All you have to do is read the Bible and you'll know the answer to this question. Yes Jesus talked more about money and well being than he did about heaven. He said the Kingdom of Heaven is within, who does this leave out? That's right no one, it is in all of us and no one is left out.Now about the money thing, remember the parable of the talents? He who has more will be given more and to him who has less, that will be taken away from him. I believe that Jesus meant that the way you handle your money and what you do with it. If you use it for good and help the kingdom out, I believe that you will be given more and you will be called a good Stewart of your money.The ones who have little that will be taken away, but if you learn how to handle it you will in turn give you more, it is my belief that the more you give the more you will get. Just like you reap what you sow. The good Samaritan could not have helped out the poor soul that was beaten. He needed money to put the person up at the inn for the night or how many nights that he needed to recover.The rich young ruler asked Jesus what do I need to do to get into the Kingdom of Heaven. You must sell everything you possess and follow me. Why was he sad? This was his way to heaven, yet he could not give up his fortune. Why is that, do you think? He truly loved money more than the Lord and it is written it is harder for the rich to get to heaven then it is for a camel to get through the eye of a needle.You must LOVE people and use money, not the other way around. The more you follow the teachings of Jesus on the subject of money and well being the better the chances you have of having everything that you want and live in glory of the Lord was talking about.Seek and you shall find, knock and it will be answered unto you. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills and he wants to share them with you. You are his prized possession, he loves you more than anyone and he wants you to be rich. That is what I know not think, you can be rich, you were born rich.Now acted like you have what you want and watch it start to pop up in your life. The truth shall set you free and please know that God wants you to be wealthy, because money is an idea and God will give you ideas everyday to get to where you want to go and get the monies that you so greatly deserver.The million dollar idea will be given to you and even more than once, you just need to listen to that little voice inside and run with the idea you have. You will know when it comes, use the tools God has given you and you can't lose. So put your nose to the grind stone and except what it is and that God wants to give to you and that would be unlimited wealth and abundance.That is why he talked of health and money more than heaven. Now can you see how becoming rich is the best way to serve the Lord, because then you can help others in great ways, well it is, so get down to it, use the gifts you were given and use those million dollar idea given to you and the truth will set you free.With Much Love,Arthur Buchanan
Out of Darkness & Into the Light
43 Oakwood Ave. Suite 1012
Huron Ohio, 44839
567-219-0994 (cell)
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