วันพุธที่ 13 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

An Infinite Universe; Why is that Such a Tough Concept for the Human Mind?

Author : Lance Winslow
Both religious scholars and many scientists believe the Universe is infinite. Now it may be and maybe it isn't and we do not know for sure. But what we do know is that many people have a real problem with this. They cannot seem to grasp the concept of an infinite Universe even to only discuss the theory. Why do humans have trouble comprehending infinite?Curiosity is a human trait indeed and every wants to know about the Universe we live in. And most humans would prefer that it have a beginning and an end. Why? Because having a beginning and ends fits nicely into our classification of things we observe and the human mind finds need to classify everything it observers. The brain is indeed set up like this in fact. It likes to categorize things in order to consider them. Humans do this with almost everything, even other people.Have you ever noticed when you meet someone new, they end up asking questions like; where are you from, where did you go to school, do you have a family, what line of work are you in? All this to classify you into a space that they can then relate with as it jives with their little mind's classification system. If you are aloof with the answers it drives them nuts and they ask other questions around those already mentioned.They need to classify that entity they call "you" so they can move on, without this, they seem to be lost. I think it is rather interesting really, Humans love to classify and often must before they can even deal with the information, otherwise the information sits on the proverbial table until another piece of data comes along to link with before they commit it to memory and imprint that data.So in this analysis this is why the human mind is not comfortable with an infinite and un-definable universe concept or theory. This is why this it is so important to the humans that things indeed have a beginning and an end. Consider this in 2006.Lance Winslow
Keyword : Infinite Universe, concept, human mind
