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Self Improvement and the Power of Concentration
One the most important Self Improvement skills to develop to ensure our success is the ability to concentrate.The most intelligent, gifted or educated person is unlikely to succeed without being able to focus on important tasks and concentrate totally on their completion. Any person with even average intelligence, that can discipline themselves to concentrate 100% on their highest priorities, will almost certainly achieve better results than supposedly 'smarter' people who can't or don't.It is very easy to be distracted. We are all constantly faced with countless distractions every day, many of which may be more interesting than the tasks we know we should be doing. But this is where we can waste vast amounts of time if we're not careful. We can't ignore all distractions, but we must make the conscious effort to decide what are our most important and highest value tasks at any time, and give these our maximum attention.Some people find concentrating on one task very difficult, and there are resources available to help develop this vital skill. Or it may just take more self discipline. If success and achievement are important to you, it is well worth doing whatever it takes to master the ability to focus and concentrate.Self Improvement Quote of the Day:"Concentration is the secret of strength in politics, in war, in trade, in short in all management of human affairs." – Ralph Waldo EmersonGarry Zancanaro is the founder of Self Improvement Directory, a website dedicated to Self Improvement and Personal Development, and to helping people live more successful and fulfilling lives by providing a directory of the highest quality Self Growth resources available. Includes many FREE eBooks and much more. Visit http://www.selfimprovementdirectory.com/index.html
Keyword : self improvement, concentration, success, personal development, self growth
Don't Let Conflict Keep You from Success
Anytime you are making ground and moving toward success, there will inevitably be the opportunity for conflict. That is just a fact of life. You put two people or more in a group and there is potential for conflict - and conflict, improperly handled, can destroy your ability to continue on and achieve your goals.This is true in many areas of life, from the boardroom to the schoolroom. It can happen in marriage and it can happen between friends and business associates. And when conflict goes bad, success doesn't happen. The good news is that conflict can be healthy and can actually move you closer to success. Success is based on relationships and relationships offer the chance of conflict, so to get success, you must master conflict. So with that in mind, here are some ideas for handling conflict.When you are the one who is confronting the problem with someone else:1. Don't assume. Don't assume the worst. Don't assume that they meant what you think they did. Don't assume they know any better. Don't assume they did it on purpose. The fact is that most of the time our assumptions are incorrect and all our assumptions do is cause us to get out of a deeper hole.2. Ask questions. Since you can't assume anything, you must begin your confrontation by finding out the facts as that person sees them. Here are some questions to ask: What was your intention in saying or doing that (Maybe they had good but misguided intentions)? What were the thoughts behind those words or actions (Maybe they actually have a well thought out position that you hadn't thought of)? Are you aware of how that might have been perceived (Maybe they just missed how that would be seen. Everybody is entitled to blow it)?3. Tell them how you perceive things, or how you feel, rather than what they did. It is never good to start out with telling somebody, "You did this!" Instead, you can say something like, "I feel like your action may have been better if you would have..." Or, "I think that the way that came across may have been..."4. Deal with one issue at a time. If they battle back a bit, you may be tempted to say, "Well, that isn't all! As a matter of fact, a number of us here think that you also need to work on..." If there is another issue, then deal with it at a separate time. Too many conflicts go around and around and don't end up solving the original issue. Stick to one point and see it through to understanding.When someone is confronting you:1. Don't take it personally. Worst-case scenario, you blew it. But that doesn't make you a bad person. So don't act like they have accused your character (unless they have, in which case you should try to get the conversation back to the facts). When we take things personally we become even more protective and we tend to become defensive and in the end escalate the conflict even more.2. Don't counterattack. This gets back to dealing with one issue at a time. Don't try to justify or hide from the conflict the person has with you by showing him or her their problems. If they have a problem, great, talk about it later. Don't muddy the waters with debate about who is better, or as the case may be, less guilty. As hard as it may be, let the conversation run its course until it is solved.3. Ask for some time to give it objective reflection. One way to stop conflict from escalating is simply to ask for time to consider it. Most of the time when people confront us, we had no idea it was coming. Our natural tendency is to fight out of reaction. If we go and think about it, we can be objective and approach the situation objectively, or at least more so.4. Set a time to get back with them and discuss the issue. Let the person know that you take their concern seriously and that you want to deal with it in a timely manner. Set a time, no more than three days away, to get back together. You will keep from reacting, and they may even find that they had confronted too soon themselves.Either way:1. Keep your eye on the big picture. Is this the hill you want to die on? Determine how important this issue really is. Most things simply aren't worth getting too upset about, or so upset that the relationship breaks down. Is a productive business relationship worth sacrificing over the fact that you partner wears too much cologne or their spouse talks loudly at parties? Of course not, but some people go to war over those things. Is your husband worth giving up on because he leaves his underwear on the floor? Now, for the sake of argument, the reverse is true: The other person could wear less cologne or pick up their underwear, because that is an easy way to make the other person happy. Ask yourself if this is really a big deal. If it is, proceed.2. Always respect the other person as a person. No matter what they have done, they are a person of value and deserve to be treated that way. They are not summed up and defined by their mistake. They have hopes and dreams, fears and worries, strengths and weaknesses. Take some time to picture them outside the office, playing with their kids or doing something fun. This will personalize your issue and keep you from going overboard.3. Be solution oriented. Whatever you do, don't focus on the problem. Ask yourself and the other person to approach the issue with the idea that you are both working for a solution that will be mutually beneficial. Rather than ask, "Why in the world did you do that stupid thing? What were you thinking?" Ask, "Okay, what is done is done - what can we do to fix this again?" That is much more productive. The goal is to get things going again, not continually punish the other personConflict doesn't have to end in a bad way. In fact, it can cause you to develop a deeper and more trusting relationship with the person you have had conflict with. So the next time you have to confront, or you are being confronted, follow the advice above and you will be much further along toward getting through your conflict in a positive way.About The Author:Chris Widener is a popular speaker and writer as well as the President of
Made for Success, a company helping individuals and organizations turn
their potential into performance, succeed in every area of their lives and
achieve their dreams.To see Chris "live" at the upcoming Jim Rohn Weekend Event as he speaks on
the subject of Secrets of Influence go to
http://Chris-Widener.InspiresYOU.com/ or call 800-929-0434.
Keyword : conflicts,overcoming coflicts,self improvement,people conflicts,managing conflicts,goals,leadership
What Do You Feed Your Mind?
"The mind grows by what it feeds on."
J. G. HollandOn what do you feed your mind?One of my major concerns today is that a lot of people feed their mind with television. We increasingly judge our success and personal worth by television stories - stories of the rich and famous, those who have beauty and the perfect body, those who do little work and still succeed. Yet, this is not reality.You can lose your job, you can lose material items, but you can never lose your knowledge. The money we invest in ourselves to further increase our knowledge is truly an investment in our future.How many self improvement books have you read over the last year? How many educational programs have you listened to that have helped you learn something new?What have you fed your mind in the last month?ABOUT THE AUTHORCatherine Pulsifer is one of the editors of Words of Wisdom 4 U, http://www.wow4u.com. You will find a collection of motivational thoughts, stories, quotes, poems, smiles, proverbs, and more at Words of Wisdom 4 U!
Keyword : mind,feed,self-improvement,educational,learn,knowledge,money,invest,grows
What Is Your Legacy of Success?
Success! Easy to talk about, but difficult to achieve. Or is it? Success is defined differently by virtually anyone you ask because success is a very personal experience. Is your definition of success based on the values, dreams and beliefs of others? How often do people strive for accomplishments that will show they are "successful" yet they are left spiritually and emotionally lost?As we grow and change our definition of success is bound to change. For some, success is doing whatever it takes to gain material wealth regardless of the personal, spiritual or emotional cost. For others, success is defined quite differently.When our life is in balance, we become a magnet for success. An important key to achieving what we desire is to become clear about our personal definition of success - physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially, personally, professionally and in our community.There is an extraordinary paradox with success. You must have an idea of what success means to you and the outcome you desire to achieve. On the flip side, to truly fulfill the path intended for you at a higher level, you must be willing to let go of the actual outcome. This can be very challenging since many of us have been taught to do whatever it takes to assure a particular outcome of a situation. By holding on when it is time to let go, we may be shortchanging ourselves. If we are able to let go of the end result and trust the process that gets us there, we may end up with more than we ever dreamed possible.Life frequently holds interesting twists and turns. What often seems like a tragedy and failure can become one of life's greatest blessings. Such was the case for me in late September 2002. I had achieved a level of outward success that I worked very hard for. I held an executive position with a Salt Lake City firm, made an excellent income, had the corner office, a dedicated staff and accomplished much of what I put my mind to.When I found out there were things going on in the company that went completely against my core values, I had to redefine what success really meant to me. Upon deep reflection I realized there was nothing I could do to change the situation in this firm and made a decision to leave, taking a leap of faith into the unknown. Somewhat confused and not sure what was to come next, I knew from previous experiences that life had something more in store for me.Within only days of resigning, my good friend and competitor in speaking and training, Lori Giovannoni, was diagnosed with breast cancer. Lori had also reached a high level of success in her business. She had a book that was selling great and had speaking and training engagements lined up as far as a year in advance. Then the call came. Lori had breast cancer. Within only a matter of hours surgery was being scheduled. Suddenly life was turned upside down.With her health to think of, there was also the thought of how she was going to fulfill all the speaking engagements she had booked. A seemingly impossible situation soon became crystal clear. Myself and another friend, Lynda Jeppesen, also a highly regarded competitor, decided we would step in for Lori. Her clients were informed of the situation. They trusted Lori's judgment and there was no question of us filling in for her. We insisted the clients send the speaking fees directly to Lori. After all, it was she that needed to have financial stability and a peace of mind to begin her healing process.A week before, success was defined by my position within the company I had just left. Now it was defined by the love for a friend.Amazingly, over the next year, Lori was able to focus on her healing, continue to build her business and, as always, keep friends in the forefront. I focused more on family and friends and chose to return to consulting, speaking and training. I had the best year ever - both personally and professionally. Lori and I also wrote a book that was born out of the experience we shared late in 2002.Our book, Workplace Miracles, Inspiring Stories and Thoughts of Possibility, would have probably never been written had life not put a twist in the road, nor had we recognized this as a part of our path. Obviously, there was something in store for us that we needed to be open to in order to receive it.What I learned from this, and other experiences, is that life holds many secrets for all of us. Often, when I attempt to define what life and success should be about, I will shortchange myself. When I have a focus, take the appropriate steps to achieve my dreams and goals, and then let go of the outcome, life will always offer me more than I ever would have offered myself.What is life offering you that will be a part of your legacy of success?Copyright: © 2004 by Kathleen GagePublishing Guidelines: You may publish my article in your newsletter, on your web site, or in your print publication provided you include the resource box at the end. Notification would be appreciated but is not required.About The AuthorKathleen Gage is a business advisor, keynote speaker and trainer who helps others gain marketing dominance and visibility within their market. She is the recipient of the 2004 Giant Step Award for Business of the Year in the State of Utah. Call 801.619.1514 or email Kathleen@turningpointpresents.com. Get Gage's online newsletter called Street Smarts Marketing and Promotions by visiting www.kathleengage.com. Gage's newest book "101 Ways to Get Your Foot in the Door" is scheduled for release in October, 2004.
Keyword : self improvement,success,success tips
Are You an Emerging Champion?
In terms of life success, there are four pretty obvious levels of accomplishment: First is the class of the current winners – those who have figured out what they what they want, and are taking focused action to attain their goals.On the far end of the "level of accomplishment" measuring stick is the class of non-players – those who have yet realized their own potential.But in between are two very interesting additional classes: One is the class of emerging winners – those who have grabbed onto a goal, and are beginning to take focused action to shape their own lives.The other is the class of potential winners - folks whose beliefs are not yet in total alignment with success. They may have hit a tough bump in the road that knocked them off-course, or perhaps just need to make an adjustment to their self-concept.Are you an Emerging Winner?
You already know if you are an emerging winner. You can feel the fire and excitement of pursuing what you want. And you know that the only thing that can stop you is your own beliefs.Probably you're also discovering the amazing power of networking with other winners and emerging winners. There is a reason we are judged by the company we keep – because responding to that company helps mold our own behavior and responses to life.And chances are you are also in process of creating your own way in the world of business – or are seriously thinking of doing so. This is one of the common hallmarks of emerging winners, and is an exciting part of their path.Are you a Potential Winner?
Potential winners are easily identifiable. They are always searching. They read self-help books, attend motivational seminars, and buy and listen to inspirational tapes -- believing sooner or later they will figure out how to create the life they desire.They realize they have untapped talents and potentials, but may not have yet discovered how to convert their beliefs into actions!Are you a potential winner? Your transition from being a potential winner to an emerging winner is along the path of action.The most empowering thing to do is this: Break out of your comfort zone, and take action to move your life to the next level of accomplishment.Growth involves change. And let's face it, change is sometimes uncomfortable. Moving from the *theory* of personal transformation to the *action* of personal transformation will cause some turbulence in your life.Just identify at least one pressing reason why you cannot just yield to your fears. Remind yourself of why you want to change. Sometimes avoidance of a undesirable negative condition can be even more powerful than longing for a positive change. Use that reason to drive yourself past your fear and doubt.Think you're a Non-Player?
Do you think you're a non-player? I doubt that's true, since you would never have been attracted to this article if it were so.If you have a deep sense of restlessness and dissatisfaction with life, you are likely on the path to change and personal empowerment. That's how it all starts when you're becoming a potential winner.Something inside yourself knows there are possibilities out there, and is encouraging you to reach out and claim more of your potential.Actually this is a very good sign it's time to move up into the class of the potential winners – and go to work to manifest more of who you can become.The author, Dr Jill Ammon-Wexler, is a doctor of psychology, pioneer brain/mind researcher, and former advisor to the Pentagon, a Presidential Commission, and numerous top executives and executive teams.The author of several books and hundreds of articles, she is also the co-founder of quantum-self.com, and the Creative Director of the Self Discovery Community.
She can be reached at: drjill@quantum-self.comCome visit the exciting Self Discovery Community. Discover the most interesting, unusual, stimulating and creative methods of self discovery on the web today! Free sizzling weekly ezine, and the web's first Brain Gym ezone. http://www.quantum-self.com
Keyword : success,goals,potential,beleive, winners,business
"Defining and Feeling Successful" (However you define success)
Formula For SuccessThe winners in this life know the rules of the game and have a plan. Whether you're looking to heal a relationship, get a new job, lose weight or find inner peace, consider these characteristics, which are common to people who succeed.Story:A young boy was with his father in a sweet /candy store. Amazed at all the goods on offer, he pressed his nose on the glass cabinet and marvelled at the selection on offer". Pretty soon the storekeeper asked the boy to "reach in to the jars and take what he wanted", a special treat on the storekeeper. Eyes a-wide he remained motionless and speechless! "Go on son, dig in and take your pick", but the son remained unmoved once again. Embarrassed, the father reached up and took a handful and gave it to the storekeeper to wrap. After showing their appreciation the father and son journeyed home. "Son, why didn't you take the candy on offer when asked to do so"? The son looked his father in the eye and replied, "Because your hands are bigger than mine, dad".All too often we face the options available to us in life with the same sort of amazement, and reluctance. To make the right choices, we need to reach into the candy jar and trust that our hands may not be as big as our father's hands, but it is a start.Vision:Champions get what they want because they know what they want.They have a vision that keeps them motivated and efficiently on track. They see it, feel it, and experience it in their minds and hearts.
What is success for you? You won't get there without knowing what it feels and looks like.Strategy:People who consistently win have a clear and thoughtful strategy.They know what they need to do and when they need to do it.
They write it down so they stay on course, and avoid any alternative that does not get them closer to the finish line.Passion:Are you excited to get up in the morning? People with a passion are, and they're energized about what they are doing.You need to live and breathe what it is that you want, and be passionately invested in both the journey and the goal.Truth:People who consistently win have no room in their lives for denial, fantasy or fiction.They are self-critical rather than self-deluding, and they hold themselves to high but realistic standards. They deal with the truth, since they recognize that nothing else will make their vision obtainable.Flexibility:Life is not a success-only journey. Even the best-laid plans sometimes must be altered and changed.Be open to input and consider any potentially viable alternative. Be willing to be wrong and be willing to start over.Risk:People who consistently win are willing to get out of their comfort zone and try new things.Be willing to take the plunge into the unknown if necessary, and leave behind the tried and tested (which is our comfort zone), the un-challenged, and familiar existence in order to grow more. (dads hands are bigger than mine)Network:Surround yourself with a group of people who want you to succeed.They will move with you toward your goal. Choose and bond with people who have skills, talents and abilities that you do not. Winners give and receive by being part of other people's nuclear groups.Action:Do it! People who succeed don't just sit and think about what they want to do.They take meaningful, purposeful, directional action consistently and persistently. Every step they take puts them toward the outcome they're looking for.Priorities:People who are consistent winners manage their challenges in hierarchical fashion.They commit to managing their time in such a way that does not allow them to spend time grinding along on priority number two or three if priority number one needs their attention.Self-management:People who consistently win consciously and pointedly take care of themselves as individuals.They are the most important resource they have in achieving their goals. They actively manage their mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health.The old adage of "fail to plan = plan to fail" rings so true in any area of life. Success has persistence as its guide. Perhaps the single most important factor in a successful persons life, is self-discipline. Observe the daily routine of an individual, and you can quickly determine their probable outcome. In my book Seven steps to empowerment, I outline The secret of success is found in the daily routine or habits.All the information in the world will not initiate anything. Even a dictionary with all its definition on words cannot initiate conversation. All the ideas I have within these pages will not initiate your dreams but they will motivate you to action.Tony Mckeown is a personal life coach and director of coaching 4 life New Zealand. He has a passion for empowering people to find their life mission and purpose.He has authored training manuals, motivational rticles,numerous e-books and regularly hosts international tele-classes and conferences on vision. His practical approach to spirituality
and leadership development are key qualities organisations seek him to impart. His clients are world-wide and can be contacted online.His free monthly newsletter "get a life",is by subscription and provides free motivational downloads from his
coaching site: http://www.coaching4life.net.nz
Keyword : success,successful,vision,self management,coaching,
Do You Really Think So?
It's not new news. It's not some ethereal theory. It's not a fanciful philosophy without any direct application to your day-to-day life. It is the single most important piece of knowledge possessed by humanity. It is the primary cause behind your success or failure in life.What was once known only to metaphysicists is now also known by physicists. It is a scientific fact. Thought creates.I am not just referring to the kind of creative thought that brings about art or technology. All thought creates all the time. Your every single thought is creating your reality in every moment.I'll say it again for emphasis...your thoughts create your reality. Bluntly, if your reality sucks, it is because your thinking sucks.The great good news is that if you desire to change your reality, it is as simple as changing your thinking. In order to improve your life, you only need to improve your thinking.Simple? Well, there are a couple of impediments. These are what hold most people back from profound change or improvements. They act in the same way as an electronic invisible fence serves to keep a dog from roaming free.First, you are accustomed to (or addicted to) thinking a certain way. You have been trained to think a certain way. Most people are too lazy or too scared to think original or intentional thoughts. Most people actually do not even pay any attention to what they are thinking. They don't know what they are thinking or why they are thinking what they think. Do you?Second, you exist within a consensual societal reality picture, a collective consciousness, a meta-meme, that serves to limit your ability to have original thoughts. Most people blindly accept the norms of their cultural conditioning; things are the way they are...that is reality. They ignore the fact that it is those who have challenged the normal thinking patterns, those who have thought outside the box, that have brought about the advances in human society or that have created their own extraordinary and successful lives.So, in order to transform your thinking, and thus, your reality, you must exercise a purposeful discipline. You must learn how to think on purpose. You must resist your tendency to revert to old ingrained habitual thinking. You must decide to opt out of the mass-mind and act as an individual, intentionally choosing what, how and why to think what you think.First, figure out exactly what you are thinking; what are your predominant repetitive thought patterns. Pay attention to your thoughts. Where do they come from? Why do you think that thought? What does it create in your life?Second, decide (choose) to think those specific thoughts that will serve to create the reality you desire to see manifest in your life.If you need proof that your every thought is actively creating your moment by moment reality, or need help in learning how to consciously, intentionally and purposefully think the thoughts that lead to success, prosperity and happiness, read the books in the seLFTech Success Library.Do you desire wealth? All wealth is a product of thought. So is the lack of wealth. If you are lacking the wealth you desire, it is because you are lacking the thoughts that produce wealth. The millionaire lifestyle is produced by adopting the millionaire mindset. Get it here free. Well, it won't cost you any money; but it will cost you some mental activity. Got any to spare?A final 2 questions for you...Do you really desire to live a prosperous, fulfilling, successful and happy life?Do you really think so?© Leslie Fieger. All rights reserved worldwide.Leslie is the author of The DELFIN Knowledge System Trilogy: The Initiation, The Journey and The Quest plus many more success publications. He also the co-author of The End of the World with Hugh Jeffries and Alexandra's DragonFire with his daughter Ashley. Subscribe to his free and ad-free eZine at http://www.ProsperityParadigm.com or
http://www.LeslieFieger.com.Reprinting and republishing of this article is granted only with the above credit included. Permission to reprint or republish does not waive any copyright.
Keyword : success thinking, success, think and grow rich
Prosperity Practices
By popular request, I thought I would put together this little list of simple things you can do to increase cash flow ...sometimes, the most absurd and smallest practices seem to work better than a ritual that you have to make into a big dramatic production. I have tried these ones and they have at one time or another worked for me...Every time you see a coin on the floor you are to stomp on it and go 'Money on the floor, money on the door!' Then pick it up and put it in your wallet.Always keep a bowl of small change, (foreign or odd coins are best) in a bowl by your front door. Antique or old keys also bring money too.Buy a jade plant. This is that small dwarf like plant with the big fleshy leaves. Put it by the front door, or in the northeast corner of your home... it also is helpful in the office. Keep the leaves clean and free from dust.Write a cheque to yourself for the total amount of money you need and the date you need it by ...It helps if you use gold pen and make the cheque look as official as possible. It is also good to anoint the cheque with Money Drawing Oil, which can be bought commercially, or if you don't have that -- bergamot, vetivert, cinnamon or orange oil. Then fold the check eight times and put it in a dark place. (This one once worked for me. I needed to make $120.0000 in one year. I made $80,000 and someone lent me another $20.000. So the Universe let me have one hundred thousand of it ...I figure my lack of faith accounted for the shortfall.) This is an especially good one to do at New Year's, on special holidays or your birthday.Make a money tree. This is done usually at Christmas ... but you could do it any time of the year. You find an old tree branch, which looks relatively like the body of a small tree and you actually attach money to it with clothespins. The idea is that whatever you attach is worth ten times as much. For instance if you attach a five dollar bill, it actually represents five hundred dollars. Don't have any money? You can use monopoly money or even attach green slips of paper with the amounts written on it. I know it sounds nuts, but I have had surprising results with this one.Short on cash? A quick fix is to buy a head of iceberg lettuce, sprinkle it with olive oil and salt, and eat the whole thing raw. Each time you take a mouthful, you think about all the green you need coming to you. All three ingredients represent security, money and stability.Keep little pots of rosemary, sage, parsley, thyme and basil at your front door or on windowsill. These herbs are thought to draw money to you... as long as they are kept healthy and alive.
Make a God Box. Find a beautiful box, any size will do...but just make sure you really like the box. Decorate it with images that you really like, and that will represent how serene you will feel once you are out of debt. I made a little gold one and put stars on it. (Actually this is a great project for you if you have kids because the God Box can be used for other requests besides money.) Make a little slit in the top, so it becomes like a suggestion box. If you find yourself in need, you write your request on a piece of paper and drop it in the box. I once did this, and after the end of a year, as I looked at my requests I was amazed at how many of my wishes were taken care of... about ninety percent. I think this works because once you write it on the piece of paper, it causes you to detach from anxiety about the matter or its outcome because you are giving your problem to a higher power to take care of.Ok, this one is my favorite, because it is just such a joy to do and it always puts me in a great mood. Fill your pockets with all the shiny spare change you have ...then, at night, preferably when the Moon is going from its New to Full phase, you sneak out to the playground and hide the coins at the bottom of the slide, under the swing set, in the sandbox...in the wading pool...anywhere where a delighted child might possibly find the coin. Don't let anyone see you do this. It is supposed to be a secret. This practice plays with the laws of circulating prosperity and somehow, I find, that the child's surprise and delight somehow becomes your own, in your own life, thanks to the benevolent cosmic law that says that what you put out comes back to you tenfold...a found coin is such a treasure to a small child, maybe the Universe will bring you a treasure as well.Samantha Steven's articles have been published in many high-standing newspapers and she has published several books. If you wish to buy Samantha's books about metaphysics click here
You can meet Samantha Stevens at http://www.psychicrealm.com where she works as a professional psychic. You can also read more of her articles at http://www.newagenotebook.com
Keyword : spells,money spells,free money spells,ritual spells,luck spells,good luck spell,spiritual practice
3 Steps to Defining Success and Defining Your Future
Q: Are you a success?A: Its all in how you define the word!An American investment banker was at the pier of a small coastal Mexican Village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked.Inside the boat were several large yellow fin tuna. The banker complimented Miguel, the Mexican, on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took to catch them. Miguel replied that it took only a little while.The banker then asked why he didn't stay out longer and catch more fish. Miguel said he had enough to support his family's immediate needs. The banker then asked, But what do you do with the rest of your time?Miguel said, "I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take siesta with my wife, Maria, stroll into the village each evening where I sip wine and play guitar with my amigos. I have a full and busy life, senor."The banker scoffed, "I am a Harvard MBA and could help you. You should spend more time fishing and, with the proceeds, buy a bigger boat. With the proceeds from the bigger boat you could buy several boats. Eventually you would have a fleet of fishing boats.Instead of selling your catch to a middleman you would sell directly to the processor, eventually opening your own cannery. You would control the product, processing and distribution. You would need to leave this small coastal fishing village and move to Mexico City, then LA and eventually NYC where you will run your expanding enterprise."Miguel asked, "But senor, how long will this all take?"To which the banker replied, "15-20 years."But what then, senor?The banker laughed and said "That's the best part. When the time is right you would announce a public listing and sell your company stock to the public and become very rich. You would make millions.""Millions, senor? Then what?"The banker said, "Then you would retire. Move to a small coastal fishing village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take a siesta with your wife, stroll to the village in the evenings, where you could sip wine and play your guitar with your amigos."What is your definition of success and how are you getting there?As the story of Miguel so eloquently illustrates, life success is so closely tied to our values and the way that we want to live our lives. We can easily lose direction and what is truly important to us by being drawn to what success means to other people, ideologies, or pop culture. Being clear on what success means to you and how you are working toward it is EVERYTHING!Check YourselfTake a moment to ponder the direction that your current choices are leading you in your life, career, relationships, and health.Now, make sure you are clear that how you are living in relation to each area is how you ought to be living according to your personal values. You may need to first get clear about your values in each area. Hint: grab a pen and paper for this one.Finally, identify one step you could take in each of the four areas that would bring you closer, or more fully into, what is truly successful in these areas.Just as the investment banker believed that Miguel should live by the bankers definition of success, so do we often live our lives by a completely different definition of success than we truly ought.A thoughtful check of your internal map and compass could start small changes that can take you to destinations as different as Wall Street is to a small fishing village in Mexico!© 2004 by Dr. Robert A. EubanksArticle URL: http://www.bridgetosolutions.com/pages/8/index.htmTerms of use: This article may be published electronically or in print, as long as the byline at the end of the article is included without alteration.About The AuthorDr. Robert A. Eubanks is the founder of Bridge to Solutions Coaching. He coaches people around the country via telephone to improve organization, time management, goal setting and to create the best darn life possible!For a free 30 minute coaching session, e-mail bridgetosolutions@yahoo.com or visit www.bridgetosolutions.com.
Keyword : success, success tips,self improvement,coaching
The 5 Categories You Want To Succeed In
If it comes to the question what we really want in our life the answer is always "Pleasure". Whatever happens to you, your brain asks 2 questions. Does that mean pain or pleasure, and if it means pain, how can I avoid it.You might not believe me as it sounds too simple. But test it and you will see I am right. You always choose what you think is less painful. Every action we take is meant to either reduce pain or increase pleasure. Even if we do not always succeed in the attempt, the intention of our actions is clear.There are 2 basic ways we act. We try to get away from pain (compulsion) or we try to move towards pleasure (propulsion). In most people on of these basic strategies becomes the preferred strategy. What is the difference? The difference is way emotions get intensified in both systems. If you move away from something (compulsion), the further you are away the less power this something has on you. You can think of it as the gravity. Getting closer to something increases the power of gravity whereas getting away from something decreases it.If the strategy you choose is the move-away-from-pain type, you probably have problems to really follow through. This is easy to explain using our theory. As you move away from the source of pain, the impact of the painful situation gets weaker and weaker the further you are getting away. At some point in time, you get to what we call the comfort zone, a situation where you feel ok with what you have and far enough from the source of pain to make you comfortable.If the strategy is the move-toward-pleasure type something very different happens. The closer you get to your goal, the more propelled you are. The pleasurable event you try to achieve, its gravity if you like, increases. And, as opposed to the move-away-from strategy there is no comfort zone. Using a move-toward-strategy is much more effective to reach success than a move away strategy.To feel happy and successful in the 5 main areas in life, you should not allow yourself to go with a move-away-from strategy rather choose a move-toward strategy.What are these 5 areas?The 5 areas are:* Emotional area* Physical area* Financial are* Relationship area* Spiritual areaMaybe areas is a bit a wrong word for this and we should choose categories instead? However, these are the 5 central topics you strive for pleasure and success.Lets have a quick look at all of them.The emotional or mental area is somewhat different from the rest, in so far as it embraces pleasure itself. But it is nevertheless a category we can apply strategies to and change our approach to reach the "feeling good" state.EmotionsOur emotions are not only totally important for our way through live but also controllable once you have the knowledge how they arise and what to do to change them in an instant. The emotional state we are in determines if we can access our full potential or if we are literally cut-off from our power.Emotions are what moves us. They are what make us take action. In fact the word emotion means something that set us into motion. It is contains the word motion and describes the powerful impact much better than the English word feeling. Feeling is kind of passive. Emotion is movement. Emotions are a cause set in motion.If you are in a joyful emotional state, if you feel happy, good, energized, passionate, your whole body is vibrating an you have opened all doors to your full potential. On the other hand, being in a depressive state draw away energy and makes closes the doors to our full potential.You can learn to evoke any emotion you want to be in. If you are interested how, let me know. But for a quick proof and as an easy tool for you to use, here is a way to change your emotion fast.To change from a negative emotional state to a positive state is to change your posture. Yes, your body posture is one of the most important factors that impact what emotional state you are in. Try it. If you feel depressed raise yourself, stop looking down and start looking up, stop breathing shallow and start breathing deep and then smile. Force your face to smile. After all smiling is a way our face muscles are used so you can do it no matter what your current emotional state is.If take the steps described above you will realize that it is impossible to be depressed with the body posture you are in now. Of course, the moment you stop you might be back where you started. But as long as you keep that posture your depressive emotional state is gone.Physical areaIf you tried the little exercise i described above you already have experienced what a difference posture can make. You already taped into the huge field of how our physical body is interconnected with our mind. Humans have always realized how important the body for their well being is. In fact, our body and mind is a unit. One impacts the other on virtually every level. Keeping your body healthy or getting it back to a healthy state is very important.Never underestimate the impact your current bio-chemistry has on your emotional state. In fact it might be the one most important factor for how you feel.Think about it for a moment, when you drink alcohol for example, what really happens? The alcohol changes your bio-chemistry boldly and you start feeling very different and at first pretty good. Yet, your body is not really happy with what is going on and you will end up with the usual hang-over the next day. Why do we consume alcohol? There are certainly several reasons but if you get drunk you use alcohol to feel good and to change your emotional states.Now, if you can change your emotional states by giving something to your body, doesn't that mean your physical state (bio-chemistry) changes how you feel? It certainly does.Alcohol, or any other drug for that matter, is a bold example. Other changes in bio-chemistry are not as bold but very effective anyway."Mens sana in corpora sana" is an old Latin saying meaning "To have a healthy mind you need to have a healthy body". I couldn't agree more.So, start looking what you do with your body and how you use it. Realize how you use your body posture to achieve certain emotional states (like depression, see above) and change it to a posture more congruent to the state you want to have consistently.Financial areaThis is a real huge topic and I can only scratch the surface a little. But by doing so, I can point you to the direction to look for if you want to become a financial success.Money is a very emotional thing for most of us. Having it, making it, desiring it is what many of us believe is the most important thing in life. I disagree and I never met anybody with a mind set focused only on money that was successful in financial terms.Most of us have very mixed beliefs about money. On one hand we desire the pleasures we think money would give us like freedom, security and so forth, on the other hand we belief that making money means taking it away from someone else, requires hard work, is unsocial etc.The problem with mixed belief, especially if they are opposing each other is that they lead to self sabotage. You strive for financial success and once you come close to it, or even achieve it you start doing things that ensures you not going to follow through.Money is just a way to exchange wealth. It is a way to store and exchange power as well as a way to evaluate the worth of your power for others. The printed pieces of paper we used to call money have no worth at all. The only worth they have is that some institution we all trust in (the federal government for example) promises us that we can use these pieces of paper to exchange goods. Other than this a buck is just a piece of green paper with faces of honorable people printed on it.To be successful in your financial area you need to develop a clear belief of what money means to you. Find out what opposing beliefs you have linked to having or making money and get rid of them. Why don't you think about money as a means to allow you to make a difference? A means that builds up power you can use to change things to the better. Even Mother Theresa needed and collected money to help. Sitting with the poor and starving with them is not really effective. Doing something against starvation is but needs power(Money).To take something practical away from this section let me give you a very serious advice. Always pay yourself first. What do I mean? I mean, before you pay anyone else, yes that includes your bills too, make sure you pay yourself. Put the money you need for groceries and living away up front. Then take away a small amount, even if it is only some bucks, as savings. From the rest pay your bills. If there is not enough left don't pay your bills in full. But never pay someone else before you have paid yourself first.Saving only some bucks is a sure fire way to increase your financial well being. Why? Because you start to build something up instead of using it up. You start building your wealth.If you want to get a grip of your finances don't start with consulting your bank, start with examining your beliefs about money.Relationship areaYour relationships with others are what is most important for a joyful and successful life. Unless you manage this area all other areas are useless. Humans live in relations to each other. Your loved ones and those you might not love but need (like your boss for example) impact your life big time.Understanding the ways you communicate with others and finding strategies to communicate successful with them is key.There are some first steps i like to share with you to get you started. Again, this is only a hint to point you towards the right direction.First, stop mind-reading. We all tend to belief that we know what others think. Especially those we are close to. This is a very limiting belief. Actually we don't know anything about the thoughts of others unless they tell us. Stop making assumptions and start a dialog instead.Second, listen instead of explain. Listen to what the other says and watch what she is doing rather than judging it. We all tend to talk to much and don't listen enough.Third, monitor your personal emotional state. If you get angry there is something that causes you to get angry. It is something that violates one or more of your basic beliefs. If you can not get out of the state immediately turn away and get back after you have cooled down.Fourth,be clear about what you want and how your desires fit into the desires of your relationships.Spiritual areaThis is not about religion. Although every religion copes with spirituality. We all need a purpose. We all want to know where we came from and where we are going. And, we all haven't found an answer yet. But, whatever religion you have, even if you propose to have none -which is the atheist religion- you need to think about your purpose. Unless you found a purpose for your life - and that purpose might change over time- you will not be successful. Why? Because you have no lasting goals. Lasting goals are what drive us over hurdles and through the rapids of the river we call life. They are the means that let us take risk and pain to keep going. If you do not connect to that purpose once in a while -why not every morning- you soon will be like a leaf in the autumn breeze. You will tumble around by chance.How can you know what you need to do if you do not know where to go?2005 © Norbert Haag. All rights reserved.PERMISSION TO REPUBLISH:This article may be republished in newsletters and on web sites given attribution is provided to the author, and it appears with the included copyright, resource box and live web site link. Email notice of intent to publish is appreciated: mail to: nhaag@onlinebusinesscoach.comNorbert Haag is a business consultant, entrepreneur and sought after speaker for more than 20 years.His company - Online Business Coach http://www.onlinebusinesscoach.com - provides information and services for online businesses, small business owners and freelancers.You can reach Norbert at nhaag@onlinebusinesscoach.com.\par
Keyword : Success, relationship, financial, spritual, Fitness, Health, pleasure, pain, happiness, love
Smith Could "C" the Future
Frederick W. Smith attended Yale University and wrote a paper on the concept of overnight package delivery. Smith's professor did not agree with his futuristic possibility and only gave Smith a C for the paper.How many times have we let someone's opinion dissuade us from doing what we want to do? How many times have we given our power away by letting one person's opinion stop us from achieving our goals? Smith did not let his college professor stop him. After he was honorably discharged from the Marine Corps, Smith implemented his overnight package delivery service in 1971. The name of his business was Federal Express.1. Smith never gave up on his passion for his concept for an unmet needDuring Fed Ex's first two years, the business lost $27 million and almost went bankrupt. Smith came close to losing $80 million that he raised from investors, including personal money from his brothers and sisters. Smith was able to renegotiate some loans.Many of us have financial challenges. Smith was about to lose tens of millions of dollars that he raised to implement his passion for an unmet need: overnight package delivery. Smith knew he was able to answer the classical marketing question: what is the unmet need? Smith answered the question very well and persevered.2. "Naivete was also a big part. I didn't know that I couldn't do this."Smith was quoted as saying in a 1998 interview. How many of us put so many demands on ourselves and are always thinking that the worst will happen? Is it the fear of the unknown? Are we that much attached to our comfort zone? Also in a 1998 interview, Smith said that "…the currency of exchange in Fed Ex was just money, it wasn't people's arms and legs, or lives." This quote was in reference to Smith's experience in the Marine Corps in Vietnam. Apparently, Smith's philosophy was that losing money was not like losing lives. How many of us deal with situations in which lives are at stake? Medical professionals can experience situations in which they need to save lives. Can losing money ever compare to losing lives?3. Smith never lost his confidenceSmith did not want to let down people who signed up with him to make Fed Ex happen. His philosophy went back to his Marine Corps days. He had said, "I knew I had put this thing together properly and that it was going to be all right." Have you graduated from college? If so, you put together a plan and succeeded. Smith was confident about his passion and stuck to his plan. He did not let the threat of losing tens of millions of dollars and going bankrupt stop him from losing his confidence. Have any of us faced as much financial difficulty as Smith did? Smith also did not let a grade of C on his paper at Yale deter his confidence.4. Smith took advantage of his learning resources and had great mentorsFrederick Smith said "The Marine Corps is the best when it comes to teaching people how to lead other folks." Smith made the most out of his military training, which was a foundation for his ultimate success at forming and maintaining Fed Ex. What have we learned from our experiences and how can we better utilize them? Who are some of the people that have greatly influenced us? Staff Sergeant Jack Jackson and Father Vince Capodanno were two people who had a big influence on Smith. Sergeant Jackson was Smith's platoon sergeant in the Corps. When Smith first met Sergeant Jackson, he had grown a mustache and smoked cigars. Smith wanted to look older than 22 years old. Sergeant Jackson told Smith, "Well, the first thing, shave off that ridiculous mustache, and quite smoking the cigars -- because you look absurd -- and be yourself." Sergeant Jackson told Smith the he "looked like a smooth-faced kid trying to be something that (he) wasn't." Smith said what Sergeant Jackson said stuck with him to this day.Father Capodanno was Smith's battalion chaplain, who received the Congressional Medal of Honor. In 1966, Father Capodanno was assigned to Vietnam, with the Third Battalion, Fifth Marine Regiment. On September 4, 1967 he was killed in action, in Que Son Valley. He was giving last rites to wounded and dying Americans in the heat of battle. Father Capodanno showed the utmost in self-sacrifice. Most people, including Smith, though it was an honor to have known such a great man.Smith suggested that young people take advantage of the tremendous access to information that we have, especially the Internet. Support from others can help us in our quest to accomplish our goals. Support from others can help us overcome barriers, much like the "C" that Smith received on his paper for his Federal Express idea. Many of you possess so many great ideas. Don't let naysayers discourage you.North Notes is a writing and researching company, which primarily helps writers gain focus, motivation, remove mental blocks that help to unblock the writing process. EVERYONE who writes has been stuck at some point in his or her career. You do not have to accept these mind-boggling roadblocks!http://www.northnotes.com(586) 216-7516
Keyword : Inspiration, Motivation, Self-Help, Gratitude, Humility,Goals, Motivation, Patience,Achievement
Posture Yourself for a Promotion
Sit up straight! You may recall hearing those words as a child. Perhaps a teacher or a parent would utter those words to you on a regular basis. It was so much easier to slouch and perhaps it still is. Your new image, however, begins with how you feel about yourself. Studies have shown there is a direct correlation between your posture and how you think and feel about yourself and your environment.If you sit, stand and walk tall, oxygen circulates to the brain more efficiently, increasing your odds of feeling more energetic yet relaxed, more calm and more alert. It also speaks volumes to those around you. Sometimes decisions about hiring or promoting an individual are based upon things like posture. Ask yourself if you would promote someone in your organization or hire someone that slouches all the time. In other words, good posture will gain more respect than poor posture.Doing what it takes to improve your posture now, may also prove to be very beneficial as you age. There are lots of resources available to correct poor posture. I encourage you to do some research of your own. It may lead you to the library, the bookstore or to invest in a new mattress.About The AuthorPamela Daniels is the author of "101 Things to do When You Hate Your Job", Guru at Job Haters, Incorporated and former image consultant. Job Haters was founded to enhance the quality of life for working people inside and outside the workplace. Look for more articles to improve your image at www.jobhatersinc.com or request additional information from info@jobhatersinc.com
Keyword : improvement self, posture, promotion, good posture
Success Through Clear Dreams - I Do Not Want To Lie On My Death Bed Saying I Wish I Had Done That
Many UK citizens want to settle or retire in Spain the land of sun, healthy food, villas and blue swimming pools. Only a few of these actually achieve their dream. What makes the difference?Those who succeed can teach the rest of us a lot about courage, determination, drive and self-respect. They also teach the power of a dream and the power of taking action to achieve it.Louise Mariott, at the age of 38, went off to Spain with her three daughters and without financial help from anyone including their fathers.Louise is a beauty expert who beautifies the beautiful (both men and women) but she needed to make money fast. Money was going out but very little was coming in.If the worst came to the worst, she would have to return home in a few months to live with her parents but she did not plan to do that:"I have more self-respect and more drive. How many women would have come out to Spain with no help and three kids?"She had no regrets about her move to Marbella. The family oriented life style suited her. The food was healthy and she loved the Spanish people. She commented:"I won't be lying on my death bed saying I wish I had done that."Louise eventually found a partner, Nancy, who is a fashion adviser and she also found a location for a salon.There were problems but she was excited by the possibilities. She kept her dream in mind.The salon was called "Posh". This logo was placed on the side of her new car. Louise also planned to market by word of mouth and a few fliers.However, few plans reach completion without a lot of hassle.
At one point, Louise was feeling so stressed that she said that POSH stood for "Peed Off Stressed and Hormonal." At least she had kept her sense of humour.Cards arrived saying "We are so happy that your dreams are coming true."At the time, they seemed to be mocking the dire situation she was in.Despite all the stress and tension, hundreds of people showed up to the opening of "POSH". Her business had got off to a great start.Louise could comment:"Now my dream has come true!"Sarah, an estate agent, provides us with another role model.
At the age of 7, Sarah wrote in her exercise book:"My name is Sarah and I want to live in a white house in Spain."She was already, at a very early age, using the power of setting and visualising goals clearly. She is now living this dream. At 26, she has a successful business with a partner.She has a lifestyle of parties, swimming and the freedom not to worry about the weather or crime. She finds that people in Spain are much more relaxed and can enjoy their lives.Probably the key to her success is knowing clearly what she wanted at the age of seven.Many people never stop to think deeply about what they really want from life until they reach the age of 70.If you are 70 it is not too late. Imagine yourself at 80 wishing you had started to achieve you're dream at 70. As you are still 70 what is stopping you?About the authorJohn Watson is an award winning teacher and martial arts instructor. He has recently written two books about achieving your goals and dreams.They can both be found on his website http://www.motivationtoday.com along with a daily motivational message.The title of the first book is "36 Laws To Ignite Your Inner Power And Realize Your Dreams Now! - Acronyms, Stories, And Pictures...Easy To Remember And Use Everyday To Grab Your Life And Soar With The Eagles"The book can be found at this URLhttp://www.motivationtoday.com/36_laws.phpThe book uses acronyms, stories and pictures to help readers remember 36 laws that can gradually transform your life if you apply them.Ezine editors / Site owners.Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety in your ezine or on your site as long as you leave all links in place, do not modify the content and include my resource box as listed above.
Keyword : success,action,vision,dream,courage,determination,self-respect,setting goals,life-style,drive,
How to Make Your Wildest Dreams a Reality
According to Bill Gates there are 3 keys to success in any new venture:1) Being in the right place at the right time. (You could well be already there!)2) Have a vision of where the industry/business you're working in is going!3) Taking Massive and Immediate Action! (It is time to act!)"The future belongs to those who believe in the quality of their dreams." Was it Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, the famous German poet and philosopher who said those wise words?Here are my 15 steps to fulfilling my wildest dreams...1. KNOW YOURSELF. Know and accept your weaknesses and faults (we all have them), but even more so your strengths, abilities and gifts. Build on your strengths and try to minimize or improve on your weaknesses. An honest, objective analysis of yourself is the first step in preparing you for success and realizing your dreams. Celebrate you for just being you, a unique creation.Aim for mental clarity about what you most want out of life. Think about it and write it down. If it's happiness, what do you mean by happiness: a sense of belonging, recognition, independence, love, money or security? If you don't know where you are and where you want to go with your life, how will you ever get there? Aim at nothing and you're sure to hit it.2. GET PASSIONATE. Don't apologize for getting passionate. What excites you the most? If you are not enthusiastic and excited about what you're doing, your path in life, you'll never get others to share your dream. Once you find your passion, you will have found your POWER, MEANING and PURPOSE in life.3. SURROUND YOURSELF WITH POSITIVE PASSION. Always be aware. Negative people will poison your dream faster than anything else. Motto: "If you can't be positive, shut up!" Try and stay positive...even in the face of negativity.4. ACCEPT FROM THE START THAT YOU WON'T PLEASE EVERYONE. You're going to be misunderstood, misquoted, hurt some feelings, perhaps even lose some friends (for the time being). Motto: "What other people think of me is none of my business!" Repeat this statement to yourself, especially when you doubt or feel discouraged.5. ALWAYS BE YOURSELF. To thine own self be true. (Shakespeare's "Hamlet", act I.3.) This is supremely important, no matter what the world may think of you. The masses are conditioned to mediocrity and other people's success can make them not feel inferior for their own insignificant little lives.Accept yourself. Learn from others--but don't be intimidated by them, or pretend to be someone you're not; because... "We are most effective when we're being ourselves."6. DON'T BE SCARED OF MAKING MISTAKES. The only real mistake is one from which you learn nothing. Motto: "Far better to try something and fail, than try nothing and succeed!"7. ACCEPT THAT IT WILL NEVER BE EASY. Realizing your dream may be the hardest, most uphill thing you'll ever do. A truth ... "You can't coast uphill."The key ingredient in success is never giving up. Keep on keeping on with your quest. It has been said that "success is 99% made up of failures".8. STAY HUMBLE. (no matter how successful you may be.) Don't ever think you've made it and arrived--there's always a lot ahead, more to do, higher mountains to climb. Motto: "The greatest way to do our thing has yet to be discovered!"9. DON'T UNDERESTIMATE YOURSELF. There is incredible power in yourself (in the form of the unique human mind), but far more so in the forces of the Universe. Make them work for you by living your life in harmony with these natural forces. Like positive energy attracts like.Enough "spiritual" thoughts! Back to the "real world" and you. Avoid developing an inferiority complex (Who am I, a 'nothing'?"). Don't be filled with feelings of self pity ("nobody likes me"), or think "I can't do it". These thoughts will steal your dream.10. HAVE FUN. Nothing is ever as bad as it seems--don't get too solemn, or serious or too downcast when things go wrong (as they surely will from time to time). Take a leaf from Thomas Edison's book: "I never did a day's work in my entire life: it was all FUN!"Laugh at life's funny moments... and there are plenty of them. "The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes, but in liking what one does." -J.M. Barrie11. DEVELOP 'THE WILL TO LIVE'. There will be plenty of times when you'll face the death of your dream. When failures, disappointments, and criticisms come you need the will and faith to keep going. Remember: We learn far more from our failures than our successes, because failures show us what doesn't work. So, failure is just one step closer to ultimate success. Often the difference between failure and success is trying just one more time, picking yourself up off the canvas after being knocked down time and again.12. DEVELOP 'THE WILL TO HELP AND SERVE OTHERS'. Success on its own (i.e., for its own sake) will pollute and corrupt you--it's a dead end street unless you have meaning in your life. The years of struggle breed fortitude and character. The gold may be an inch away from the seam, where your fellow miners have given up. You need to succeed for a reason, a purpose, a cause that's bigger than you! and IF (a very big if) you've fulfilled all the above requirements...13. ALWAYS BE ON THE LOOKOUT FOR OPPORTUNITIES. They are all around you. There are no permanent problems--only solutions, possibilities and opportunities. The Chinese word for 'crisis' means 'danger' + 'opportunity'.14. If you truly believe in what you are doing, DEVELOP THE 'WILL TO SUCCEED' with absolute commitment. It is not enough to just survive, aim at being the best you can possibly be! Keep your dream big, bold and even outrageous--don't water it down or settle for mediocrity... even if others think you are crazy! Trust in your judgment, your intuition and your creative mind to overcome any obstacles. "Be bold and mighty, unseen forces come to your aid."15. NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAM! Be patient. Don't be in too much of a hurry to achieve your goals and dreams. Be persistent and never quit. As the saying goes, 'Winners never quit and quitters never win.'Always remember, when you think you've exhausted all your possibilities, you really haven't--there's always another way, a better way...and even more importantly, there's always another day!Life is not a dress rehearsal, it's the main event. GO FOR THAT DREAM. It is within you and within your reach.About The AuthorCraig Lock has studied and written extensively on the subject of personal success and how to live your dreams. Craig is a writer, who believes in encouraging and helping others to strive for and accomplish their dreams. He truly believes people can overcome obstacles, rise to any occasion, and accomplish their entire dream with enough faith.Creative Writing Course:
http://www.nzenterprise.com/writer/creative.htmlhttp://www.elkpublications.com/godzone.htmhttp://www.novelty-gift.com/Craig can be found accomplishing his dream at http://www.elkpublications.com/godzone.htm
Keyword : success,self improvement,coaching,leadership,goals,affirmations,motivation
Bill Gates: Why He is the Richest Man in the World
Bill is a man for the people, of the people and with the people every step of the way to make our's a better, more equipped society and environment in every sense of the formulation. His formula and future ideal goal was simple: "A paperless society". By advancing technology, saving our natural resources and promoting self employment, Bill Gates has not only made billions of dollars he has saved our economy billions of dollars and has helped save our bountiful and beautiful forests our vegetation. His vision was on target where he stated: most American's by the year 2000 will have the opportunity to Work from Home". With the demise of big business and huge corporate scandals, those who invested in themselves and their real estate have profited ten fold.Someday newspapers will be obsolete. Newspapers have monopolized our communities with serious inflated costs and are rapidly exhausting our resources. While legislature and paper manufactures raise the costs of the paper protecting our planet and try making it difficult to purchase, while on the other hand-the paper passes the expense of killing our environment on to you, the consumer. There is no win win. Only Negative's. Who wants that? It's quite depressing and frustrating for those new in business with limited budgets trying to get their company name out there. The Internet allows you for pennies on the dollar and even for free to reach the masses. Today more and more companies are downsizing. You are probably familiar with the robot at the other end of the telephone line helping you pay your bills, access your banking, and so on. Mr. & Mrs. Robot can do virtually anything. Customer Service Employment may be the next to become obsolete(saving companies billions). More people go to their computers to research information. They are also "searching" for ways to make money in a massive growing world with massive lay-offs, downsizing's, and major lack of employment opportunities, facing our work force, today.Bill Gates is one of the main forefathers who helped open the door leading to: Freedom. I.e.: "The Information Highway; World Wide Web, the Internet; to all societies, worldwide. He has a very simple but strong belief: "How you gather, manage, and use information will determine if you win or lose." In his book "Business @The Speed of Thought" gives you the information you need to win. Literally, he opened the Gates to everyone. Freedom of speech is great but freedom to connect to the world is an amazing feat. You can spend every waking moment trying to develop or invent the perfect product to sell on the internet, and sadly it may never happen. You can scroll, surf the net and find 1000's of Work At Home Opportunities. Not all of them are scams!Focus on the one that is true to your heart. You can turn this dream into a reality. If you do your homework and research you will find the product you truly believe in 100% and find major companies producing these awesome products. They have also perfected the science by providing you the consumer, distributor, independent associate with a high-tech website, web hosting, web mail, no inventory, your own personal supply, business/accounting/tax software, and you can write it off 100% while working from your home office!Christopher Knight has opened the Gates to millions of Expert Authors. He filled a need for our society who want to express themselves and their expertise. We thank you for your achievements. To your continued success
http://www.ezinearticles.comGina Bucci has researched most work at home opportunities. She believes in Usana Health Sciences. True Health and True Wealth. The company was invented by Scientists and Doctors worldwide. They manufacture the #1 Health Products in the Industry. The also have perfected the (MLM-Avon Industries) helping individuals achieve freedom and wealth, with out massive inventories and with only two people (down line) in your business, simple. They'll in turn tell two others of these amazing health products that work natural wonders, and then they will tell two others, and so on, and so on, and so on, etc… Check out my website when you're ready to find the rated # 6 Best Small Business in Business Weekly's Top 100 and rated #16 Forbes -Top Rated Business Opportunities! Small or large investment it's up to you. Buy Real Estate TODAY in Usana the next Trillion Dollar Industry. http://www.olivegrapes.usana.com
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Keyword : bill gates, work from home, business opportunity, usana health sciences, health, wealth, freedom
Emerging As Winners!
People like to emerge as winners by hook or crook and this is what one gets landed up in. It is human nature to desire to become rich, powerful, popular and famous always and forever. On the surface, it appears that we are competing with everyone else in this world and running a never-ending rat race. It is natural for all human beings to desire and work for wealth, power and prestige. Jesus Christ and Buddha and many others emerged as winners in the sense their preachings enriched people in the spiritual sense. People like Bill Gates or Jamshedji Tata, Godraj emerged as winners because they established business which catered to the needs of others.How do some people emerge as winners? Subconsciously human beings adopt WIN/WIN, WIN/LOSE, LOSE/WIN, and LOSE/LOSE options in their day-to-day transactions.When both parties gain from a transaction it means that they have adopted the win/win approach and this attitude has enabled them to succeed.But the world does not allow others to win. Obviously cutthroat competitions prevail and only one can emerge as a winner in the rat race. The tendency of the human beings is always to adopt the Win/Lose approach in which the first party tends to propose, plan and try for success at the cost of the second one. Business houses adopt such an approach in their advertisements when they decry the products/services of competitors while praising/exaggerating about their products/services. The advertisement media like TV, Video, Internet, Newspapers assist such groups in this regard.It is very rare to come across the Lose/Win approach in this selfish world. It is theoretical and rare when an individual allows the other person to win at his cost. Very rarely we come across such approaches. These persons lead selfless lives caring for others.Cantankerous business houses, illegal associations when they try to destroy themselves besides destroying others, adopt Lose/Lose approach. This is also becoming a common approach as the world tends toMany adopt the win/lose approach but which one would suit all humans? The win/win approach suits all humans because everyone can succeed. But humans never care for this kind of approach because the tendency is to win over the other.HPriya Sivan
Keyword : Success
To Succeed Greatly, You Must...
(1) Climb up from under the limitations of circumstances and conditions(2) Do something in such a way that you become a leader in rendering service and securing just compensation for your service.Read that again!It suggests the personal factors which will make your effort successful. It also suggests the process of succeeding, and the means of carrying out the process.The determining factors are:(1) Freeing yourself of hindering circumstances and conditions;
(2) Doing something;
(3) Being a leader in what you do;
(4) Rendering service to others; and
(5) Securing just compensation for the service.My discovery of these determining factors was very important to the young man I talked with years ago. It revolutionized his efforts and changed him from failure to success. It was also a great revelation to me. Previously, I had believed that success depended on determination, enthusiasm, hard work, et cetera. These are essential in succeeding, but they are not determinants of success.Assume that I wish to be successful in producing a light green colored oil paint. White lead as the basis and linseed oil as the medium are valuable assets. A basis and a medium are essentials. But, I can mix a new batch of white lead and linseed oil every day for a year and fail to produce a light green paint. White lead and linseed oil are essential in making a light green paint, but they do not determine greenness. Green pigment is the only factor which is a determinant in producing a green paint. To be successful in producing a green paint, I must use a green pigment.So it is in determining success. Hard work, honesty, enthusiasm, et cetera, are valuable assets-you cannot succeed without them. But, they do not determine your success. Hence, my discovery of the five determining factors was a great revelation to me, and it is most important in the attainment of success.So, also, I was astounded, when I worked out the process of succeeding, and the means to be used. I found that the process usually employed may succeed now and then, but that it does not make success certain. And, I found that the means, which is the least used, is the most efficient. These I present to you in succeeding chapters.To begin the change which will lead you to success, consecrate yourself to the use of the five determinants of success.If you dare to free yourself from hindering circumstances, if you do something in such a way that you make yourself a leader in your work, if your work is of service to others, if you dare to secure just compensation for your work-then you ARE a success!Let us commit:FREEDOM-the daring to overcome the limitations of circumstances and conditions, and express yourself-is the first determining factor.ACTION-doing something, not merely thinking about it, or dreaming of it, or wishing for it-is the second.LEADERSHIP-doing your work better, or more rapidly, or more efficiently, or, more effectively than others would do it- is the third.SERVICE-doing your work in such a way that it renders service to others, and then, in addition, giving service-is the fourth.JUSTICE-the art of securing just compensation for the services you render, by the way you deal with people, and by the means you use in doing so-is the final determining factor which guarantees success!Find the rest of the story at http://TheExecutiveTrainer.comAt Last! You Can Discover Real World Step-by-Step 'Secrets' That Will Get You Noticed and Show You How To Succeed Perfectly... Without Having To Brown Nose or Suck Up to Anyone! http://www.TheExecutiveTrainer.com
Keyword : success, self help, career, business,
Creating Success - Understand The Tao of Success
One of the most important aspects of creating success involves a delicate balance between two somewhat opposing forces – REFLECTION and ACTION. This balance is very similar to the balance of Yin and Yang in the Tao philosophy.Most successful leaders in business or elsewhere are seasoned veterans at creating an ongoing balance between the reflection of where they are now and the action of pushing toward where they need to go.Consider the variety of personalities that exist and how they can be represented by the analogy of Ready, Aim and Fire. There are those can be described as Ready, Ready, Aim. They are always planning and never moving to the action. Then, there is the opposite who could be described as the Fire, Ready, Fire. They are always acting but never reflecting on where they are or where they need to go. This means that they are often spending effort that becomes wasted effort or at least effort that is inefficient.No matter what our personality style, true success comes when you can initiate a balanced cycle of Ready, Aim, Fire, Ready, Aim, Fire, Ready… You don't spend too much time in either the state of Reflection or of Action.It should also be mentioned that in teams, individuals may play different roles in the Ready, Aim & Fire analogy. Some focus on the reflection roles and others on the action roles. This is valid as everyone has different strengths. When it comes to leadership (and we all have leadership roles) and our personal lives, we must take control and be active in both parts.Stumbling blocks to success and specifically to creating the Tao of Success include acting too often without any sense of direction or spending too much time reflecting without creating outcomes. Do either of these descriptions sound like you?So, what can you do to create more of the Tao of Success in your life. The first thing would be to understand that both components of the Tao of Success are active verbs. You are either actively reflecting or actively doing something. SUCCESS is NOT about INACTION.The next thing to consider is whether you can spend time reflecting and acting at the same time? The short answer is… sort of. Your mind can only hold one thought at a time. This is an important point for us to remember when we are considering focus and balance in our lives. It is also important in the Tao of Success. You can be going through periods of reflection and action at the same time but the truth is that at any specific moment in time we are only spending energy in one of the two areas. We may switch between yin and yang quickly enough that we "appear" to be supporting both at the same. The reality is not true.The wonderful thing about the Tao of Success is that it applies to our personal lives, our extracurricular lives and our business lives. Whether you are goal setting, working on your motivation, working on personal development or working on your professional development, you can implement the concept of the Tao of Success.A good way to remember the power of the balance of Reflection and Action is to consider a child swinging. When a child swings, they put energy into the swing during the motion part of the swing. Then, they have a moment where they are completely motionless where they still have a great deal of potential energy. Then, instantaneously, this energy is released in a new direction.Then, the cycle continues over and over again creating REAL RESULTS.To find out what is the most important skill required with regard to the Tao of Success, please subscribe to Food for Thought, our newsletter that will make you stop and think.Go to http://www.mindscape.ca/subscriptiontao.htmPaul has always researched and studied the fields of human performance and personal & professional development. As an engineer, Paul is extremely interested in how things work - the mind being one of the most fascinating. Paul has lived a life of opportunity and abundance, which has included living and working overseas in Africa and the Caribbean. He is a retired I.T. consultant and executive, a husband and father of 2 boys, and has conquered marathons, triathlons, and Mount Kilimanjaro. This wide background of experience has all supported his research. Paul lives a life of success by practicing the Mindscape Principles.To have Paul Frazer speak to your organization or for more information on Paul Frazer or Mindscape, his speaking programs, his book, Stop, Drop & Re-Balance: A Self Renewal Manual, his newsletter - Food For Thought, or just to contact Paul, please call 613-264-3791, or visit his website at:
Keyword : paul frazer,mindscape,success,action,life balance,self renewal,transform,goals,personal growth,tao
Defining Success
I'll be the first to admit that everyone has his or her own definition of success and what constitutes living a life with greatness.Success comes in so many shapes and sizes that it can often go unnoticed if you do not take the time to recognize the many facets where it exists in your life. With that said, I would like to offer up my short definition of success.Success is the mother or father who sacrifices to make a better life for their family. It is the person who spends countless hours studying, and scrimping to pay the bills so they can have the honor of being the first person to graduate from college in their family.Success and greatness is in the man or woman who against all the critics sets out and starts that small business that no one seemed to think would work.Success is the person who takes care of their aging parents (just as their parents did for them in their early life). Success is the person who lives their life as an example to others and actively shows those around them how to achieve more in their personal and professional lives.Truly successful are those who do the things that make them happy. Success is the person who works two jobs so that he or she can make a better life for himself or herself.Success is the teacher who works hard and at the end of the day has made a positive impact on the lives of so many. In many cases far more then they may ever realize.Success is taking time out throughout your busy day to understand that you are in fact an amazing person, and acknowledge that your contributions make this world a better place. True success is the entrepreneur who takes their idea and translates it into real jobs for others.You see my friend, success is so many things, and reaches so far into various areas of our lives. All to often we run through our days not realizing that we are already successful in our own right. We may not fit into a cookie cutter mold of what society labels successful people as being, but make no mistake about it... You are successful just the same.Take time to honor your many achievements -- all the while taking comfort in knowing that many more such accomplishments still await you. Remember this, greatness is part of who you are.-- Here's to your success, Josh HindsAbout The Author:Josh Hinds of http://GetMotivation.com specializes in helping people to achieve maximum success and live the life of their dreams. He is also the co-founder of http://AudioMotivation.com - visit now to hear leading motivational speakers and authors share their tips and advice with you.
Keyword : success,achievement,coaching,leadership,goals,affirmations,motivation,successful
Success or Bust!
We've all been driving down the road and seen those infamous signs in the back of all types of automobiles that say something like "Disneyland or Bust". What does this mean? Basically, it means that those people are on their way to Disneyland and they will do absolutely anything no matter how much money, time or gas that they waste. They will get to Disneyland or BUST (go broke, run out of gas, waste too much time) trying to get there.Now, let me ask you a question. Are you wearing this sign on your back as you head down the road to financial freedom?SUCCESS OR BUST!No, I don't mean a real sign but you are doing everything possible to become successful no matter how much money, time or relationships it cost you. If this is you, then here's a suggestion…stop the madness! Your success journey should progressively improve as you head down the path. Let me give you an example.One of my coaching clients had been building her business for five years without any financial gain. That's right, absolutely no progress. After just a few coaching sessions, she realized that she had been building her business wrong for five years. The minute that she began implementing strategies and techniques that actually work her business went through the roof. She's now on her success journey and she is paving her way with golden bricks. This lady refuses to wear that sign that most of you are wearing…Success or Bust!So, how do you know if you have that sign on your back? Here are some clues:· You are flipping through a phone book or buying names/numbers instead of getting out and networking with people. You can't expect to build an outstanding team if you don't put forth the effort to actually meet Champions like yourself. Yes, it is hard to build a mastermind team that's why I have compiled a Champions Forum where you can meet other Champions. Check out www.FindYourWhy.com/club to start building your team!· You are taking advice from a coach, mentor, upline, business partner, etc. that has never done what you want to do or has never gone where you want to go. For example, if you are building a direct sales/marketing business then you wouldn't want to take advice or direction from someone that has never built a direct sales/marketing business or has never made millions in the industry.· You have spent hundreds if not thousands on personal development materials or services but you have nothing to show for it. You must research before you invest. For instance, I have had great success with my Millionaire Maker Boot Camps but I would never expect for you to take my word for it so I developed www.FindYourWhy.com/bootcamp.
You can actually go to that link and listen to audio testimonials from past boot camp attendees. If you can't find real testimonials from real people that a personal development program or service works, then don't invest in it!If you relate to any of these examples, then here's what I want you to do. Are you ready?Take your hand, put it in the center of your back and rip that "Success or Bust" sign off of your back! You shouldn't become physical, emotionally, socially or financially broke on your Success Journey. I challenge you to start paving your path with golden bricks today by networking with other champions, taking advice from a successful coach and investing in personal development materials that work.Creating 1,000 Millionaires,
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Keyword : Success, Financial Freedom
Success Means Never Ever Giving Up
Persistence is the foundation of success. Although there are many ways to describe success, there is only one definition of failure – giving up. Whatever your meaning of success, you will only achieve it through persistence."Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence.
Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.
Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent."
-Calvin CoolidgeBabe Ruth had more strike outs than anyone else in history. When asked about the key to his success he said, "I just keep swinging."In the mid 1960's, Martin Cooper, an electrical engineer at Motorola, had a vision of a phone that could be carried around and powered by a battery. His concept was scoffed at by many of his fellow engineers. After 15 years in development, Motorola brought the cellular phone to market.In 1864, he was born the son of slaves on a Missouri plantation. He grew up not knowing his parents. With persistence and determination he put himself through college. To combat the racism he encountered, he excelled in everything he did. George Washington Carver became one of our nation's leading scientists and revolutionized agriculture.At 205 pounds and standing 5'10" tall he was below average size for a pro football player. To build his strength and endurance he ran up steep hills while playing high school football. As a professional player he ran up an 80-yard hill, set at a 45-degree angle, 25 times a day. Determined to be the best he could be, he watched films of opponents until he could predict their moves. Football Hall of Famer, Walter Payton tied or beat seven NFL records during his 13-season career.You are born without the concept of failure. How did you learn to walk? The first time you tried you immediately fell. But you didn't know you couldn't succeed and immediately tried again. And again you fell down. But you never gave up. Hundreds of times you repeated this process until you learned to walk.Persistence is getting up one more time than you fall down. Unfortunately, you are taught to give up and fail. How many times have you heard one or more of the following?"Why bother, you'll never be able to do that – it'll never work"
"Don't rock the boat, just do what you're supposed to do"
"Why take chances?"
"You'll never amount to anything"
"Stop dreaming -- come back to reality"
"Why don't you give up already?"
"I tried that already, it doesn't work".If you had believed any of the above when you were learning to walk you would still be crawling! You didn't listen to bad advice then so why listen to it now?When you feel like giving up, you must keep going. Only by continuing, when most others won't, will you achieve your goals. Don't join the ranks of those who have given up just around the corner from success. You never know where your corner is so you must never stop.copyright 2005 Bryan GoldenBryan Golden is a self-development and motivational expert, author, and adjunct professor. He is the author of "Dare to Live Without Limits," and writes a nationally syndicated newspaper column. For more information please visit:
http://www.daretolivewithoutlimits.com or
Keyword : success, motivation, inspiration, self help, self improvement, self development, positive attitude
What Are the Nine Bodyparts of a Better Life?
Your Head, think about what you want and move towards it
Everyday we have several opportunities to make a change for the better, the worse or to just stay the same and everytime we make a decision it is in one of these directions. At breakfast you could have oatmeal, or toast and jam, or you could have a coffee and a donut, your decision could often be better. When you get to work you could take the elevator only part way and climb a few flights in the very empty stairwell or you could choose to take an elevator to your floor. Don't feel too terribly bad about all of your decisions as you should know that not many others are making a great decision every time either. I ride my bike to work every day and in a building of 1000 people I am one of three bike riders. Look at these decisions one at a time and if it is a little easier carry around a notebook and write down things to do better. Try to resolve today to just do a few things alittle better than you did yesterday.Your Heart, have passion in your life
There was movie a few years ago called "Pay It Forward" where the child in the movie gave something to a homeless man with the explicit command that he had to pay it forward. Pay it forward means that you do good things for others with the expectation that they will follow through and do good things for others as well. This is the way that great societies invigorate and continue to revitalise themselves. What are you doing through work of the heart to make things better for the others around you? Can you send an uplifting email to someone you have not seen in a while? Can you send flowers to an enemy, anonymously? Can you make sure that your family knows today as well as tomorrow that you love them? Resolve today to think of the feelings of others more oftenYour Mouth, be careful of what you put in your mouth
Try to look at all of the food going into your mouth. Are you eating a lot of fatty foods that your body will have to fight to digest? Are you eating a lot of sugar that is making you THINK that you have a lot of energy? Are you drinking a lot of water instead of pop or coffee? And finally are you eating a lot of nice clean food, fruits, vegetables and lean meats? Changes in our diet are often hard but we forget about that after a week or so when we are feeling better than we have felt for years and have energy to burn to do great things with our life. And again the water, your mouth waters when you think about food for a reason, we need lots of water to help us digest and to keep our metabolism at an even keelYour Arms, make sure you do exercise with your arms
Anytime that you exercise with your arms you are doing more work than usual. Riding a bike you use you arms to steer, playing tennis you are using your arms to toss and swing, swimming you are using your arms to propel yourself. You can see also that anytime you use your arms you are more engaged in the activity. I always think of wports that you use your arms in as being a lot more fun.Your Legs, make sure you do exercise with your legs
Your legs are the part of your body that propels you. The biggest muscles in your body are in your legs and they are the key to improving your fitness. If you get started using your legs more you will be stronger, no overnight but in as soon as a week. You should begin by taking a leisurely walk for a half an hour in the morning or evening and then move up to a faster pace, a longer time or bothand before you know it you are looking forward to that quiet time as well as feeling great before, during and after your exercise.Your Eyes, see what is possible
Some people look at changes in their lifestyle as being impossible, do not do that! Have some passion in living a better life. Too often we see people living a life of common destiny where they live within the lowest common standards. What if you stopped watching TV every night? What if instead of just reading a book you wrote one instead? What if you woke up one hour earlier in the morning every day and had some quiet time and a great workout while listening to music that only teenagers are supposed to listen to. Look at everything in your surroundings. What is possible? what are others doing? What do you currently think is possible? Just as we can make a decision on what we eat and what we do we can also go out and change our lives by making changes that we have seen. Any expectations that we have are ours alone. Today remember that we can do whatever we want just by deciding that "Yes, today I will see this as possible and do it now!"Your Ears, hear everything and move the info to your head
Listen to your surroundings; make sure that you are listening and not just interperting what you want to hear. The truth is only our perception of the stories we hear and the things that we believe we have seen. Make sure that today you try to hear the other persons point of veiw and instead of thinking of a response in a disagreement try instead to see why the other person it thinking the way she is.Your Stomach, your abs are the key to your core strength
Most people hate situps, there is something really uncomfortable about cramping up your stomach to get a stomach exercise to work. Instead of situps always do crunches, a crunch is done by putting your lower legs up on a chair, lying down like for a situp and then just raising your shoulders a few inches off of the floor. After you do this a few times you will feel it in your gut but over a couple of weeks of doing this three times a week you will feel much stronger and your posture and breathing will improve immensly.Your Back, lie back and relax
Always take the time to lie back and relax. Sleep is always important especially when the regular and irregular stresses of life get you down or drive you crazy. Another important thing to do is just to lie back in a quiet room or a field or in the car on the side of the road and just let all of the stresses of life wash away. Think of the ways to fix for your lifes problems not when you are trying to fall asleep but after dinner on the couch or while lying in the backyard under a warm sun when you don't have anything pressing that needs to be done.Bill Nadraszky is a lifelong fitness nut. You can read more health and fitness and motivation tips from Bill at his fitness tips website
Keyword : health, fitness, bodyparts, motivation