What is a Winner in Life?Someone who reaches their FULL POTENTIALHow do you reach your full potential?BELIEVE IN YOURSELF – USE CONSEQUENCE THINKING – BE OBJECTIVE WITH YOUR LIFE – PUT YOUR LIFE IN TO TRUE PERSPECTIVE – HAVE A DREAM – BE PERSISTENT – HAVE LOVE IN YOUR HEART1. BELIEVE IN YOURSELFYou must believe that you are a child of God, and you were born with gifts, talents, abilities, a life purpose and a life mission.2. USE CONSEQUENCE THINKINGUse consequence thinking with every choice you make. You must be aware of whether your choice or decision is taking you toward your potential or away from your potential. You must always be conscious of the consequences of your choices. You must look ahead when you make a choice and be fully aware of what can happen to your life if you make that choice.3. BE OBJECTIVEYou must be objective about your life, which means when you are living your life you must be able to stand back and look at your life, as if you were watching a movie of your own life. You must see where your choices are taking you and if they are not taking you toward your potential you must make changes.4. PUT YOUR LIFE INTO PERSPECTIVEYou must put your life into true perspective. (How you look at our life) When bad things happen, you can choose a bad attitude and destroy your life or you can use those negative things as motivation to have a better life. You must remember that all of our experiences in life are for the purpose of learning and growing and are opportunities to help us reach our potential.5. YOU MUST HAVE A DREAMYou must see in your mind your many possibilities and you must go for your dream. You must have goals and work toward them until you reach your potential.6. YOU MUST BE PERSISTENTYou must not let anything or anyone else, especially yourself, stop you from reaching your goals. If you have made mistakes you must believe that mistakes are ok if you learn from them. You must not be lazy. You need to make every moment of your life count in a positive way. Which means you must take all the opportunities life offers. Education is essential.7. YOU MUST FILL YOUR HEART WITH LOVEIf you reach your potential and lack love you will not be happy. You must first love God, and then yourself and finally you must learn to love others. You must love God because He is your Father and gave you your potential and will help you reach it. He knows what you are capable of and He is counting on you. You must love yourself because you are His child and you can do great things with your life. You must love others. It is one of God's commandments. When we care for others we find true happiness.We were sent here to fulfill a mission. First we must reach our own potential and then discover our life's purpose (which will always benefit someone else as well as ourselves) and finally we must fulfill our own mission. None of this can be accomplished without love in our hearts.*****BE A WINNER IN LIFE*****Eva Fry's mission is to help others become better and happier. She is an inspirational author, singer/songwriter/ motivational speaker and seminar leader. Eva has published three books -
"YOU MUST HAVE A DREAM" -for seniors,
"BE A WINNER IN LIFE"-for good kids, troubled kids and their parents.
"LETTERS FROM JUVENILE HALL, KIDS HELPING KIDS" (Actual letters from kids at Juvenile Hall, intended to save other kids from destroying their lives)
She invites you to use the FREE ARTICLES she has written for: at- risk kids
Also FREE ARTICLES of inspiration to help meet life's challenges.
She has produced 7 Music CD'sREMEMBER (new music for seniors),
THE LITTLE THINGS (inspirational country),
SAVIOR OF MINE – (Christian)
GOD GAVE YOU INTELLIGENCE (for children) CLASSICAL STYLE (instrumental)Her music and books can be purchased at http://www.evafry.com
Her books can also be ordered at any bookstore.Her articles have been published, all over the world.
Keyword : How To Be a Winner In Life, What is a Winner? Reach You Potential, Believe in Yourself, Potential