วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 7 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Tune Out and Tune In

Author : Eva Gregory
Why is it that a person is willing to listen to the author of a self-help book, yet discounts their own thoughts, feelings, and intuition? What makes one person's insight more correct than another's? Perhaps the answer lies in one's belief that they really can find the solution to a question. If so, then how does one achieve this level of confidence? How about, through practice? Exercise, if you'd prefer to look at it that way. Trusting in intuition is learned. It is developed through repeated instances of success.What does your heart tell you when it speaks to you? What about your "gut?" Do you actually listen to it? Thoughts, feelings, health clues, etc. are ignored daily; often to the detriment of the person being oblivious, or simply unsure of which course to take. It's time to tune out the extraneous interference and concentrate on the inner melody.So how does one let their intuition guide them to success? First and foremost, by "tuning in." With so much going on each day, the typical person barely has time to breathe, let alone sit down to unwind and think. That needs to change. It's impossible to get in touch with your feelings if you're clueless about what they are. Tuning in can be done a number of ways: through guiding meditation or relaxation techniques, yoga, a long bubble bath, or a turn in the steam room. Whatever you choose, or wherever you are so long as it helps you relax can get you tuned into what you are feeling.Second, it helps immensely to record your thoughts and feelings in a journal. Especially when you are working on something big that requires multiple sessions. In addition, a journal allows you to keep track of the things you want to accomplish and lets you glimpse your thoughts in that exact moment, so that you can see how everything unfolds. A journal is your way of recording life scene by scene. It helps to write things out when you need to see how they fit together, and make sure that what you thought at 3:00 am was really as good as what you thought at 9:00 am. The plus side is that you are sure to remember what you were thinking.Lastly, your plan to trust your intuition needs to be put into play. A well thought out plan is simply a well thought out plan unless it is put into motion. If you have a history of not trusting your instincts, why not start small. Try selecting what you "feel" is a good restaurant, a good book, etc. in order to build your confidence level. Follow it up with increasingly bigger events. Each success will bring you closer to comfortably following your instincts, and soon it will become second nature.Remember, listening to yourself with your full attention is the precursor to positive, successful attraction. You cannot attract what you want if you are not in command of the kinds of vibes you are shooting out into the universe. So enjoy this process of becoming in tune with your actions, thoughts, and feelings. The results will be well worth the effort when you let our intuition be your guide.Eva Gregory is the author of The Feel Good Guide to Prosperity.
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Keyword : tuning in, coaching, listening, attraction, positive, self improvement, Law Of Attraction, relax
