is an affair survivor and offers advice to those who are recovering. To learn more about Brandi, the coaching services, or infidelity in general, please visit http://www.injuredhearts.com
Category : Ezine Marketing
วันพุธที่ 23 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2551
Virtual Hospitality - The Quest For Free, High-Quality, Webhosting
Launching a website is the crucial step that will transfer your
site from residing on one computer to
being spread across the web to appear upon thousands of monitors
throughout the globe. However, many
shrink from the very thought of web hosting, looking upon it as
an expensive, time-consuming process.
Although this is true with many web hosting providers, you can
obtain ad-free, high-quality web hosting...
at absolutely no cost to you.
In the process of writing article, I launched over twenty
websites with various free web hosting
providers. I discovered that there are literally hundreds of
companies that provide free web hosting. To
my disappointment, most have poor service.
Nearly every provider placed annoying advertisements on each of
my pages, promoting cigarettes and other
products that my visitors would think that I endorse. Even when
the advertisements were for decent
products, their flashy animations detracted greatly from the
content of my site. (Hint: With Internet
Explorer, if you visit a site with distracting animations, press
the "escape" key. This will usually stop
Another disadvantage of most free web hosting services is that
the providers often sell their clients'
email addresses to SPAM companies. Ever since I began
registering for free web hosting, the amount of SPAM
I receive has tremendously increased. One hosting company
offered to sell me a Master's Degree - for a
"low fee" I could get a M.A. in only five days - no studying,
classes, or even a highschool diploma is
required. Another email "invited" me to a birthday party for the
CEO's son, with party favors including a
free 30-day trial for their web hosting service.
Utilize Your Resources
If you use either AOL or AT&T for your Internet service, you
have free access to high-quality, ad-free web
space. You don't have to pay an extra fee or go through the
hassle of registering for free web space
because it's already included in your service plan.
For AOL users, enter AOL keyword: FTP. AOL provides five
megabytes per username, totaling 25 megabytes.
Your web address will be http://members.aol.com/AOLusername.
For AT&T users, visit http://home.att.net AT&T gives
you two addresses
at which your site can be reached: http://home.att.net/~yoursite
and http://yoursite.home.att.net.
The Competition...
I ranked 20+ free web hosting companies from tremendous to
terrible. Using a point-based system, I added a
point to their score for every positive service they provided,
and each negative service they provided
(such as displaying ads on your site) deducted a point from
their score. (Maximum possible points a
company could earn was 20 points) After all this was done, two
companies stood at the top of this list -
whose peerless scores far surpassed the scores of any other
company! Earning 18 and 14 points
respectively, these two companies far surpassed even major
companies like YAHOO! (earning 4 pts), Lycos (6
pts), and even Microsoft (5 pts)!
#1: FreeWebs
FreeWebs resulted with the highest score, claiming the prize for
the ultimate web host. With 100 megabytes
of ad-free space, FreeWebs surpasses many paid services!
FreeWebs also provides the following free
- Website builder (If you haven't already created your own
website) - Hit counter - Chat rooms - Forums - Guest books - And
much, much more!
Please note that FreeWebs gives you code to cut-and-paste into
your website. If you don't know HTML,
simply copy the code to your Clipboard, then open up your
webpage with Selida (We discussed this in the
April newsletter. Refer to the end of this article) in "Design
Mode." After that, click where you want the
feature to go, and select "Pase in HTML" from the "Edit" menu.
And Selida does the rest for you. It's that
Your URL will be http://www.freewebs.com/yoursite. They do
require that you place "This website is being
hosted for free by FreeWebs.com" somewhere on your site, but
this doesn't detract much from your site.
Sign up for FreeWebs' service at http://www.freewebs.com. You
regret it!
#2: Portland
If you desire an easy to use hosting service, Portland
Communications is the best provider for you. While
FreeWebs provides many attractive services, it seems to forget
the "basic necessities." (like being able
to upload more that one file at a time)
Placing second with a hit counter and 15 megabytes of ad-free
space, Portland Communications has a few
distinct advantages over FreeWebs.
First, Portland provides a much more favorable URL:
http://yoursite.port5.com. It is much easier to
remember, and it even appears that you have your own domain name!
Second, you can upload multiple files at once. FreeWebs only
allows you to upload one file at a time,
which I found to be a very tedious process. Portland allows FTP
access, which means that you can simply
select the files you wish to upload and return when the process
is completed.
Note: FTP may be somewhat tricky for the beginner, so you may
want to use FreeWebs or Portland, depending
on if you are comfortable with using FTP. I'd suggest trying
both of them, and see which on you like
better. If you decide to use Portland, you can purchase a great
FTP client (or download a free trial) at
http://xenolth.biz/ftpclient. If you'd like to use a free
client, you will find one at http://xenolth.biz/freeftp.
If you want to be able to upload your website without a hassle,
Portland is the hosting provider for you.
Visit http://www.portland.co.uk
and sign up for their free
service. Note: although the server is in the UK, your site will
have a ".com" address.
Fast Url
Some of the hosting services mentioned above provide URLs that
are hard to remember. Instead of trying to
make your visitors remember such a cumbersome URL, you can get a
Fast URL like "clix.to/yoursite." You can
even chose from multiple ".to" addresses. To sign up for this
free service, visit http://clix.to/fasturl,
then click "Web Tools and Services," then click "Fast URL
Redirect." You must have a website before you
can sign up for Fast URL.
General Note: When uploading your website, make sure to
name your homepage "index.htm" or
"index.html." This is because the only way the server knows
which page is the homepage is by looking for a
file named "index."
Launching a website is the goal, the dream, and the joy at the
heart of every web developer. It is a
symbol of achievement - a sign of accomplishment. Launching your
site enables you to reach the world. Few
things can compare with the satisfaction received from launching
a website. Once you launch your site, it
seems to pay for all the time you spent creating it... and makes
it all worthwhile. Not only is launching
your site free and rewarding, but the feedback received from
visitors brings instant gratification. Sign
up for a free web hosting service. I'm sure you won't regret it.
Category : Beauty
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 20 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2551
Decrease Your Sleep, Increase Your Energy! And Have More Time In Your Day!
Many of the world's most driven and successful people sleep only 4 to 5 hours per day. Do you really need to sleep 8 or more hours? No, you don't. No one does. Reduce sleep and increase your energy? Have you ever thought of reprogramming your inner sleep clock as a time management tool? Imagine what you'd do with an extra 21 hours in your week!A "sleep scientist" has come up with some easy to implement techniques for sleeping less, a means of programming your inner time clock for a more energized sleep, so you need less time in bed. Feel more rested, more alert and more energized than you would with the number of hours you're currently sleeping. Yes, you really can increase your energy by decreasing your sleep! Reducing your sleep by 3 hours a night (21 hours a week) is the goal. And it is definitely achievable.What times of day you feel tired, and how long you sleep, is determined by a number of factors, and some of these factors can be influenced by you to decrease the need for sleep. Once you understand efficient sleeping, these techniques can be utilised to increase the quality of your sleep and at the same time reduce your time spent sleeping.Are you aware that your body temperature rises and falls during the day and night according to your body clock? Synchronising these temperature changes with your sleeping habits can and does produce remarkable results.Jet lag is the result of these temperature fluctuations getting out of sync with your sleeping pattern. That's why it takes so long to "readjust" to the new time zone. These revolutionary techniques can even help you beat jet lag!You may have heard of "power napping". This is one part of the strategy used in this powerful sleep technique. But it's essential to use the power nap correctly. Sleep too long during your power nap, and you'll actually cause damage to your sleep system. But power nap at the right time of the day, and learn how to speed up your body temperature rise afterwards, and you can boost your energy levels and reduce your sleep time dramatically.This important Powerful Sleep package is available here: www.PowerfulSleep.BrigitteRecommends.com
You can even review the first 2 chapters for free.A University of California study, completed in 2002, established that people who sleep less than 8 hours per day actually live longer than those who sleep 8 hours or more. The study was carried out using over 1 million participants, and over a period of some 6 years, and its results are now accepted without question.Insomnia is a significant problem in the industrialised world. And hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people are treated for insomnia with drugs. What you won't be told by the drug companies is that these drugs are producing a very inefficient sleep, so you end up needing more.This is why you'll wake up feeling groggy, every time you take a sleeping pill, no matter how long you sleep for. Well, guess what? You'll never need another sleeping pill when you understand how to have an energized sleep, and you'll spend less time sleeping as well.So if you're interested in lengthening your life, exploding your energy, having an extra 21 hours in your week, eliminating insomnia, and beating jetlag, you can! And you can do it by learning how to sleep less and by optimizing your body clock.(c) 2005, Brigitte SmithBrigitte Smith has several websites relating to health - both people health and pet health.The scientifically designed powerful sleep program described in this article has helped thousands of ordinary people and can help you too.Access further information here:
Category : Self-Improvement:Time-Management