Some people call them vicious circles or cycles. I prefer to think of them as downward spirals of life. Those periods that we can all become trapped in like the whirlpool of water as it drains from the tub. If we're not careful and mindful these downward spirals can suck the life right out of us. Here are a few simple and effective steps you can use to free yourself of such life sucking periods.1. NOTICE THE SPIRAL YOU'RE IN. As is so often true, awareness is the first step to intervention. Much of the power of a downward spiral comes from our continuing to be unaware of the direction of our life. Like a whirlpool, a downward spiral's power picks up strength and speed the longer we're in it; so it follows that the sooner we become aware we are trapped in a downward spiral, the easier it will be to change the direction of our life. It's often helpful to remember a downward spiral reversed becomes a spiral of fulfillment.2. ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE FULLY PRESENT TO YOUR LIFE. When you first notice you're in a downward spiral, the tendency is to quickly react in an effort to free yourself. This initial reaction is often based in fear and may only exacerbate the spiral. Instead, take time to notice what is happening from a detached position. Witness your life by stepping outside of it for awhile. One simple way to do this is to imagine you are in a movie theater reviewing the "Story of My Life" movie. Watch and Observe.3. CONSCIOUSLY RELEASE THE THOUGHTS AND EMOTIONS. As you begin to "Dismantle" the downward spiral, be sure you release and let go of the disempowering thoughts and emotions. You might envision a large bottomless trash can in front of you into which you toss each thought and each emotion attached to the thought or you can write it all down then burn the paper, thus releasing their hold on you.4. RESIST THE TEMPTATION TO INDULGE. Don't get sucked into the drama of the movie. There's no point to watching the movie over and over. This will only suck you further down the spiral. Observe and Move On.5. COMMIT TO CHANGING DIRECTIONS. Make a conscious choice to change the direction of your spiral. You may write down your choice as a declaration or share it with a friend, loved one or your coach. Draw a line in the sand.6. KNOW THE MAKE UP OF A DOWNWARD SPIRAL. Knowing the basic elements that are the composition of a downward spiral will make it easier to change its directions. Downward spirals are composed of "molecules of meaning" which can be further broken down to fear, and lack based thoughts and emotions.
This includes such things as doubt, worry, "shoulding" on yourself, jealousy, anger, fear, frustration, etc. All of these come together to effect who you think you are (i.e., loser, failure, unlovable, etc.) which then determines the actions you take and what you say out loud to yourself. All of which then determines what you have, as in the results with which you measure your life.7. USE THE LAW OF ATTRACTION TO CHANGE THE SPIRAL'S DIRECTION.
The Law of Attraction states that "like attracts like." So just like fear and lack based thoughts will attract more similar thoughts, the same is true of love and abundance based thoughts. By changing your thoughts and your emotions you change the direction of the downward spiral.8. PRACTICE PATIENCE AND PERSISTENCE. Remember you didn't get into the downward spiral overnight, so don't expect reversing direction to take place in an instance. Just as it takes time to stop a car and put it into reverse, it will take time before you'll see the evidence that your downward spiral has become a spiral of fulfillment. In the mean time continue to affirm and trust that it is so.9. BEGIN TO GATHER EVIDENCE FOR THE TURNAROUND. As you continue the turnaround process begin to look for physical evidence that the process is working. Start with the mindset that the evidence is there already and your job is to find it like a detector, rather than wondering whether there is any or not.10. DEBRIEF, DECLARE THE ACCOMPLISHMENT, AND CELEBRATE. At some point you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the turnaround is complete. Before moving on take a few minutes to acknowledge what you've learned from the experience, declare to yourself the accomplishment and celebrate it. You've made major progress along your purposeful path. "Celebrate, Celebrate. Dance to the Music."©2005 Brad Swift of Life On Purpose Institute, Inc.This article can be reprinted freely online, as long as the entire article and this resource box are included.Dr. Brad Swift founded Life On Purpose Institute in 1996 with the vision of creating a World On Purpose by assisting people like yourself to clarify their life purpose & live true to it. Determine how on or off purpose your life is with the fun & insightful Self Test at:
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Keyword : spirals of life, burnout, fulfillment,